They watched the sword slowly emerge from the ground.

First the tip of the sword, then the blade, and finally the guard, the hilt...

Then, a yellow hand emerged from the ground.

The soldiers looked at the hand and were all stunned.

Although they had no independent thinking ability, they were not fools. They could actually understand what this scene meant.

The owner of this hand took away their commander's sword.

Whether it was stealing, robbing, or... did the owner of the hand kill their commander?

They didn't know which one it was.

But it didn't matter, they didn't care.

They only knew that the enemy appeared.

Then, they finally had a clear action to take!

In an instant, this army of thousands of people instantly deployed a battle formation.

The shield guard stepped forward, the priest covered the shield, the archer shot their bows and arrows, and the mage began his own chant.

However, at this moment, the hand and the sword suddenly retracted, leaving only the tip of the sword outside.

Then, the sword began to "run".

Just buried in the ground, it quickly jumped out in one direction.

Seeing this, a black-armored general took action instantly and jumped directly from the air to the escaping sword tip.

However, the next moment, the long sword suddenly broke out of the ground, and a yellow humanoid creature with a bare upper body and very round lines swung a long sword and slashed at him.

A dark crack appeared in the air, and with just one knife, the black-armored general was cut in half.


He shrank back again.

He continued to run around in the army formation with only the tip of the sword exposed.

For a while, the whole cave was in chaos, and the tyrant's troops kept changing their formations, trying to catch this annoying guy out of the ground.

But, they didn't notice.

At the end of their formation, a long knife suddenly stabbed out, stabbed a soldier to death, and then instantly dragged his body into the ground without leaving a trace.

On the other side, a short knife was inserted into the back of a soldier.

On the other side, the barb of a giant axe pierced a soldier's heart...

On the other side, two short knives...

On the last side, a stick stabbed into a soldier's buttocks, causing him to bounce up.

But when he looked back at the ground, there was nothing but the smooth ground.

127. Two-in-one When you find a cockroach, it means...

"Ha... huh..." Misa yawned very exaggeratedly, turned over on the recliner, and looked outside the city wall.

Not far outside the city wall, the tyrant was still standing there, with his arms folded, looking at the chaotic giant in front of him with an annoyed face.

He had been tossing there for several hours, using all the means he could, such as burning, burying, crushing and tearing, but the thing was not only not destroyed, but it became bigger and bigger. It is now estimated to be 150 to 160 meters high and nearly 300 meters wide. It is a squirming mountain of flesh and bones, which is really a bit nauseating to look at.

"Hey, why don't you stop messing around and I'll bury it for you?" Mass shouted, "Out of sight, out of mind, and save energy, how about that?"

The Tyrant looked back at him, then turned his head back and messed with the thing in front of him with a new method.

Mass looked at him, feeling a little strange.

He always felt that the Tyrant didn't just want to kill this thing, but seemed to be doing some kind of experiment.

"Well, time reversal type regeneration ability?" Mass thought.

Obviously, this ability does not come from Red Moon.

This is very strange. It is said that Red Moon will decompose nutrients into pure nutrients, and then reorganize them in its own way. Any special abilities that nutrients had before should not be retained.

But what is even more strange is that with such an ability, even after being skeletonized by Red Moon, it can still retain this ability. How did the predecessor of this "nutrient" die?

It can't be that it was left wandering around in the desert and died of sleepiness without food or water, right?

Struggling on the lifeline of half-death because of lack of food and water, even if he could reverse time, he would still be closer to death and finally be swallowed by the desert?


Unexpectedly, there is some rationality.

But, he should have been able to sense the existence of this guy in advance, right?

Or could he avoid his perception?

Can he keep hiding when he is half-dead?

Then, can such a person die of thirst in the desert?

Since the last time the tyrant cleared the desert, even bone monsters will not appear in other places except near this city. Can this trap him to death?

And the tyrant will not care about him and wait for him to die of thirst?

None of this makes sense...

Hmm, but there are other possibilities.

If this effect is not achieved by the desert itself, then it can only be the work of the only "enclave".

Looking at the tyrant's back, the corners of Misa's mouth slightly raised.

Now, things are really interesting...



On a mountain peak that is who knows how far away from Mir City.

With a chaotic phase wind, Jon Snow and his group suddenly appeared from about three meters above the ground and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

As soon as he landed, Osa vomited.

Not only him, but everyone else, except Jon Snow, also looked unhappy.

Obviously, being carried thousands of miles away by a chaotic phase storm is not a comfortable thing.

But compared to this purely physiological reaction, what makes everyone more uncomfortable is...

How to say...

Although no one wants to think so, based on the information they have at present, there is no doubt that they have just lost two important companions.

Guoguo shrank to the side of the coniferous tree, hugged her knees, buried her head, and huddled into a ball.

Kalidora sat beside her, took her in her arms, and gently stroked her hair.

Jilunini punched the rock beside him, creating a nearly ten-meter-wide crack on the hard rock.

Xiluo sat on the ground dejectedly, silent.

Mowente sighed.

Snow stood in the middle of the crowd, looking up at the sky, clenching his fists tightly, almost bleeding.

Nothing can be done.

Nothing can be changed.

The only way to survive is to abandon your companions and run away.

The deep sense of powerlessness made people almost breathless.

Silence spread in the air.

No one wanted to speak, and no one knew what to say.

It was not the first time they witnessed the departure of their companions, but this time was different.

Just now, they had hope because the king's knight was defeated, but now, in order to survive, they crushed this hope with their own hands.

But just when this silence seemed to continue endlessly, suddenly, a small flying dragon fell from the sky and hit the rock wall beside everyone.

Accompanied by muffled sounds and screams, the flying dragon and the knight behind it fell from a height at the same time.

Hearing someone screaming, Xi Luo reacted almost instinctively, jumped up, and caught the person falling from the sky.

As for his dragon...

With a snap, the flying dragon fell to the ground. Judging from the neck that was only connected to a layer of skin, it should have died in the air.

"Ah, that, thank you?" The knight caught by Xiluo was a little dazed, but soon, he noticed the dragon corpse beside him, and immediately panicked. While shouting a word that sounded like the name of the flying dragon, he rolled and crawled to the side of the dragon corpse.

Seeing the fatal wound on the dragon's neck, his tears fell on the spot, and he hugged the dragon corpse and cried for a while.

Looking at his appearance, Xiluo felt a little complicated.

She didn't know what happened today, why did she always encounter such things.

At this moment, the knight seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his head suddenly, and shouted loudly: "No! You guys hide quickly! That guy is chasing us!"

"That guy?" Xiluo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly heard a sharp long whistle from behind.

Turning his head, he saw a man wearing brown light armor, holding a long spear, wearing a cloak on his back, and riding a pterosaur swooping down from the air.

Xiluo recognized that outfit.

No, it should be said that everyone present recognized it.

That's the Tyrant's pterosaur cavalry!

Why are there pterosaur cavalry here?

Have they been teleported back to the other side of the desert?

I don't know, but I came at the right time...

Just right, she was looking for something to vent.

With the long sword unsheathed and the wings spread, Xi Luo turned into a white flash and split the pterosaur cavalry in half with one sword.

However, she was stunned by the scene before she even finished the sword.

She suddenly found that there was a city at the foot of the mountain.

A city with a scale of tens of square kilometers.

In Xi Luo's impression, a city of this scale is already a very rare large city.

Moreover, on the other side of the desert, a city of this scale has completely become history with the destruction of Dragon City.

In other words, this place is undoubtedly still the other side of the desert.


At this moment, the sky above this city is full of pterosaur knights.



Mil City, Yuntai.

Ya Yin is still holding Liu Ji in a daze.

Next to her, there was a pile of barbecue and beer, but she didn't eat a single bite.

These were sent by the hunters. In fact, they were holding a grand celebration, and the whole city was bustling with singing and dancing.

During this period, they also wanted to invite their "heroes" to participate, but they only found Ya Yin, who was holding a pot of strange potato sprouts.

The hunters were a little confused at first. They didn't know why they won the battle, but Ya Yin had such an expression.

Fortunately, some hunters saw Liu Ji turned into a potato in the end. After explaining to each other, the hunters made a "reasonable guess".

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