In fact, Yutong tried to take a bath in lightning for a few seconds.

Because when he acquired Akeno's ability, he also got a label of"Lightning Resistance".

So, Yutong wanted to experience it firsthand to see how much damage resistance can reduce.

But in the end, the damage reduction brought by lightning resistance did not surprise Yutong too much. Under the dual effects of resistance and dragon scales, it only reduced the paralysis he suffered.

"Well, now that we have tested it, let's start the counterattack."

Borrowing the power of lightning, Yutong was also able to fly into the sky, and he chose a higher position than Akeno. It may also be convenient for overlooking the entire map.

"Taste my own tricks, Akeno-sister!"

A huge thunderbolt struck down! And its power and momentum were more than one level stronger than Akeno's.

Akeno in the air had nowhere to hide because of the lack of magic power. Perhaps she never dreamed that she would meet someone with the same ability to fight! Moreover, this person's magic resistance was ridiculously high, and he moved to an unexpected place with his ultimate move.

Just when the thunderbolt was about to hit Akeno, a black and red destructive force appeared, instantly dispersing the powerful lightning.

"Oh? Are you finally going to make a move?"

Yutong looked at Rias who had just finished releasing a skill in the distance with interest and said

"Humph! Just watching the master without fighting is not a qualified king! After all, in chess, the king can move and attack!"

It is undeniable that the king can attack in chess.

But compared to the chessboard, the devil who turned into the king is much more powerful than the king.

Because of the full magic power, the long red hair behind Rias fluttered, and the destructive magic power overflowed from her body. Yutong finally understood the origin of the name"Red Haired Killer Princess"

"This is the woman I like!"

Yu Tong laughed, and then she also condensed the magic power of destruction in her hands.

Rias raised her hand and waved a red wave of destruction, which was also her specialty.

Similarly, Yu Tong punched out! The huge fist of destruction smashed down.

For a moment, the whole world was filled with black and red. Everything in the entire game space was destroyed.

"Yutong, although your total magic power far exceeds mine, it is no exaggeration to say that it is massive!"

"Is praising your opponent during a fight a psychological tactic?"

"Although there is a positive meaning in it, I just want to teach you a lesson!"

Lias's mouth curled up slightly. Yutong immediately realized that something was wrong!

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The destructive magic power emitted by Lias gradually condensed into a cone! And the surface of the cone was infected with a layer of black color.

"Let me show you which is stronger, the refined magic power or your loose state!"

After saying this, Rias began to exert her strength!

The tip of the vertebra pierced into the Fist of Destruction, and then rushed forward and dispersed it!

A large amount of destructive power lost the control of its owner and disappeared into the air.

There was nothing to defend against in front of Yutong!

At the same time, Akeno, Yuto, and Koneko all launched a counterattack at the same time!

It turned out that they were not hanging up, but silently waiting for Rias's signal to unite and give Yutong the most fatal blow!

"Oh, this is a virtual space anyway. Even if you get hurt, it will only hurt for a while at most! It's no big deal, right?"

Regarding Zhu Nai's idea, Yu Tong only wanted to say one thing:"Sister Zhu Nai, you look so gentle, but your heart is black!"

That's right. After a period of getting along, Yu Tong found that Zhu Nai was a potential queen with a serious but equally well-hidden black belly. The fierce destructive force submerged herself in it.

High-speed regeneration and various defense methods of the body began to work, so that Yu Tong did not directly turn into blue data in the first wave of attacks.

To be honest, this is the first time that Yu Tong has been injured so seriously since she came to this world.

Of course, do you think the attack is over? No! This is just the beginning.....

At one time, lightning washed her face, the magic sword chopped, and the kitten's fists attacked, one after another, raining down on Yutong.

This set of combined punches lasted for about a minute.

So much so that Aisha below subconsciously covered her eyes and dared not to look.

Finally, everyone released the final attack at once. The powerful kitten punched Yutong down from the sky.


Yutong fell to the ground like a cannonball, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust.

According to the law of smoke without injury, Yutong would not be defeated so easily. Behind the thick smoke, a purple light flashed!

The ring in her hand emitted an evil light. Yutong half-knelt on the ground, and the center of the landing area

"Since you want to show off yourself so much, let me see how strong you are!"

Instantly, the ring on Yutong's hand began to split and turned into something like a stream of water. Gradually covering the entire left arm, all the way to the shoulder.

"Tears of the Saint, heal me!"

Six blue water droplets appeared on his right hand and wrist.

The water droplets were arranged in a ring on Yutong's wrist and rotated back and forth.

One water drop entered his body, two, three!

Four water drops merged into Yutong's body in succession. His wounds began to heal slowly.


Then, everyone's heart skipped a beat!

They thought they had already won, but they didn't expect that the nightmare had just begun.

"Tyrant mode, on!"

With Yutong's order, the black substance on his arm began to spread all over his body. It quickly took shape!

The smoke and dust dissipated......Two red lights shone through the smoke.

Then, they saw a dark figure standing in it.

He was wearing non-reflective black armor and a dragon-shaped helmet on his head. His eyes emitted a strange red light. His mouth was open, and white gas was coming out of it.

Behind him, a scarlet cloak, as if he had just walked down from the battlefield and was stained with the blood of countless enemies, gradually fluttered with the surging air and strong winds.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the weapons in his hands.

They were two sharp and ferocious chainsaws! Under the dim sky, they could still reflect the cold light.

"this.....This is?"

"Could it be the forbidden hand of the divine weapon?"

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