Anyway, the old president expressed strong support for this, and it is not ruled out that this plan was proposed by him.

Well, but speaking of the craftsman's workshop...

Recently, it seems that a new female craftsman has come. She is very beautiful and has attracted many idle hunters to watch.

As a result, the atmosphere in the craftsman's workshop is a bit subtle.

I don't know whether to say that the hunters are carefree or that they have long been accustomed to this kind of life. In short, the whole city has returned to its usual leisurely state from a state of nervousness and fear of enemies in just one day.

However, this is exactly what the old president wants.

He strolled on the city wall, looking at the relaxed warriors with a little smile on his face.

The reason why the disaster was so serious last time was largely due to lack of experience. First, the abnormality was discovered a week after the beast tide occurred, resulting in a large number of hunters who went out on missions being injured or even sacrificed. Later, it caused panic, causing the hunters to be nervous. In the first month, a large number of hunters were injured because of poor condition in battle. In addition, the supplies were not prepared in advance, which finally led to the tragedy.

And this time, as long as the hunters can maintain this relaxed mentality under the premise of maintaining discipline and deal with every battle in the best state, in fact, the beast tide is not that scary.

Of course, the premise is that this time the beast tide is also the same as the last time...


It will only be the same, after all, so far, everything is the same as the last time...


Accompanied by a dazzling flash, a loud noise came from the depths of the canyon.

The old president turned his head and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

A silver dragon with a metallic appearance was soaring into the sky.

The two horns on its head were as flawless as crystal.

The gem on its forehead burned with dazzling white flames.

The wings behind it slowly spread out, and the beautiful and crystal wings were more than a thousand meters long when spread out.

The slender dragon tail was hung with two long whiskers, glowing with a white rainbow-like luster.

The old president opened his mouth wide.

He had never seen such a beautiful and huge dragon in his life, but he definitely recognized that breath.

That was the monster in the deepest part of the canyon...

The monster that could scare the surrounding beasts to flee just by turning over in the cave.

And now, it woke up.

Not only did it wake up, but it also flew into the sky.

The next moment, accompanied by the loud and long dragon roar, tens of thousands of monsters took off into the air and began to flee frantically in all directions.

The old president was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he immediately shouted: "All hunters! Call everyone to gather! Something is wrong! Prepare to deal with the huge impact of monsters!"



In the depths of the dense forest, Jon Snow stood in the middle of a pile of corpses, looking at the giant beast in the sky, his face livid.

These corpses were those of the tyrant's lackeys before, but...

They were not killed by Jon Snow, nor by the giant beast, but all committed suicide.

At that time, Jon Snow was observing them in the dark, and was still wondering what this group of people were going to do when they stopped in front of the cave entrance.

As a result, he saw them suddenly draw their weapons in unison and slash their necks with knives.

Jon Snow was stunned at that time.

He couldn't figure out what these guys were doing, let alone rushing out to stop them from committing suicide.

But at that moment, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

And now, this premonition has really come true.

The blood of these guys seems to be the bait to awaken this giant beast.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the work of the Secret Sanctuary, but now it is being used in reverse.

Jon Snow looked at the dragon, and he finally found the nodes of the spell that he had been unable to find...

Those nodes are not in the cave, but all in the body of this dragon.

Now, he can see the true face of this spell.

The 136th experimental product of the Secret Sanctuary, the full name is - the harvest land of Milos.

Scope of application - land.

It should be like this.

As for the effect, it will endlessly absorb elemental spirits and magic power from the surrounding as nutrients to nourish the entire land.

It sounds beautiful, but it is actually a forbidden product. Thousands of years ago, after the ancient great mystic Milos created this spell, he tried to use it to create a fertile land that could feed the people of the world.

In fact, he did succeed in a short period of time, creating thousands of acres of divine fields with terrifying yields.

But in just ten years, this field was destroyed by his own hands.

As for the reason...

When Milos created this fertile field, he chose a place in the center of a fertile basin.

And now, the name of that place is called the Bone Burial Desert.

Of course, the spell in front of him was obviously a version that was weakened countless times from the original, but...

"Fuck, Carlo Ganar, I knew you were a lunatic, but I didn't expect you to be this crazy," Snow's eyebrows jumped wildly, "You crazy bastard, you actually stuffed this thing into your son's stomach?"

115. Stacking armor may not be useful, but it must be annoying

Liu Ji and Ya Yin had just dealt with a troublesome woman. They thought they could finally take a break after tossing around for a few days. They were thinking about whether to go to the Hunter's Guild to eat something. As a result, as soon as they left the barrier, they heard a long bell ringing over the city.

Then, they saw a group of hunters running out of the store in a hurry and heading out of the alley.

"Ka Li," Ya Yin shouted to Ka Lidora who was sitting in the store, "What's going on?"

"I don't know much," Ka Lidora jumped lightly and landed beside the two people, "I was listening to what they said before, the beast tide was different from what I imagined, and I felt there was nothing to worry about. As a result, someone suddenly came and said that a large wave of monsters was rushing towards this side."

At this moment, Guo Guo suddenly jumped down from the roof, waving his hands and shouting: "It's more than a large wave! The sky is full of flying dragons! You can see it from here!"

"This... Where is Mo Wente? Is he back?" Ya Yin asked.

"Not yet..." Before Ka Li finished speaking, Mo Wente suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside everyone.

"I just arrived, and the monsters outside started to riot," he said solemnly, "Ya Yin, you have to help them. There are too few mages here, and I'm afraid they can't hold on."

"Then let's go and take a look," Ya Yin said, calling Liu Ji, and ran out of the alley.

Now is not the time to hide, they and these hunters are grasshoppers on the same snake, once the defense line is breached, everyone will be in trouble.

After Liu Ji was stunned for half a second, he hurriedly followed.

Although I didn't understand what they were saying, there was always an atmosphere that seemed like they were going to fight, so I just followed them.

Liu Ji followed, and the potatoes naturally followed. Seven potato kids ran wildly on the street holding hunting weapons bought locally, looking quite serious.

Kalidora also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Mo Wente.

"Wait, Carly, go and help treat their wounded," said Mowente, "They are in great need of doctors, leave the front battlefield to us."

"But..." Kalidora wanted to say something, but was poked on the forehead by Mowente.

"Don't worry, we will be fine, Captain Xi Luo is still on the front line," Mowente said with a smile.

Kalidora was silent for a moment, and finally agreed. After telling Mowente a few more words, he went in the direction of the hunting guild.

Mowente looked at her back, gently stroked the two long swords on his waist, and disappeared again.



North Gate of Mir City.

The gate on this side faces the Monster Canyon. At this time, thousands of large and small monsters are shuttling back and forth in the surrounding woods. From time to time, flying monsters take advantage of the situation and dive towards the city, and then are directly shot down by giant crossbows.

But while the crossbow arrows shot down the monsters, they also attracted the attention and fear of more monsters, and attracted more attacks.

At this point, no one can tell whether it was because the hunters attacked the monsters with crossbow arrows that they retaliated, or whether some monsters attacked the city first and were attacked by crossbow arrows.

The monsters outside the city gate were also attacking the city wall.

The panicked monsters were forced to the outside of the city wall for various reasons. They wanted to cross the city wall and escape to the distance, but there were other monsters around and the wall in front of them.

Some monsters started to climb the city wall directly, trying to flip over this "big stone in the way", and some even just rammed their heads against the city wall, trying to ram a way out.

The hunters naturally couldn't let them succeed, so they could only allocate some city defense crossbows to deal with those fools who wanted to hit the wall, and then try their best to stop those monsters who wanted to climb the city wall.

During this period, hunters were injured in battle from time to time, but more of the deaths were various monsters.

But the corpses of these monsters piled outside the city gate attracted more monsters who wanted to eat the "buffet", including various very dangerous large monsters.

But in such a chaotic battlefield, the hunters' attacks were blind, and from time to time they would cause accidental injuries to the onlookers who just came to eat.

After being accidentally injured, these guys obviously did not intend to suffer a loss, and immediately turned their spearheads and participated in the siege of Mir City.

Vicious cycle.

A helpless vicious cycle.

As long as the conditions are extremely bad, no matter what you do, you will always be integrated into the spiral that makes the situation worse.

If this continues, the hunters will sooner or later be killed by more and more monsters here.

At this moment, someone must come out to break this downward spiral.

The hunters searched for Bumijak's figure, but for some reason, he never showed up.

They stared at him and waited for him to lead them to break the status quo, but...

No one knew where the man who was invincible in hunting had gone at this moment.

The battle situation was getting worse and worse. The number of monsters was increasing every moment. Bumigak had not appeared for a long time, which made the hunters' morale continue to decline.

Not only did Bumigak not appear, but even the old president and Luo Ye did not know where they went. The captains of several top hunting teams were trying to command the battle, but the effect was limited. It was far from enough to break the slump like being stuck in a quagmire.

But just at this moment, a worse situation appeared.

A giant ankylosaur rushed out of the dense forest.

The ankylosaur was covered with layers of thick shells, and its skull was triangular with three short but sharp horns.

Just lying down, the highest point of its back shell was higher than the city wall, and its body length was hundreds of meters long.

The moment the hunters saw it, their hearts sank at the same time.

That was the Earth Armored Emperor Dragon, one of the rarest and most powerful dragons in the Monster Canyon, and also the strongest earth dragon.

Although the top hunting team had successfully hunted the Earth Armored Emperor Dragon several times, its appearance in this chaotic battlefield was enough to be a heavy hammer that broke through the entire defense line.

For a moment, two top hunters from different teams gave instructions at the same time.

"City defense crossbow! Attack that big guy with all your strength! Don't let it come over!"

"Everyone! Don't hurt that ankylosaurus! Don't lure it to the battlefield!"

The two completely opposite instructions resounded on the city wall, and for a moment, all the hunters' actions stopped for a moment.

The next moment, the battle line became more and more chaotic.

Seeing that the ankylosaurus was getting closer and closer, the hunters still did not make a decent response.

The two top hunters gave instructions again, but this time, they shouted out the response method that the other party had just shouted at the same time.

The scene became more and more chaotic. In a panic, a stray arrow hit the ankylosaur's head. The enchanted crossbow arrow exploded with dazzling flames, but failed to leave the slightest damage to it. Instead, the ankylosaur roared angrily, pressed its sharp horns down, and rushed towards the city gate.

Now, the hunters were finally forced to unify their actions and used all their long-range firepower to attack the ankylosaur frantically.

However, whether it was a crossbow, a bow and arrow, a javelin, or an explosive arrow from a city defense crossbow, it was difficult to cause effective damage to it.

Although the penetrating crossbow arrow could penetrate its flesh and blood, its thick back shell was a natural external armor. After the crossbow arrow penetrated the shell, the remaining power was not enough to cause serious injuries to the ankylosaur. Instead, it would only make it more angry because of the pain, and the speed of the charge became faster and faster.

Seeing that the ankylosaur had rushed to a position only a hundred meters away from the city wall, the hunters had no way to stop the ankylosaur's charge.

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