Above the gray fog

Chapter 1083 Countermeasures

Liu Ru looked haggard and tired. He staggered a bit when he walked, and seemed to be under tremendous pressure and burden.

"Xianxian Lin, I'm afraid that the human race will be doomed this time." Liu Ru said with eyes full of grief, "I don't know where two forces came from, deliberately targeting the human race. Now half of the Huaxia Kingdom at the foot of the mountain has been destroyed. How about... The civilization that was easily established fell apart.

"Half a month, it's only half a month, how can the human race's hundreds of years of construction be so fragile!"

"With the current strength of the Human Sect, it may be difficult to resist these enemies. The Twins are in troubled times now, and other forces in the seven mountains and nine places cannot be free to assist the Human Race at this time."

Liu Ru's whole body trembled with anger. He clenched his fists tightly, but quickly released them. He understood that the pain and anger in his heart could not solve the problem. As the current leader of the human race, everyone can be blinded by emotions. Only he could not Can.

Even if there is still a chance, he will try to get it.

Liu Ru looked at Lin Shan and said, "Pioneer Lin, do you have any way to help the human race overcome this difficulty?"


Lin Shan sighed.

How many times has it happened that the last disaster seemed to be just around the corner.

When he was a player in the game, he would be as angry but helpless as Liu Ru. Now he is more like an outsider, able to see clearly what he couldn't see clearly before.

"Haha..." Lin Shan suddenly laughed.

In the eyes of others, he may even be a bit neurotic.

Liu Ru was confused but didn't dare to ask.

Jiuqi sighed softly in his heart.

"Has there been any results for the person I asked you to find?" Lin Shan asked in a hoarse voice.

Half a month ago I was still chatting with Jiuqi about this matter.

The current situation was just as he had guessed.

He had known for a long time that there would be such a day, and this day would definitely come before he passed the disaster.

If not, how can we drag him into the game?

"I found a few people in the mortal realm. I wonder if they are the people that Pioneer Lin is looking for." After hearing what Lin Shan said, Liu Ru quickly reported the progress.

Although he didn't know what Lin Shan was looking for this kind of person to do, he could vaguely guess that it must be related to the disaster that the human race was suffering.

"Bring all those people here, and collect their information and give it to me."

"Also, it can't just be ordinary people. Human sects also choose a few extraordinary ones who meet the conditions. If there are none, just pick generals from the dwarfs. As long as they have made great contributions and done something that has a profound impact on the human race, they have published Effective policies, management, and even yourself." Lin Shan looked at Liu Ru, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, I'll go and prepare now. These people can be sent over before evening." Liu Ru nodded. Not only did he not feel disgusted at being ordered, he was even slightly excited.

Pioneer Lin, are you preparing to take action when the human race is in danger?

The human race can be saved.

"Don't leave yet. Let's briefly talk about the current situation." Liu Ru turned around and was about to complete the tasks assigned by Lin Shan, but was stopped by Lin Shan.

Liu Ru took a deep breath and said:

"Currently, nearly half of China's national territory has been captured, with more than 200 million casualties and countless other losses. I have dispatched 20,000 disciples who have completed the process of introducing qi into the body, 2,000 disciples who guard the body and practice qi, and those who feel guilty and rest their mind. There are more than two hundred true disciples, led by many elders to fight against the enemy."

"Every battle resulted in heavy losses. What's even more despicable is that just the aftermath of the battle destroyed the city. Although our support was timely, it was difficult for ordinary people in the city to retreat. In the past ten days, we have not been able to retreat. They have lost, but they have not won either. Their targets seem to be only ordinary people, and they will even deliberately avoid the extraordinary when they encounter them.”

"If the Huaxia Kingdom is destroyed, the Renzong will lose its foundation, like duckweeds in the water, and can no longer be called a clan."

"Even now, there are still countless evil things raging."

After listening to Liu Ru's words, Lin Shan did not immediately give any advice. After thinking for a few minutes, he asked, "Have the batch of extraordinary people guarding the cracks been recalled by the Renzong?"

"We have recalled them. If we don't recall them, we won't be able to use so much strength." Liu Ru replied, adding, "But our withdrawal will put a lot of pressure on other forces, and even some bad rumors will appear."

"Don't worry about those rumors. You did the right thing. Your own tribe can hardly defend itself. How can you still have time to defend the galaxy." Lin Shan affirmed Liu Ru's actions.


"Next, you do what I say. Disband the Huaxia Kingdom, declare it to be destroyed, and let the people run away on their own. Whether it is wandering around or flowing into other countries, in short, don't stay in the Huaxia Kingdom."

It would definitely be too late to organize an escape at this time, and they might even be sniped. Renzong Chaofan can block the enemy, but it may not be able to defend the civilians.

Only by dispersing to the wild, or even to other countries, can the losses be reduced as much as possible.

Lin Shan could not take into account the situation of starving to death on the road without food or being unable to reach the destination because of the long distance.

In every disaster, people will die. The only difference is between fewer deaths and more deaths. What Lin Shan has to do is to make the human race die as few people as possible.

"This..." Liu Ru felt like his heart was cut as he thought of the human descendants fleeing in all directions.

I don’t know how many people will die along the way.

"We can't stop the enemy. Any large gathering place will be the target of the enemy's attack. This is the best solution at present. After the disaster is over, we can recall this group of people. Sansheng Mountain is not a dangerous place. As long as we bring enough food, going far away is not a dead end. The human race was able to complete the migration in the gray fog full of crises. It is not a problem on this wide road." Seeing that Liu Ru was still struggling, Lin Shan patted his shoulder, "Since you are in this position, you should know that many times we can't take care of everything."

"Yes." Liu Ru responded in a low voice, "I will let the disciples of the Human Sect organize the evacuation, but there is one thing that may be a little inappropriate. Other sects also know what the human race is experiencing at the moment. If the people of Huaxia flow to other mortal spirit countries, what if they are regarded as the source of disaster..."

"As long as the Human Sect is still there, they dare not. The barefoot are not afraid of those wearing shoes. We are in a crisis, so we are barefoot now. They should be afraid of us." Lin Shan said.

"I understand, I'll do it now." Liu Ru nodded heavily and turned to leave.

After Liu Ru left, Lin Shan followed him out of the palace gate and sat on the stairs leading to Chengtian Palace, looking at the palaces below, thinking about the countermeasures in his heart.

No matter what, he must let the human race preserve its strength as much as possible.

Dispersing ordinary people can only reduce the coverage of the enemy's single attack.

On the other hand, it is also to drag the surrounding sects into the water. The human race will inevitably decline in strength even if it survives this disaster. At that time, it will inevitably be cannibalized by the surrounding sects.

Although Lin Shan's approach is not very loyal, there is no other way to protect himself now and in the future.

Doing so can only delay time, and he must find the singularity in a short time.

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