Above the gray fog

Chapter 1055: Killing the Pursuer

Lin Shan quickly thought about how he could get rid of these two people. Order had long been eyeing him. It was impossible for these two people not to know his own strength. Now that they were here, they were definitely prepared.


No, bricks can only be used against one person. Two people cannot knock them at the same time.

Use the quill to escape...

The quill is a lifesaver, so it's best not to use it until you're forced into a real desperate situation.

The current situation can only be said to be a bit difficult, but it is far from a desperate situation. Lin Shan can face it calmly.

"Are you a member of Order?" Lin Shan tried to communicate with them first to delay time.

The two ignored Lin Shan. Since the first attack failed, the two of them had been talking in low voices, not knowing what they were talking about.

Lin Shan frowned slightly and disappeared in one step, appearing behind the two people.

The spear was waved, spreading a bright light that stretched for tens of thousands of kilometers.

When they were attacked, the figures of the two people suddenly became illusory, and then quickly collapsed, returning to their original state not far away.

Lin Shan stood there and held the spear tightly. He couldn't see what strength the two people used to escape just now.

Thinking of the rules that were changed before and the blue light floating in front of one of them.

Lin Shan guessed that the power they used was probably technology.

The people of Order's use of technological power is... a little weird.

With the same movement, one of them slowly raised the third hand on his waist.

The surrounding time instantly came to a standstill.

This time Lin Shan did not sit still and wait for death. His soul left his body and appeared above the two people again.

Endless spirituality was poured into the orange-yellow spear, and the spear burst out with blazing rays of light, burning a large hole in the surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers of void, connecting all the empty prisons below Scale 4 Empty Prison.

The two people were directly melted by the terrifying high temperature and turned into a wisp of smoke and resurrected elsewhere.

Lin Shan immediately threw the spear that was already full of energy in his hand.

He has discovered that the two people are in a strange state, somewhere between a physical body and an energy body. There is a transparent thread behind them, which gives them the possibility of unlimited resurrection.

The thread came from Order and Lin Shan could not cut it off. In other words, he could not prevent the two people from being resurrected.

After knowing the specific details of these two people, Lin Shan already had a countermeasure. Originally, he wanted to call the God of Deception when he couldn't resist, but now it seems that this is no longer necessary.

The man stretched out his palm again, and time stopped again.

Immediately afterwards, a particle flew towards Lin Shan.

Lin Shan gently pulled the thread of history and easily avoided the impact of the particles. The spear danced and chopped the two figures into pieces.

During this period, Lin Shan activated his destiny and pulled the thread of fate, causing the two figures to resurrect in front of him.

Lin Shan grinned at them and danced with his spear, causing them to break into pieces again.

Lin Shan pulled the thread of fate, and they were resurrected nearby again.

Lin Shan continued to chop for three days, and the two figures finally completely dissipated.

Two possibilities.

The energy connected to them that allowed them to resurrect infinitely has been exhausted. It may also be that the other party is unwilling to bear this consumption and actively disconnected.

This is the only solution Lin Shan came up with.

In fact, there is the most direct and simple way, which is to seal these two people. However, he does not have the ability to seal.

After the qualitative change, he now only has two main abilities.

The indestructible 'Dawn' and the 'Zhiming' who can take advantage of fate and history.

In the short battle, he had already used all his strength. If the opponent was really just an ordinary Sequence 5, just swinging his spear at him would make the opponent disappear into thin air and his soul evaporate instantly.

Being able to be infinitely resurrected and holding extremely threatening weapons are the biggest troubles.

This time he won, but since Order has set its sights on him, he probably won't let it go. If it comes again next time, he doesn't know if he can handle it.

Putting away the Jixiang, Lin Shan activated Zhiming again, and three threads of fate penetrated the void and appeared in his hands.

What is connected to the other end of the silk thread is his lost treasure hunting spiritual tool.

All ten souls left in the Blue Algae Galaxy have been eliminated. Three of them hold valuable treasure-hunting spiritual tools, which must be found.

With his current strength, he could travel sideways in the Cyanobacteria Galaxy and retrieve all three treasure-hunting spiritual tools in two years without any setbacks in the process.

The Gray Mist Universe is so big that there is no such thing as someone picking up lost things quickly. After retrieving the spiritual tools, Lin Shan found all the storage devices and exchanged the elixirs inside for points. .

Over the past few decades and the previous accumulation, Eden points have once again exceeded the one thousand mark. He has nothing in particular that he wants to change now, so he saves them for emergencies.

After collecting all the lost items, Lin Shan returned to the Temple of the Sun and used the endless spirituality in the temple to repair his true spirit. He had a total of eleven divided souls. In addition to the divided soul in the Falling Dragon Land, All ten souls in the cyanobacteria galaxy died, which was a huge blow to Lin Shan.

Only one true spirit survives. Even in the Sun Temple, Lin Shan estimates that it will take forty or fifty years to completely restore the true spirit.

During this period, it will be troublesome if order comes again.

Forty-seven years later.

Lin Shan opened his eyes.

It took him forty-seven years to fully recover, and order did not find him during this time.

Asbuma has dealt with the affairs of the giants, and the Temple of the Sun has set sail, heading towards the surrounding galaxies with the determination to unify the giants.

Asbuma knew that Lin Shan was repairing his true spirit, so he designated the place where Lin Shan was as a restricted area and prohibited others from entering.

As if catching Lin Shan's breath, Asbuma flashed and appeared in front of Lin Shan.

"Is it recovered?" Asbuma looked at Lin Shan with concern.

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded, looked at Asbuma and asked, "Have people from the Order come?"

"No." Asbuma shook his head.

"That's good." Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief, "If you meet people from the Order, you must tell me as soon as possible, and never go against them."

"The temple is expected to arrive at the next galaxy in five years. We are formulating a battle plan. Do you want to come and listen?"

"No, just tell me when you have formulated it."

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