Above the gray fog

Chapter 1079 It’s okay to give it a try

The twins are absorbing ghosts and monsters from the outside world. It is not a big deal for China to be attacked once.

But China is so huge. Why would the enemy attack him when there are so many other places...

Lin Shan can't help but think about it.

What is there in this place?

There are secular shops.

There is him.

There is Jiuqi.

There is Huangli.

Is the enemy's target one of the three of them? Or someone else?

Three different forces attacked a small town at the same time. There is no such coincidence in the world.

There is a high probability that there is a fuse.

Lin Shan's mind was a little confused. He sat at the front desk and thought carefully whether he had missed any useful clues.


Lin Shan suddenly had a bad idea in his mind.

He remembered.

When he opened the door, the beast that looked like a hound was just at the door, as if it was looking for something, and seemed to be waiting...

And there should be only secular shops nearby.

Who among them provoked this creature?

Beasts shouldn't bear grudges. How can they have hatred without wisdom? They are even worse than wild beasts.

"Sheep, do you have any suggestions?"

Parchment: [Please don't call the great parchment like that. These creatures are not looking for you on purpose. Besides, you don't have much time left. Hurry up.]

After getting the free answer from the parchment, Lin Shan didn't relax. If they weren't looking for him, they might be looking for Jiuqi or even Huangli.

"Don't you still have 20 years to live? How come you don't have much time left?"

Parchment: [The great parchment needs to remind you that the Gemini Galaxy has turned into an invisible black hole. This galaxy will become a dangerous place in the universe. The danger is increasing day by day. In this case, you should not live for 20 years. Hurry up.]

The voice of the parchment dissipated in his mind.

"Don't leave in a hurry. There is another question. Even if I can survive the bad luck, what about the emotional tribulation?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [Love someone and then kill her, or really love someone. After a long time, you can naturally complete the sublimation of this stage. ]

Parchment: [The Great Parchment recommends you to use the first method, because love tainted by divinity is not pure.]

"Love tainted by divinity is not pure..." Lin Shan smiled.

The Parchment did not point it out, but how could Lin Shan not guess it.

He only has two choices to survive the love tribulation.

The first choice is.

Don't rush to survive the decline tribulation, fall in love with Jiu Qi in the remaining time, and complete the sublimation with pure feelings.

The second method is.

After surviving the decline tribulation, cut off the love.

He will not do the second method.

He can't do the first method.

There is no reason, and Lin Shan doesn't know what's going on.

Many times, he knows a lot of things, but he just can't do them, or even understand them.

In fact, after entering the secular shop, Lin Shan also doubted himself. Have his seven emotions and six desires been sold?

Parchment said that the Gemini galaxy will become more and more dangerous, which should be true. He may not have much time.

For surviving the decline tribulation, although Lin Shan has his own plan, he can't confirm whether this plan is feasible.

Just now, the parchment affirmed his plan.

This is what it means to seize the time.

This is tantamount to giving Lin Shan a shot of adrenaline.

In the final analysis, what he experienced was not a decline at all. No decline would make the extraordinary become an ordinary person, or even directly shorten the life span of the extraordinary.

What Lin Shan had was a curse in the name of decline.

And the source of this curse was the human race.

This was the price he paid for wanting to leave the human race.

As long as he was still there, he would be pulled back again and again.

Lin Shan didn't know who was behind all this, but this time, he wanted to completely cut off the line that controlled him.

Lin Shan waited in the store for more than two hours before Jiuqi came back from outside.

Jiuqi's clothes were neat and clean, and there was no damage on the surface.

But the strong smell of blood on her body could not be covered up in any way.

Lin Shan knew from seeing Jiuqi's appearance that she must have deliberately cleaned herself before coming back.

"How is it?"

"We killed the beast. It was too stupid to run away, but the other two leaders ran away. We don't know what their purpose is."

"So, three forces, three leaders..." Lin Shan said to himself.

"It should be two forces. They deliberately let the beast in to cause trouble." Jiuqi took the Zhulong ring handed by Lin Shan and released Huang Li.

"Ah! Sister Jiuqi, Lin Xianfeng, why did I suddenly faint?" Huang Li rubbed his head, "My head hurts, what happened?"

Jiuqi carefully checked Huang Li's body and was relieved to see that there was no negative impact. Huang Li should have been affected by the beast's breath and was not really infected with the beast.

"Nothing, the enemy has run away." Jiuqi patted her head, with a look of concern, "If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to tell me in time."

"Okay." Huang Li nodded repeatedly.

"Jiuqi, come with me." Lin Shan looked a little hesitant and walked towards his room.

Although he was hesitant, he was never a procrastinator. Since there was a possibility of taking a shortcut, why not try it.

As soon as Jiuqi walked into Lin Shan’s bedroom, Lin Shan immediately closed the door.

Jiuqi was stunned. This was the first time she had seen Lin Shan's reaction. "What is this going to do?"

"Huh..." Lin Shan took a deep breath.

"Huh..." Lin Shan breathed out again.

Breathe again, spit again.

Jiuqi was a little dumbfounded, "Just tell me if you have something to do, no matter how coy you are."

"My divinity is suppressed now, and I am completely dominated by human nature, right?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." Jiuqi nodded and asked again, "So?"

"I want to survive my love crisis at this time..."

Jiuqi immediately understood what Lin Shan meant, but still pretended not to know and asked, "How to cross?"

"This needs your help." Lin Shan said word by word.

"Without contaminating divinity, doing this can indeed help you overcome the calamity of love, but it must be between two people who love each other, and the relationship must be deep to a certain extent. There is no specific standard for this level. Some people may love each other for a lifetime and still not be able to succeed. This kind of The method is much more difficult than killing the opponent with one knife." Jiuqi turned away.

"I want to try." Lin Shan nodded, indicating that he knew this.

"How do you feel after being together for such a long time?" Jiuqi looked at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan shook his head and said seriously, "It's a very vague feeling, I don't understand it, but this is an opportunity and I don't want to miss it."

Jiuqi smiled and said, "It's impossible for you to succeed with the goal of overcoming the tribulation, but it doesn't hurt to try."

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