Above the gray fog

Chapter 1053 You Can't Break the Three Forbidden Rules (4000 words long chapter) (1/2)

Chapter 1053 You can’t break the three prohibitions (4000 words long chapter)


As soon as Asbuma finished speaking, another disembodied voice exploded in their ears.

Two illusory figures stood in front of him.

Asbuma did not give in and took out a piece of white paper from nowhere. There were several lines of golden writing on the white paper.

"This is a joint token of the 19 gods in the clan. If you encounter obstacles from the gods, you can use this token to give a warning."

Lin Shan couldn't see clearly what words were written on the paper, but the two giant gods opposite could see it clearly. They looked at each other with the remaining consciousness in their eyes.

"Asbuma goes in, and the aliens next to him stay." After a brief silence, one of the gods spoke, "This creature has the aura of an alien god, and the Sun Temple will never allow it to be contaminated by an alien god."

"Outer god?" Asbuma stared at Lin Shan with a strange expression.

Lin Shan spread his hands, "He is not the first to say that I have the aura of an alien god. In fact, I don't even know what it is."

"Outer Gods... No matter what the records in any classics say, Outer Gods represent terror and evil. The greatest enemy in the past was the Outer Gods..."

"I know everything you said. I also want to know what this so-called aura of the alien gods is all about. I'll stay here and you can go in quickly." Lin Shan saw Asbuma's serious expression and said, Slightly impatient, he urged her to hurry in and get down to business.

"Well, then be careful." As a giant with a bold personality, Asbuma was decisive and not sloppy at all. He turned into a beam of light and disappeared deep into the temple.

Lin Shan didn't want to stay with the two gods, which made him feel very insecure. When he was about to leave, he was stopped by one of the gods.


"Huh?" Lin Shan looked behind him in confusion. If he doesn't go in, why won't he leave?

"Disappeared... The aura of the Outer God just disappeared... Why is this happening? Why does Tianxia's choice have anything to do with the Outer God? Has Tianxia really fallen to this level?" Two people The gods spoke at the same time, using the same tone. It seemed like two gods were talking, but Lin Shan could only hear one voice.

"Can you say something I can understand?" Lin Shan looked at the two gods. As his life level continued to improve, and now he was face to face with the gods, he would no longer feel that feeling unless the gods actively put pressure on him. Suffocating pressure.

"Knowing too much is not good for you. When you embark on the path of God, you can know more. Remember, you represent the past. No matter what the circumstances, you must do your best to protect the past. Whatever is left behind, even if it is just an ordinary fire," the two gods reminded Lin Shan in synchronized tones with a warning.

Lin Shan noticed something was wrong. It seemed that it was not the two gods who were talking to him, but the Sun Temple itself.

"How do you know what the outside world is like when you have been in this place for a long time? Since I came to Gray Fog, my first enemies have been the old creatures. Now you ask me to protect the old creatures without distinction. I'm afraid It’s hard to do.”

"When you stand a little higher, what you see will be different. The internal fighting in Yuanchu is even more intense than in the old days. Let alone Yuanchu and the old days, even a small race or small group will have internal conflicts. There are contradictions and wars, and contradictions and wars are the necessary introduction to the progress of civilization." The illusory voice became farther and farther away until it disappeared, leaving only Lin Shan standing at the door of the Sun Temple.

"Maybe, but now I don't even have time to take care of myself, so how can I help others." Lin Shan shook his head slowly. After leaving the human race, he could be said to be relaxed, but there was also an inexplicable emptiness in his heart. This thing called home It's amazing, it seems to be imprinted in the original genes of all things.

He doesn't even want to take care of the human race anymore. How can he still have time to take care of the old creatures. Moreover, the group of old creatures is too large, and there are many big bosses among the gods. He is not qualified to take care of this group.

At this time, all the strong men in the outside world who had been smashed to pieces by the tentacles had been resurrected. The formations were divided into two teams. There were obviously many fewer giants following Asbuma. This high-level civil war directly affected the strength of the Cyanobacteria Galaxy. fade.

The saints did not launch another attack, but retreated to the door to confront the dozen or so outsiders to prevent them from breaking into the temple.

Lin Shan had already left the door and was watching from a distance.

After an unknown amount of time, the Sun Temple suddenly shook, releasing extremely hot temperatures like a real sun.

The void shook slightly, and the huge Sun Temple was moving, visible to the naked eye.

The saints who were blocking the door before and the two gods inside the temple all showed a smile of relief and turned into fragments and light spots and disappeared into the void of the universe.

"Okay." Asbuma flew out from inside the temple, with a smile on his face, "I have established a resonance connection with the Sun Temple and can control the movement of the Sun Temple. This will be our future external battle. ’s main base.”

Lin Shan also had a smile on his face. At that moment, his life span suddenly increased by 5,000 years. Coupled with the clone's actions during this period, his life span has reached the 50,000 year mark.

"It's still half way." Lin Shan said to himself.

"What's half missing?" Asbuma came to Lin Shan's side.

"Nothing." Lin Shan shook his head slowly.

Asbuma looked directly at Lin Shan and asked softly:

"Mumu, are you still willing to continue to help me? The next giant clan is about to go to war. With the current strength of my giant clan, coupled with the giant temple, it is not a problem to unify the giants in the surrounding galaxies. Wait for the surrounding After the giants are all unified, we can even look forward to the entire star field. Would you like to take a look at the scene outside this star field with me? "

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded in agreement. Whether he can get a hundred thousand years of life in a short time depends entirely on Asbuma. In fact, he didn't seem to be so helpful in the whole process. I don't know how long this life will be. Why did it enter his body for no reason? Lin Shan guessed that it was most likely related to the tentacle. The tentacle might have been summoned by him... If this was the case, everything would make sense. Asbuma would not be able to survive without the tentacle. Can't get inside the temple.

Although he was willing, Lin Shan still asked the question in his mind, "Why do we have to attack the surrounding galaxies and start a war?"

Asbuma looked at Lin Shan with a smile, "Mumu, the fact that you asked this means you are very kind. You don't want to see the war start, but I have to do it, all for the sake of the past."

"Uh..." Lin Shan was speechless for a moment, the good guy card was handed out so casually.

"Let's go into the temple, everyone!" Asbuma greeted.

Lin Shan flew behind him. He was blocked by the golden light outside and couldn't see clearly the specific appearance of the temple. When he entered the inside, he realized that the temple was actually very simple, but it was just too huge.

There are six pillars on the wide side of the temple and thirteen pillars on the long side. Due to the influence of pollution, he was unable to see it directly, but through knowing his fate, he was able to imprint a miniature model of the entire temple in his mind.

When he was in the human tribe, Lin Shan read almost all the books on earth mythology, and he was considered an expert on earth mythology.

At first glance, isn’t this so-called Giant Temple the Temple of Zeus?

Lin Shan can even tell the origin of the carvings on the stone walls.

The stone wall on the east side of the facade is engraved with a legend. Pelops races with the king of Elis. Zeus is the master of fate. He faces Pelops on the right, and Pelops wins in the end.

The western stone wall on the back is carved with the Rabbis fighting the centaurs. The twelve great achievements of Hercules are carved on the porch of the inner hall. In the inner hall is the statue of Zeus high in the sky. The appearance of this statue is similar to his. What I saw in the human race before was only a small difference. The books placed in the human race were all re-written by earth travelers, and the portraits were all drawn based on memory. There will always be some differences. Excluding these differences, This statue of Zeus can be said to be exactly the same as the Zeus recorded on earth.

It's really magical. The myths on the earth have been verified in the gray fog world. The development process of the earth must have been interfered with. Perhaps this interference came from the race of the old human emperor.

"I can control the movement of the giant temple. The speed of the temple is extremely fast. Although it is not as fast as the teleportation array, it is not much worse. Let's go back to the cyanobacteria galaxy first." After everyone stood beside the stone pillars of the temple, Ah Sibuma said.

"Asbuma, I have a problem." Gore said.

"What's the problem?" Asbuma looked at Gore.

"On the surface, we have unified the cyanobacteria galaxy. In fact, the interior of the cyanobacteria galaxy is still very scattered. We only have the support of many people, but we do not rule this galaxy in a real sense. Moreover, we currently do not seem to have a way to do so. By connecting all the civilizations in the entire galaxy and making the Cyanobacteria Galaxy a whole sixth-level civilization, let alone other galaxies outside the Cyanobacteria Galaxy, we can at best establish strongholds one by one, but these strongholds are not stable and will not last for ten, a hundred or even a thousand years. , everything will return to its original state.”

Gore revealed the problem he had hidden for a long time. They had never discussed this kind of thing before, as if they had deliberately avoided it, but at this point, this problem had to be faced.

Asbuma was not surprised by this question and replied:

"Everyone didn't talk about this before because we haven't reached this point yet. In fact, I have thought about this for a long time. Before coordinating the surrounding galaxies, we need to make the cyanobacteria galaxy a sixth-level civilization first, not to mention ruling the entire galaxy. It’s impossible to cover every corner of the cyanobacteria galaxy, but at least most of the cyanobacteria galaxy must be controlled by giants.”

"This requires all the giants to be under one social system to promote the integration of the twelve giants. The integrated social system is very important. This is related to whether the giants can become a whole. After I go back, I plan to convene all the giants. The current rulers of the tribe will discuss this matter together and choose a reasonable plan. "

After hearing Asbuma's answer, some people suddenly realized, and more people still had expressionless faces. They had known this for a long time.

"This is an internal matter of your giant clan. I will not participate in it. I am practicing in seclusion in this temple. You will call me after you complete the unification of the giants." Lin Shan said suddenly.

The intensity of spirituality in this Sun Temple was unprecedented in his life. It was almost equivalent to taking Sequence 9 elixir every second. No wonder it was said that the Sun Temple could help people break through the Three Restrictions. As long as they were in this temple, it would be impossible to Don't worry about resources.

Under the infusion of unlimited resources, as long as you have that talent, you have a high probability of making a breakthrough.

Of course, if you don't have the talent to break the three bans, no matter how much resources you have, it will be useless. Lin Shan stayed here because he wanted to try out whether he had this talent.

If he could break through the three prohibitions by luck, he would be able to walk sideways in this gray fog universe in the future. Although he was becoming stronger and stronger, the world he was exposed to was getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more strong people. He always remained in a state of neither up nor down. He was not a weak person, but he did not have the capital to do whatever he wanted.

In the gray fog land, the probability of the birth of Sequence 5 in the trillions of creatures within a radius of 100 million kilometers was not high, but looking at the entire galaxy, it was found that there were many Sequence 5. When they were too weak, they could not see it because they were too weak. They were not qualified to see the overly strong. Each level had its own world, just like he had not been seen by ordinary people for a long time.

"Okay, then Lin Shan, you should practice in the temple during this time. I will call you after I deal with the giants." Asbuma nodded immediately and agreed to Lin Shan's request.

The Temple of the Sun was like a huge star, turning into a thick beam of golden light that shuttled through the void of the universe.

Others did not want to waste the endless spirituality inside the temple, and they all found a corner to absorb it.

Lin Shan found a corner and sat cross-legged. Suddenly, he thought that he had not observed the creation sand table for a long time.

I wonder what happened to the evil ants inside...

Thinking in his heart, Lin Shan took out the creation sand table and observed the evil ants from the perspective of God. The time ratio between the creation sand table and the outside world is 1:10000. Nearly a hundred years have passed in the outside world, and nearly a million years have passed in the creation sand table. In these million years, the evil ants seem to have no obvious evolution. They have eaten all the fruit trees in the creation sand table, but at this moment, the inside of the sand table has not become a desert, but has derived more kinds of plants. These plants will produce various strange fruits for the evil ants to eat.

The lifespan of evil ants is only a few decades. In these millions of years, they have reincarnated tens of thousands of times. Lin Shan casually took out a hundred evil ants from the creation sand table, drew a circle on the temple ground, and put a hundred evil ants in.

Because of the limitations of his life level, these evil ants will never be able to achieve extraordinary.

Lin Shan had thought before that if he became a god, would he have hundreds of billions of sequence 9 extraordinary evil ants under his command?

Imagination is beautiful, but reality should not allow him to do so. If it were true, those people in the Garden of Eden would have dominated the gray fog long ago, and there would definitely be other restrictions.

After trapping the evil ants on the ground, Lin Shan no longer cared about them and madly absorbed the spirituality in the temple.

One year, two years, three years.

His strength did not improve at all.

Parchment: [Breaking the three prohibitions, previously known as refining the three burners, is not the human organ you understand. The extraordinary body can only act as a carrier. ]

[Lower burner - digestion, digest the last residue of the magic potion, and thus gain strength. After opening the lower burner, swallowing spiritual objects will have a better effect. ]

[Middle burner - carrying, can eat more, hold more, reflected in various aspects. ]

[Upper burner - enlightening the mind, the premise is to break the nine tribulations. ]

Parchment: [Don't waste time, you can't break the three prohibitions. ]

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