Happy times always pass quickly.

The one-day trip to the hot springs was over soon. Everyone enjoyed the bath very much, except Issei.

Because he didn't achieve any of his goals and almost choked to death in the water.

If the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation was sent to the hospital because of taking a hot spring bath, it would definitely be a humiliating thing for all previous Red Dragon Emperors.

Why would a divine weapon made of one of the two heavenly dragons, a legendary artifact that can rival the devil and the god, appear on such a human? Maybe this is a beautiful accident.

After returning to the academy, Rias ordered everyone to prepare.

Even Yutong was no exception, although the two of them were always sticking together these days. But before the real battle comes, there needs to be a period of cooling off.

After Yutong's understanding, this guy named Reiser is actually not just a show. Although he is very arrogant, he does have the capital to be arrogant.

His name contains the four words"Phoenix", and what is Phoenix? It is the phoenix.

It is said that the blood in his body can make people immortal, and his tears can heal all injuries.

And because he is a high-ranking pure-blooded demon, he can be immortal in the evaluation game, which means he is almost invincible. In the evaluation game between demons, if you want to win, there are only two conditions. The first is to kill the opponent's king, and the second is to force him to leave.

But in fact, no matter which one, victory or failure has a very direct relationship with the king.

In other words, because of the characteristics of the phoenix, Reiser can even grit his teeth and hold on. As long as he doesn't quit in the end, a battle can only be a draw.

And looking at all the evaluation games of Reiser, there are a total of ten games, eight wins and two losses. But the two losses were battles within the family, and he deliberately lost in order to save the face of his family.

So for the real Phoenix family, Reiser is almost impossible to be defeated.

Not to mention that he has other powerful fighting followers.

Suddenly, Yutong found that there seemed to be one more person at the end of the dim corridor.

Tall figure, fair voice, and the iconic black-framed glasses on his face

"President Cang Na?"

Yu Tong didn't understand why Zhichu Cang Na was here, was he here specifically to see her?

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to talk to you for a few words, I won't take up too much of your time."

"President, please speak."

Zhiqu Cangna did not bring any of her family members with her this time, not even the queen, Shinra Tsubaki, and Shichimoto Shirou, who often followed her.

"Rias is my childhood friend. We can be said to be childhood sweethearts. And I was influenced by Rias when I first came to this place."

Sona Shichi pushed his glasses.

"I know Rias's thoughts too well. She doesn't like to be constrained, but this engagement has bound her here. I have also heard a little about the third man of the Phoenix family. He is a bad guy in every aspect. Rias will never marry him."

Speaking of this, Zhiqu Sona's tone was extremely serious. It was like he was lecturing his own family.

However, this seriousness immediately turned into a smile.

"Of course, it seems that she has found someone she approves of now. As a friend, I am really happy for her."

"So, what does President Cang Na want me to do?"

Yu Tong had roughly guessed what Zhi Chu Cang Na came to talk to her about. So she went straight to the point.

"I hope to see you take Rias' place and beat that arrogant guy up! It would be best if he could feel the pain, eh....The more painful the better!"......

Finally, it was the morning of the third day.

This morning, Gurefia arrived here early. She brought the tokens of the two families.

With their presence, it was equivalent to the game having been formally reviewed and approved by the two family leaders.

And Gurefia was naturally the notary.

"Miss, I hope you are ready for the battle! Sirzechs-sama is also paying attention to this ranking game, I hope you will not disappoint him."

"Is my brother watching too? Very good!"

Rias's face was full of confidence.

At this time! A red teleportation array appeared, and a flame burned for no reason.

Riser and his followers appeared in the virtual space on time.

This time the virtual space is much larger and more stable than before. The goal is to integrate the entire Juwang Academy and the surrounding streets. Except for the color of the sky, which is slightly different from the real world, everything else is a one-to-one replica of the real world.

The battle invited many spectators. Yutong didn't know if this was intentional.

He even saw the figure of Zhiqu Cangna in the crowd.

And Cangna just glanced at Yutong, as if he had long forgotten about the conversation last night.

"Forget our meeting and conversation at night, and it's best to keep this secret from Rias. Because my friend hates others worrying about her the most!"

"Hahaha...It seems that you are ready to face failure."

Riser activated the group ridicule skill before he even started, but unfortunately no one on Rias' side paid any attention to him.

He could only laugh a few times to ease his embarrassment.

"Now that both sides have arrived, I declare that the ranking game will begin! Next, a teleportation array will teleport each side's personnel to the corresponding positions. I hope that the kings of both sides have made tactical personnel deployments."

Gurefia's cold voice reached everyone's ears.��Then, a small green teleportation array appeared in each of the two camps.

Rias nodded to her followers.

"I believe everyone is looking forward to your performance! Go, bring us victory!"

On the other hand, the team of Riser Phoenix was not so energetic.

He just gave a few instructions to each of his subordinates, and then they all walked into the teleportation array.

When he was the only one left, he did not forget to leave a declaration of victory for Rias:

"I am waiting for the moment when you will stand in the wedding hall with me in your wedding dress! Haha, I believe that day is not far away...."

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