Above the gray fog

Chapter 1075 Another Dream

early morning.

Lin Shan first took a simple shower, and then had a luxurious breakfast.

He had been a little confused all morning, and his dream last night was too real.

Why did Tushan Ranqi run into his dream?

Even if it is a dream, it should be about Jiuqi. Although Jiuqi and Tushan Ranqi have the same origin, they are definitely not the same person.

In the dream, they also had a child named Lin Li. Lin Shan felt...this child was definitely modeled after Huang Li.

When he first woke up, he felt that the dream was very real, but as time passed, the feeling became weaker and weaker. Maybe... it was just a dream.

There were only three guests received today. Although the day was quiet, Lin Shan never tired of it.

Only people who have been bumpy for a long time and struggled on the edge of various crises will enjoy this kind of life.

At night, Xiao Li knocked on Lin Shan's door holding a quilt.

"Come in." Lin Shan lay on the bed, with his hands flat on both sides of his body, already in a sleeping position.

"It's getting colder and colder. I went to buy a new quilt today. You can put it on it so you don't get cold." Before Lin Shan could say anything, Xiao Li pressed the new quilt in his hand on Lin Shan's head. body.

"Well..." Lin Shan felt the pressure on his chest increase sharply, and he felt like he had difficulty breathing. He quickly said, "I don't feel cold, just cover myself with a quilt. I can't breathe with two quilts."

"Because it has just been pressed on and you are not used to it yet. Just get used to it as you get used to it. If it still feels like this at night, just call me." Xiao Li stepped forward and stuffed both sides to prevent air leakage.

Lin Shanden felt helpless, "I'm just getting older, not a child. I still know the warmth and coldness."

"I often hear some people on the street say that people get smaller as they get older, and we should treat the elderly like children."

"I'm not that old yet." Lin Shan waved his hand, "Go out and take this quilt with you. It's so heavy that I can't breathe."

Seeing Lin Shan's words so firmly, Xiao Li could only pick up the quilt again and said, "Maybe this quilt is too thick. I'll go see if there is a thinner one tomorrow."

Lin Shan looked at Xiao Li who closed the door softly and left, then looked at the empty ceiling in a daze.

After a while, Lin Shan propped up his body with both hands and sat up. He turned sideways and looked for something under the bed.

Finally, he dragged out a shabby-looking wooden box.

Lin Shan opened the wooden box and took out the palm-sized stone tablet inside.

He has been studying this stone tablet for a long time and has made many speculations.

According to the clues given by Liu Ru, the level of the Xinguang sequence may be far beyond Sequence 9.

If he follows the formula he was looking for before, the prepared Heart Light is Sequence 9. If he follows the beast that supports the sky as Liu Ru said before and adds the full version of the fish and other materials, it may be possible to synthesize a higher level of Heart Light.

The weird thread fish is a weird fragment. He used to think that weird things were mostly composed of fragments, but many experiences told him that the weird body is far more than weird fragments, and any weird thing that can become a fragment will not be simple.

The secret of the treacherous fish has not yet been solved, but Asato has another piece of the puzzle.

Putting it this way, could it be that... the Purple Soul Flower also has a higher level form?

Although there are other speculations, Liu Ru's version is the most likely.

Among them, there is a big doubt.

None of these speculations can explain why Huang Ying gave the stone tablet to Huang Li instead of Renzong.

If you continue to push down from here, you will get it.

Huang Li is not an ordinary human descendant at all.

Did Huang Ying see something?

Then combine these conjectures together.

There is an obvious conclusion.

This stone tablet recording the heart light sequence is related to the yellow carp.

Perhaps, only she can unlock the secrets on this stone slab.

Huang Ying would definitely not adopt a child for no reason.

What secret does Huang Carp have?

Is it the right choice to let her stay with you?

Lin Shan played with the stone tablet and thought silently in his heart.

Unfortunately, when all the clues pointed to Huang Carp, it was no longer possible to push forward.

If you want to know the answer, you can only wait for the changes in Huang Li.

If he still had the same strength as before, he might be able to figure out more based on the clues of destiny. Now, he relies entirely on guessing.

The truth actually has little to do with him. Thinking about these things is just his behavioral habit.

In a daze, Lin Shan fell asleep without warning.

"The mountain road is not easy to walk on. There are many snakes and insects at night, so be careful." There was a voice in my ears.

Lin Shan was startled and suddenly woke up.

When they saw the rugged and steep mountain road, the trees on both sides were twisted and weird, as if there was an invisible force waiting for them.

Lin Shan asked without changing his expression, "How long have we been out?"

"It's been almost an hour. I haven't found the little carp for so long. I'm so scared. If there's something wrong with the little carp, we..." The middle-aged woman didn't continue speaking, and just shouted at the top of her voice, "Xiao Li! Xiao Li! Xiao Li...where are you! Can you hear me? Xiao Li!!"

Lin Shan walked silently, one hour after another. He had already spent nearly twelve hours in the shop, and only one hour had passed here. In other words, was the ratio of time one to twelve?

It was clearly in the small courtyard at the bottom of the mountain before, but now it is already on the mountain, and it has been walking for an hour.

This is enough to prove that after his consciousness left, this body is still moving.

Lin Shan thought quietly.

On the rugged and steep mountain road, the two walked forward carefully, stepping on the unstable soil and rocks.

There was a whistling cold wind, coming towards them.

There were roars of wild beasts from time to time.

Coupled with the dim environment.

This feeling is creepy.

"What did Xiaoli go up the mountain for?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

The middle-aged woman looked at Lin Shan in surprise, "Didn't you ask her to go? You asked her to go to Faen Temple to donate incense to bless peace."

"Oh, I forgot." Lin Shan made a look of sudden realization, "I remember now."

"You look a little strange today." The middle-aged woman looked at Lin Shan worriedly, "Are you tired from working in the fields?"

"I think I look a little strange today, too." Lin Shan changed the subject, "Let's not talk about this, hurry up the mountain to find Xiaoli."

"Okay." The middle-aged woman nodded, "This road is the only way up the mountain. If Xiaoli goes down the mountain, she will definitely go here. If she walks forward for another two hours, she will reach Faen Temple on the top of the mountain.

"Xiaoli went up the mountain early in the morning, so she wouldn't be back by now. She always comes back on time... I hope nothing bad happens..."

"Xiaoli, Xiaoli!"

The middle-aged woman worriedly called Xiaoli's name.

Lin Shan was silent behind him.

The middle-aged woman seemed to be accustomed to this.

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