Above the gray fog

Chapter 1: Collective Crossing

"Above the gray mist is the master of everything, and below the gray mist is the prison of all living beings."

"The gray fog is the origin of all extraordinary things and the tomb of all extraordinary things."

Lin Shan, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, suddenly woke up, and the next second, he suddenly disappeared from the bed.

It hurts!

My head hurts!

On the purple ground, Lin Shan opened his eyes. His black eyes were scattered and confused, but they quickly focused on the ground in front of him, which was full of purple flowers.

The purple Bana flower exudes a faint light that makes people feel as if the earth is covered with a purple carpet at first glance.

Looking up, you can see towering trees that are hundreds of meters high and several meters wide. It makes people wonder whether these trees have been growing since the Jurassic period until now.

The wind blows, and the petals dance with the wind, trailing purple light particles, making people feel like they are in a fairy tale.

However, all this beauty was soon interrupted by noisy abuse.

"Where is this tnn? I haven't even put on my pants yet when I went to the toilet, why did I end up in this damn place!" A middle-aged man squatted on the ground and yelled.

"Brother, can you put your pants on first?" Someone next to me reminded him kindly.

"Ah, pervert!" A woman screamed when she saw this scene.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather tie who looked very stable said in a deep voice: "None of this is important anymore. The most important thing is to figure out where we are."

"Is it popular to time travel in groups now? I thought I was the protagonist..." There was also a middle school boy muttering.

Lin Shan looked around and found that there were many people around, and they all looked Chinese.

He tried his best to stay calm, observe his surroundings, and not touch anything here.

Five minutes later, the noisy curses and conversations gradually decreased, and everyone began to observe the surrounding environment nervously, but no one dared to move around easily.

Not far away, six or seven people seemed to have made an agreement and started to move forward in a group. As someone took the lead and walked forward, the team of dozens of people also moved cautiously.

"This place is so strange, isn't there any danger?"

"I also think it may be dangerous, so it's better to follow the large force."

Many people suggested this, obviously out of fear. Almost no one wanted to stay here any longer. When they saw someone taking the lead in clearing the way, they all followed.

This land is entirely composed of dark black soil and gravel, with no other plants except for huge trees and purple Hibiscus flowers.

After walking for only a few minutes, someone made a surprised sound and said, "There is a strange-shaped stone tablet in front of us."

"There are pattern writing on it!" someone close to him added.

Everyone was surrounding the huge stone tablet, which was more than ten meters high. They could clearly see three huge patterns secretly engraved on the stone tablet. Each pattern was very simple with only a few strokes, but seemed mysterious and mysterious.

The first pattern depicts a flower from the other side, which is exactly the flower that everyone is stepping on.

The second pattern depicts a strange creature, somewhat like a cow, but with huge sharp horns that are not equal to its body.

The third pattern is even more incomprehensible, with only a few horizontal lines and spiral lines engraved on it.

There are a few lines of small words under the three patterns. They are not words from any period on earth, but somehow you can understand the meaning of the words just by looking at them, as if they are directly engraved in your mind.

Sequence 9 - Heart Light

Purple Soul Flower, spiritual plant, main medicine.

Asha drags, evil falls, and takes its horns.

The treacherous line fish is weird, so take its gray.

"This flower is called the Purple Soul Flower...is this some kind of extraordinary way?"

Lin Shan recalled the words in his mind and thought about some possibility.

There were also many young people whose eyes flickered when they saw the stone monument. Some even picked a purple flower off the ground and put it in their pockets.

"Brother, why don't you break one? This stone tablet can directly engrave knowledge in our brains. According to my many years of experience in writing online, this stone tablet must be engraved with some kind of magic potion. Prepare the magic potion according to the formula and eat it. You can gain extraordinary abilities!" A young man on the side whispered to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan glanced at him in surprise: "No, my coat doesn't have pockets, and it's best not to break the flowers here. If some extraordinary power is really involved, this flower will not be simple..."

The man saw that Lin Shan was wearing bear pajamas and only a coat. There were indeed no pockets on the coat. He smiled and said nothing, and did not throw away the purple flowers.

Lin Shan didn't care about him anymore. He had already reminded him that if something went wrong, it would be no one else's fault. If the formula was really a magic potion and there were so many flowers here, it wouldn't be too late to come back and pick them.

Although being next to the stone monument can give people a sense of security, there is no way to stop there. Everyone went forward to explore again. The seven people in front led the way, followed by a large force of dozens of people. Lin Shan was also among the crowd. Only fools would leave the team at this stage.

After walking aimlessly for more than an hour, the noisy curses and conversations among the crowd gradually increased. They looked around or looked at the unchanging scenery in the distance, their expressions very ugly.

Lin Shan could understand their desire to scold their mother. At this time, if they continue walking without a goal, they will become more and more fearful in their hearts, and fear will make human nature show vividly...

I saw a strong man running quickly to the front, stopping the team, and cursed:

"Fuck, let's go, let's go. Are you done? Are you going to keep going like this? How are you sure you won't go deeper and deeper? If you go on, you will kill all of us!"

"Then what do you want to do? Why don't you lead the way?" A fashionably dressed woman in the leading team asked.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, a middle-aged man in the leading team cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Everyone, this is not the time for internal strife. For a long time to come, we will face danger together. Therefore, although we meet by chance, we are still one of the few partners now."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am from the Chinese Military. I will not disclose my specific position. These teammates around me are not ordinary people. They are top biologists, geographers, and botany experts in the country. Home, medical scientist..."

"Doesn't it feel incredible? I don't know if you have noticed that those who travel through time are all talented people with top talents in all aspects. Don't deny it, this is the fact. And the people next to me are the ones I met in previous conversations. Their Professional knowledge may be our hope for survival in a different world.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and began to ask the people around them what they did.

"Brother, what do you do?"

"I'm just a university professor, not one of the top talents." The middle-aged man next to him smiled wryly and waved his hand.

"Which university?"

"Tsinghua University."

"I have opened an investigation agency and have gained a small reputation..."

"Sister, what do you do?" Some women asked people around them.

"Huh? I don't have any special skills... I just won the first place with the strongest brain before...

The strong man blocking the road was also stunned. He is the champion of this boxing championship. If boxing can be considered a talent, then he is indeed a talent...

"It was my fault just now, so you guys have to talk about your plan. It's too embarrassing to keep moving forward without saying anything." The strong man relented, and then asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Let me tell you." An intellectual woman with white long sleeves and green suit pants stood up.

She pushed up her glasses and said:

"The first step we have to do is to find water sources. This is the basis for survival. It has been confirmed that we are no longer on the earth. The methods of finding water sources based on weather or plant growth distribution on the earth are no longer applicable. , we can only search based on the terrain. It seems that we are moving aimlessly, but in fact we are walking towards low-lying areas.”

"Oh, so that's it." Someone in the crowd whispered.

Some people remained silent, as they had already seen the thinking of the leading team through the direction of their advance.

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