"I knew it was going to turn out like this."

Ling Ye couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the scene in front of him, and said with some helplessness.

Originally, everything was finally over, all the people who should be saved were saved, and the future things were basically all put on the itinerary, and the relationship between the Destiny Anti-Entropy and St. Freya Academy has eased a lot, in this case, it should be very common and common to invite guests to eat or something, but Ling Ye never expected that so many people would come!

Now in front of Ling Ye, in addition to his companions who used to be in St. Freya's Academy, there are also the companions of the Immortal Blade Squad of Destiny, the ally and the doctor of anti-entropy, Kokolia and the children of the orphanage, stargazing and brownies in the other world, and they are naturally there.

Of course, these are not the points where Ling Ye feels a headache, what he really feels is the current situation, and he sees that he is in a very wonderful situation.

On his left hand side are Siegfried Cecilia and Raiden Ryoma, while on the right hand side are Otto and Walter, and sure enough, Otto came to rub the rice, but it was precisely because Otto rushed over that Ling Ye and Bud Yi prepared everyone's meals.

I have to say that if you remove the bad things that Otto did for his obsession, this man is simply perfect! Even Ling Ye couldn't help but imagine if she were a girl......... Wait, what a mess you're thinking!

After throwing away all the things in his head, Ling Ye sorted out his thoughts and arranged for everyone to sit down, things were similar to what he imagined, a table could not sit down at all, so St. Freya Academy, Destiny and Anti-Entropy were divided into three parts, Kokolia also divided a table because of many children, and Stargazing and Prime Minister Rita were different in St. Freya's Destiny two tables, and Brownie was at Kokolia's table, it can be seen that her life in the Kokolia orphanage is not bad.

Then the worst came, Ling Ye didn't know why, anyway, I don't know why, I want to be at a table with Otto Walt Zigfei and Raiden Ryoma, just thinking about his head is big!

He originally wanted to pull Aldrich over to block the knife, but was not healed by Isar because Aldrich's injuries had not healed, and in order to imitate someone who often fled, his body recovered very slowly, in order to prevent him from doing something stupid, he forcibly left him at the table of Destiny, and sat with the guy who claimed to be his fan.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, Ling Ye always feels that this guy seems to be very familiar, but suddenly he can't remember why he is very familiar, that is, he feels like someone he knows.

Forget it, what do you want to do so much? The main thing for me now is how to break this deadlock in front of me! Being in this place yourself is simply redundant............

"Then I said, I should be able to start eating, everyone, there is no need to look at each other all the time and do nothing, it makes me a little hungry."

Ling Ye finally put on a smiling face and looked at the four people in front of him and said, really never dreamed that these four people could sit at a table, or such a strange atmosphere, of course, Ling Ye did not dare to say anything more to lift the misunderstanding and what the wrongs should not be solved or not, unless his brain was funny, these people can sit here like this or look at his loss of face, Ling Ye will not do anything to give a face.

"Do you want to find a topic?"

Ling Ye looked at the four people and said carefully.

Walter was the first to see Ling Ye's difficulties, so he took the initiative to break the silence and said.

"Speaking of which, I do have something I have always wanted to ask you about time travel..."

"This thing does exist, Mr. Walter, but I'm sorry, even now I don't know how I did it."

Ling Ye shook his head at Walter and said, he knew what Walter meant, just as he had people who wanted to go back to the past to save, Walter also had it, but it was a pity that the power of the ring had been used up, and the time and place that had been collected at that time seemed impossible to collect now.

"Is that so..." After

hearing Ling Ye's words, Walter's expression couldn't help but feel a little lost, but at this time Ling Ye said again.

"Although my method of traveling back in time doesn't work anymore, there may be another way to achieve a similar effect, Mr. Walter, have you heard of the Law of Time?"

"The Law of Knowledge?"

Walter thought for a moment, and then asked in an uncertain tone: "The eighth lawyer, the law of knowledge?"

"No... No, although he claims to be the thirteenth point five, he should be the fourteenth lawyer, the law of time.

Ling Ye looked at Walter and said in a very firm tone.

"I'll explain this for you."

As soon as Ling Ye's voice fell, Otto interjected in time.

"We all know that in the literature left by the pre-civilization, there are fourteen lawyers, in order, they should be the law of reason, the law of emptiness, the law of thunder, the law of wind, the law of ice, the law of death, the law of inflammation, the law of knowledge, the law of rock, the law of domination, the law of restraint, the law of erosion, the thirteenth law, and finally the law of the end. Except for the most mysterious thirteenth law and the most powerful final lawyer so far, we know most of the abilities of other lawyers, but this time I want to talk about the fourteenth law that has never been recorded in any kind of literature: the law of time.

Otto said as he picked up the red wine bottle on the side, filled the glass in front of him with red wine and distributed it to Walter and the others, but what Ling Ye got was a whole bottle of juice.

"The Law of Time, indeed, like its name, holds the power of time, and to what extent it can be achieved, it is not clear, if you want to introduce it, you need to introduce another friend, a former warrior of civilization: Irusqing."

Speaking of this, Otto glanced at Ling Ye, who was gambling and drinking a sip of juice, and when he saw Otto looking at him, he also immediately added: "Irus Qing is the former civilization's law of time. Speaking

of this, the three of Walter fell silent collectively, and finally Siegfried broke the situation first.

"I've heard Cecilia say something about these things, and Iruth has the same powers as you, right?"

Zigfei looked at Ling Ye and asked, and Ling Ye also nodded.

"Well, my power is called free space, at first I only thought it was a spatial power, but only now I understand that the power of free space is not just space, it only needs to meet conditions, it can create any power."

Ling Ye said while condensing a golden cube in his hand.

"But Irusqing's free space is stronger than mine, and Irusqing's own strength is also an unknown and terrifying strength, even people like Kevin absolutely recognize his strength."

Ling Ye said, he withdrew the free space in his hand and sighed.

"I don't even know what I should say, I can have today thanks to Elusqing! If it weren't for him, I would have become like another me.

Speaking of this, Ling Ye glanced at Otto, who just smiled and shook his head, and then explained the relationship between him and Irusqing with Walter and the others.

The amount of information received for a while was a bit large, and Ziegfried and others still needed time to adjust, but Walter spoke first.

"That is to say, in fact, everything that has happened until now, that Irus Qing has already foreseen?"

"It's not bad, or rather, there can be no accidents."

Otto nodded and replied to Walter's doubts, and Walter couldn't help but look startled after receiving an affirmative answer.

"Was it already foreseen more than 50,000 years ago that what would happen more than 50,000 years later? Can you ask, what is the "Stigmata Project" and the "Beings Project"?

After completely digesting the news, Raiden Ryoma asked first.

"The so-called "Stigmata Project", simply explained by sacrificing the vast majority of people in exchange for the survival of a very small number of people, this plan may redefine humanity, redefine Honkai, and it is a terrible plan."

Walter recalled what he had seen and heard in the Quantum Sea, and then he explained to Raiden Ryoma.

"And the "plan of beings" is essentially as cruel as the stigmata plan, the executor will become the king of all mankind, become a living being to face the collapse, which means that he needs to bear the pain of all mankind, and everything about all mankind is also a terrible plan."

As soon as Walter's voice fell, Otto just said the general content of the "Beings Plan", and at the same time, he glanced at Ling Ye without a trace, and this glance made Ling Ye feel a chill in his spine.

"But what I know is only the first version of the plan, not the final version, according to the description of that friend, the first version of the plan has been abolished, because the person who originally implemented the plan did not want to save mankind, and the content of the "living beings plan" that is now circulating is estimated to be known only to the one who is the snake of the world."

"The "Beings Project" is actually a God-making plan! It's not that scary, but it's definitely not a good plan. No

one spoke, but suddenly came a slightly immature young voice, and without waiting for the five people to react, I saw a hand suddenly join the battle situation, pick up chopsticks, and put a piece of meat into my mouth.

"Hmm........................ Well! The taste is still that taste, and I knew I wouldn't learn to cook. The

five people looked at the source of this hand: they saw that Starry Night didn't know when he appeared next to Ling Ye, and in his hand was Ling Ye's bowl and chopsticks.

The sudden appearance of Starry Night frightened Ling Ye Walter and Raiden Ryoma jumped, and even Ling Ye did not feel when he came over, let alone Walter and Raiden Ryoma, and Otto and Ziegfei, one because they had already guessed, and the other had already seen Starry Night under Cecilia's introduction, so the two of them did not seem very surprised.

"Why are you all looking at me? You wouldn't be polite if you didn't eat me. Feeling

that everyone's eyes were all focused on him, Starry Night took some dishes into his bowl and said, and only after he ate all the food in the bowl did he solemnly introduce himself.

"Introduce yourself, my code name is: I don't have a code name for the time being, I can be regarded as a cadre of half the world snake."

After Xingye finished speaking, he clamped a few pieces of meat into his bowl and ate them without hesitation, and Ling Ye, who was watching on the side, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"No, there is no code name for the time being, can it be called a code name? You boy............ Wait, why do I see you as familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, your face seems to be very familiar. Well............ Silvery-white hair, Shanyat? Kaslanna? No, no, the eyes are black, it won't be a half-blood, right? Ling

Ye originally wanted to complain about something, but when he saw the appearance of Starry Night clearly, a cordial and familiar feeling surged in his heart, but he just couldn't figure out why he felt like this, his brain was broken?

"You're smarter than you look, I'm indeed half-blood."

Xingye looked at Ling Ye and said, he was not afraid that his identity would be known by Ling Ye, after all, now he has made all the preparations, even if he is discovered by Ling Ye, it is a big deal to use the key of all living beings to have a father's filial piety and beat him to amnesia, anyway, this kind of thing has been dreamed of more than once.

"The 'plan for all beings' is a god-making plan, what's going on?"

Unlike Ling Ye, Walter was more concerned about the sentient plan, originally the "Stigmata Project" had shocked him enough, but when he learned about the "Stigmata Project", I don't know why he felt that to some extent, the "Beings Project" was more terrifying and uncontrollable than the "Stigmata Project".

"Well, it's all a waste case anyway, and the enforcer has long been cut down by the Law of the Final Law 50,000 years ago, and the projection left behind is not even willing to see me, and this plan is likely to blow up."

Xingye said, while taking a large sip of Ling Ye's juice, and then put the cup back and continued to pick dishes, as if he had not eaten.

"All in all, I'm here to see it on behalf of the snake of the world now, old......... The Venerable Lord refused to come over, and the silver fox was still in special training, so only I was idle!

After that, Starry Night waved to Walter and the others with a smile.

"There are still five spare executors of the 'Beings Plan', for some reason I can't say which five, but I can tell you very responsibly, extermination......... Ah no, these five people will not carry out this plan by themselves, who will carry out such a pit plan? It's not good to lie at home and put it on every day.

After that, Starry Night also glanced at Ling Ye on the side, as if he meant something, and Ling Ye's side, although Starry Night did not indicate who the five executors were, he could guess that there must be himself, or this did not need to guess, at that time Kevin almost pointed to his nose and said that he let himself carry out the "plan of beings".

Since Ling Ye came back, he found that he still didn't know much about many things in this world, the memories he had about Honkai were too one-sided, he was just taking a little advantage, no one knew what the future would become, and Ling Ye now just wanted to make the future what he wanted, that's all.

"Well, this kind of topic is still here, although it is difficult to reproduce such an occasion now, but after all, the main purpose of today is not to talk about things such as work stance, and occasionally give yourself a vacation!"

Originally, Walter wanted to ask something, but it wasn't until Otto opened his mouth that Walter stopped his curiosity.

On the one hand, today is really not the right time, on the other hand, some things cannot be brought to the surface too early, after all, the destiny of heaven may not be the enemy of anti-entropy for Ling Ye, but Otto may not say, no one can handle this troublesome man yet.

"It's still Lord Bishop who knows everything, don't talk about work today, just eat."

As Starry Night spoke, he constructed a chair and sat on the side, continuing to eat without distractions.

On the other side, the Saint Freya Academy also seemed to fall into a kind of death-like silence.

"My generation is just telling the whole story of the past, Ru and others don't have to be like this, if Mr. Assassin really had two hearts, there would be no such scene as today."

I saw stargazing gently shaking the feather fan, and said with a hint of strategizing.

"Speaking of which, my generation has heard Mr. Assassin call names like Kiana and Paramecium 785 times when he was asleep, and even my generation would envy such thoughts."



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