【It’s about to be put on the shelves, I’m a little nervous!】

""Wow!!! You damned fellow! How dare you disturb my sleep? Do you want to die? Or do you want to know what fear and despair feel like?"

Just when Yutong thought she was wrong, suddenly! Issei Hyoudou, who was hiding behind Yudou, shouted

"Issei, what's wrong with you? You were just yelling about being scared.....Wait! Who are you?"

A sharp magic sword appeared in Yudou's hand, and he wanted to chop him with the sword, but....The sword tip only touched Issei's neck.

Because he couldn't do it!

In response, Issei showed a mocking look on his face.

"Hum, what do you think? Are you afraid to chop it off? Haha! To tell you the truth, I have actually possessed this guy. If you can't do what I ask, I will let this poor demon king die directly! Keep my word!"

Having suffered the loss of being afraid of the consequences, Yuto dared not act rashly again. After all, this is Issei's body. If he really hurts his allies by mistake, it would be a loss.

"Damn it, get out of Ise's body quickly!"

"Issei" picked his nose in disdain. Then he said to Yuto with a heavy voice and a weird face:

"I! Don’t! Want! It!"

""Wow! Poof!!!"

Before he could finish, Yutong knocked him to the ground with one punch!

"Are you crazy!!! You bastard, do you know who I am? Do you know who the owner of this body is? He is your companion, how dare you...."

What greeted him was not a calm negotiation, but a continuous barrage of punches like a rainstorm.

"Why did you possess him when there are so many people you could possess?"

Issue's cockroach characteristics made him a cockroach that would not die no matter how hard he was beaten. Moreover, he believed that even if Issue could see him now, he would not blame himself when he drove away this guy who had usurped his throne.

If he blamed himself, then Yutong would say to him,"Who told you to be so unlucky to be possessed?"

Of course, the unlucky one could only be Issue! Otherwise, why would he be kept around?

Yutong punched him one after another with increasing force, and even Issue's demonic physique could not bear it. Soon, a good-looking face turned into a pig's head.

Although Issue's body was occupied, the person who actually suffered was this hateful guy, not Issue.

Finally, he could no longer endure the pain and flew out automatically.

"Damn it! How unlucky that I chose such a useless person to possess me! Watch me!"

Suddenly, a stream of purple smoke floated out from Yicheng's body.

Yutong saw the right moment and the nine heads behind her suddenly poked out!

""Start, Feast!"

Nine avatars of different shapes were like sharks that had encountered the smell of blood. They all grabbed at the purple mist.

They opened their mouths wide and ate a large piece of the purple mist each time. Moreover, every time they took a bite, Yutong could hear the screams of pain coming from the air.

In the end, the purple mist was not completely eaten by Feast. The remaining small part of the body still ran back to the body of the mummy wrapped in bandages.

"If it was a physical enemy, it would have been eaten more easily. What a pity....."

Feeling the additional energy in her body, which was not weak, Yutong could not help but look up to this disgusting guy.

As the purple mist completely flowed into the mummy's body, the dry body began to move.

"ah....Ah ah ah ah ah....How abominable! You actually ate my body!....Unforgivable crime!"

Suddenly, the bandages on the mummy burst apart, turning into strips of cloth flying all over the sky.

Some of the strips of cloth wanted to attack Yutong and the girls behind her. As a result, they were burned into wisps of black smoke by the sudden flames.

"I didn't expect to see a sorcerer here!"

Rias suddenly said.

Sorcerer? This is a brand new term.

"Roar, roar, roar....I never thought that even in this day and age, there are still people who can recognize my name!....I am!"

He said a lot of things afterwards, but none of them were useful.

After saying a lot, he found that no one paid attention to him. Even Rias's followers began to whisper.

"He looks so miserable, and doesn't seem to have much fighting power."

"Ah La....You're right, it's really bad!"

"Inside....I think his clothes are ugly.....".....

The girls' whispers were so loud that they drowned out the warlock's voice.

"Don't you dare say bad things about me! I heard everything! Damn it!....I'll show you how powerful I am later!" After saying this, he jumped up as if his feet were equipped with springs.....Or other parts of Akeno


Hahaha! Here I come!!! As long as I have this, I will become stronger! Then you will all be my slaves!"....He was only ten meters away from his dream.

Because Yutong was one step faster than him, she appeared above him and stepped heavily on him.


The powerful impact instantly embedded him into the ground. People around him seemed to hear the sound of more than one bone breaking. It must be so painful!

He seemed to have forgotten that most of his energy was eaten up by Yutong's feast.

As a result, he was now.....

"Not even a scumbag....."

The kitten quietly walked in front of him. The warlock raised his head with difficulty, trying to see the person in front of him.

In the end, all he saw was a foot that was getting bigger and bigger......

"Okay, the bugs have been dealt with.���"It's over!"

The kitten patted the dust off his body and said calmly.

This warlock, who looked not weak but was actually extremely wretched, had been knocked unconscious.

""Well done, Kitty!"

Yutong also walked out of the smoke and dust, reaching out to touch the kitten's head.

When the kitten was touched, his body subconsciously stiffened for a moment, and then his cheeks turned red.

"Just leave him alone. Most of the magic power in his body is empty. It won't take long for him to dissipate."Thanks to you this time, Yutong!"

Rias gave Yutong a sweet smile. She found that she had gradually become addicted to Yutong's protection.

"Ah, the Minister is smiling as happily as ever!"

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