"It seems that the door of this relic still cannot be broken by brute force, and if brute force is used to break it, it may still cause damage or even disappearance of the items in the ruin, and if you want to crack it, you still have to use the space system ability, or find the key."

After a few people carefully observed the gate of the ruins, Fu Hua put forward his own guess, thinking of the previous incident, what Fu Hua said was very credible, so everyone turned their eyes to Ling Ye again, but Ling Ye shook his head this time.

"There is no way, although there is an atmosphere behind this door that makes me feel very familiar and familiar, but this door itself I can't parse, this is completely different from the barrier just now."

"Not only that, this groove here should be where the key is placed."

As soon as Ling Ye's words were finished, Kamisato Lianxue pointed to a square groove in the middle of the ruins gate and said.

"Is there a groove here? How did you not notice before? Hearing

the words of Shenlian Lianxue, Cheng Lixue immediately came to the gate of the ruins to check, and upon closer inspection, he found that there was indeed a groove, but due to the color matching and design of the ruins gate, this groove was very difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"And not only that, there is obviously a groove here, but it can't put any object, and it seems to have an innate repulsion."

At this time, Shenli Lianxue said again, and then Cheng Lixue also tried to put his hand on the groove, strange this groove can obviously be seen, but the hand can not reach in, Cheng Lixue, who does not believe in evil, tried a few more times, and the result was still the same.

"It seems that this door does require a specific key to open, so let's look for clues nearby."

Fu Hua also tried on the groove, but soon found that even she could not put her hand into the groove.

"Do you want to try the collapse energy of the space system?"

At this time, Cheng Lixue thought of Ling Ye, and now it seems that Ling Ye is indeed their only hope, after all, except for Ling Ye, there is no space system collapse energy owner here.

"Then I'll try it."

Ling Ye also felt that his Avalanche Energy might have some effect, and then he came to the groove and stretched out his hand, and at the same time injected his own Avalanche Energy, however, it was still useless.

"It seems that you still have to find the key!"

Seeing that even Ling Ye couldn't open the door, Cheng Lixue couldn't help but sigh and said.

"Could it be, this is not just such a ruin, maybe the key is hidden somewhere else."

At this time, Kamisato Lianxue spoke again, although what she said was very reasonable, but finding this relic was originally because of an accident plus a little luck value bonus, and maybe the location of the key is not in Anhui, but in another city? Could it be that the entire Shenzhou should be carefully searched! Not to mention whether it can be found, this investment of energy and time is definitely not a small amount, if the things in the ruins cannot be returned, then it will not be a blood loss!

"What should I do?"

Just as everyone began to think, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from Ling Ye's mind: "You stupid." "


Ling Ye was startled by this sudden sound, and then he looked around and found that there was no one else, and Fu Hua and the others didn't seem to hear this sound.

"System, did you just hear something?"

"Of course I heard, stupid host, it seems that the owner of this relic has already calculated everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Hmph, think for yourself."

After speaking, the system stopped talking, and did not speak no matter how Ling Ye called.

"It seems that the key should be on the spot, or there are other ways to open the door, otherwise the system would not say so."

After looking around, Ling Ye used the free space as a probe again to explore, but still did not gain anything.

"It's pretty clever."

At this time, the voice sounded again, but compared to the first time, Ling Ye was already mentally prepared in his heart.

"TNND, the Riddler get out of Gotham City! You can't just say it! Don't be discovered by me Xiaoye, otherwise Xiaoye I will come up and move you..."

Speaking of this, Ling Ye was suddenly stunned, and then he looked at the groove in the gate of the ruins.

Space capability, square groove......

"I see!"

At this time, Ling Ye suddenly shouted, which attracted the attention of Fu Hua and the others who were exploring nearby.

"What do you understand?"

Fu Hua came to Ling Ye's side and asked, and at the same time Cheng Lixue and Shenlian Lianxue also came to Ling Ye's side.

"I'm not sure, but I should try."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he saw him come to the gate of the ruins and raise his arm, and then a golden cube appeared above his palm, which was the manifestation of his free spatial power.

Then, Ling Ye put the golden cube in his hand into the groove, and put it in without the slightest resistance, and then the golden cube became larger under Ling Ye's control until it filled the entire groove.


Seeing this scene, Ling Ye couldn't help but say softly, and then saw him take a step back and look at the ruins gate embedded in the golden cube.

Under the gaze of Ling Ye and others, the next moment, the gate completely absorbed the golden cube, and golden patterns spread throughout the gate from the groove in the middle, and with a crunch, the door slowly opened inward.

"It worked!"

Seeing the gate open, Ling Ye was also relieved, it turned out that the key to this gate was a golden cube formed by his own free space power......... Wait, it seems that something is wrong?

Ling Ye's doubts had not yet arisen, but he saw that the space around him was distorted, and then the light around the four people suddenly disappeared, and the four people did not know when they were taken to a completely strange place.

After a while, the light appeared again, and only then did Ling Ye and the others see the current situation clearly.

Everyone appeared in a place full of stone walls, and it was pitch black above, and even Cheng Lixue couldn't see anything with a flashlight.

Ling Ye also took out one of his Void Daggers and threw it up, but the Void Dagger was actually completely absorbed by the darkness above, and Ling Ye also lost the connection with the Void Dagger.

"What the hell is this!"

Ling Ye was a little shocked, you know, he had never lost the connection with the Void Dagger.

"The darkness above seems to be a spatial permission, but it seems to be more advanced than my spatial ability, everyone be careful."

Ling Ye immediately said to Fu Hua and the others, and Fu Hua and the others also nodded after hearing Ling Ye's words.

Then Ling Ye tried it again with his own free space, and found that although the golden cube was not absorbed by the darkness above, his control over the golden cube was weakened a lot.

"In this case, there is no way to escape, since the other party forcibly brought us in, the only way to do this is to move forward."

Fu Hua spoke again, and the rest of them nodded, and then walked forward.

The space inside the ruins is still very large, I don't know if it is because of the space ability, the visual distance of everyone is only about ten meters, and the distance between the two stone walls around them is at least twenty meters, and I don't know how far ahead.

In this way, Ling Ye and the others walked forward for a long time, and during this time, Ling Ye also wanted to destroy this wall, but even if he opened the artificial caving with the big sword, he could not leave a single scratch on this wall.

"How long will it take?"

Ling Ye said a little impatiently, there was only one corridor in this secret realm that did not know how long it was, and everyone could not even feel the passage of time, so they did not know how long and how far they had walked.

"This ruin, there is something strange."

At this time, Fu Hua stopped and looked around, the wall had never changed, the scenery around had never changed, and she even had some doubts about whether they had been standing still.

"Ling Ye, can you use your spatial ability to teleport forward?"

At this time, Fu Hua suddenly asked, and Ling Ye also nodded after listening to it.

"Although this place really suppresses my free space, I can still do the most basic space flash, although it will be very troublesome."

After speaking, Ling Ye took a deep breath, she felt that the distance she could move instantly had been reduced to only about one meter, and the interval between them had risen to at least five seconds or so, although this relic was said to be a space ruin, but it was aimed at the space system collapse energy users everywhere.

After a while, Ling Ye made a spatial flash, five seconds later, a second spatial flash, then another five seconds and another use, and Ling Ye only moved five meters in twenty seconds.

"What a hassle!"

After doing this, Ling Ye turned his head and found that Fu Hua and the others were actually looking at him behind him, as if he had never moved.

"How is it possible!"

Ling Ye said a little in disbelief, but soon he found out that this was the truth.

"What's wrong? Lingye.

At this time, Kamisato Lianxue noticed that Ling Ye's expression was not very good, and hurriedly came to Ling Ye's side and looked at Ling Ye with concern and asked.

"I just used five spatial flashes, but the distance between us has not increased in the slightest."

Ling Ye looked at Shenlian Xue and the others and said, only then did everyone understand the seriousness of the matter, as if they were really standing still.

"Ghost hit the wall, this is."

Ling Ye couldn't help but say, while Fu Hua shook his head.

"No, maybe this is also one of the puzzles, which requires a special solution."

Fu Hua thought about it, but did not think of any good way, now this space seems to be imprisoned, the ability of the space system is basically invalid, and they have been standing still.

"How about we try to go in the opposite direction?"

At this time, Ling Ye suddenly remembered something and said, and when he heard Ling Ye's words, Fu Hua couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"We have always been moving in one direction together, but the result is that we have been standing still, and I just used the spatial flash without widening the distance between us, but when Sister Lianxue just walked towards me, she was obviously close to me and away from you, do we need to go in different directions to be able to.................."

Ling Ye's words were not finished, but Fu Hua and the others had already understood what he meant.

"Now it seems that this is probably the only way, although it may be a little dangerous, but if you don't try, you may be stuck in this kind of place for the rest of your life."

Fu Hua analyzed it and decided to stick to Ling Ye's idea, and Ling Ye also nodded.

"Then I'll go this way with Sister Lianxue."

"Lixue and I will go this way."

After that, the four of them divided into two groups and moved forward in opposite directions, three steps and one turn.

Although the visible range in front of the four people is still only about ten meters, the road between the four people is clearly visible, I don't know how long they walked, until Ling Ye couldn't see Fu Hua and Cheng Lixue at all, and could no longer feel their breath.

"It seems that if you do this, you can indeed widen the distance, although it is not enough to stand still, but..." Ling

Ye looked ahead again.

"When is it a head!"

"Be patient, we have no other way now but to move forward."

Seeing that Ling Ye was a little anxious, although Shenli Lianxue's own heart was not comfortable, she still chose to comfort Ling Ye, and took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket and put it on Ling Ye's hand.

"Let's eat a piece of chocolate if you're in a bad mood, I used to do it every time I was in a bad mood when I was a child."

Looking at the chocolate in his hand, and then at the Kamisato Lianyue in front of him, Ling Ye instantly felt that most of the anxiety in his heart disappeared, and then nodded to Kamisato Lianyue.

"Well, you're right, Sister Lianxue."

Without waiting for Lian Xue to answer, Ling Ye heard a sound of gears turning and a strange clicking sound, and the next moment a slender mechanical arm stretched out from the darkness behind Ling Ye and smashed towards Ling Ye, Ling Ye subconsciously wanted to use the space flash, but his current distance was too short to dodge the range of this attack, and the blur and shield could not be used, Ling Ye seemed unable to cope with this sudden blow.

"Thunderflash! Frost extinguished! "

As the cold voice sounded, I saw a flash of light, and Shenli Lianxue appeared in front of Ling Ye and repelled this mechanical arm with a sword

.................. ..................


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