Above the gray fog

Chapter 11 Red Lantern

"What is this sound? Is it a herd of beasts?"

Lin Shan was a little confused, and even if he wanted to run, he didn't know which direction to run in. The sound felt like it was coming from all directions, it was deafening!

Boom boom boom——!

The huge black shadow came roaring with a loud bang, and Lin Shan could vaguely see that it was a thing, a huge boat!

The height alone is more than ten meters high, and the strong wind brought by when it roars by blows away nearly a kilometer of gray fog around it.

Lin Shan was as small as an ant under this giant ship. The ship did not look like a human craft. The overall structure was very simple. There seemed to be something crawling on the ship, which could not be seen clearly even from a distance.

As the boat approached, Lin Shan finally saw clearly what was on the boat. All kinds of scarlet soft-bodied creatures were squirming together, round, flat, striped, and some deformed shapes... just looking at it made people want to vomit. feeling.

Lin Shan was too small for the giant ship and would not attract its attention at all. It roared straight from the front, and the strong wind blew Lin Shan more than ten meters away, and he fell heavily to the ground!

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Lin Shan got up with difficulty, thinking that the matter was over.

Immediately afterwards, another huge ship appeared in the sight. Different from the previous ship, this ship was empty, extremely dilapidated, and looked strange and eerie. It moved at such a speed that it made no sound and did not even stir up a breeze.

As his thoughts turned, the huge ship flashed past his eyes from far to near. Lin Shan suddenly trembled. He saw the ship passing directly through the trees, which was different from the previous ship that was crushed and destroyed... This is a ghost ship!

I felt a little horrified in my heart. Now looking at the direction in which the two giant ships left, I had a vague feeling that the ship in front was running for its life.

"...If something of this level happens to enter the circle, then us so-called pioneers of the human race will be wiped out in minutes." Lin Shan shook his head with a wry smile.

After a false alarm, I got up and continued walking. There was only the last eight kilometers left to the destination.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, and the surroundings began to feel cold... This feeling was all too familiar to him.

His heart trembled, knowing that there must be something strange nearby, but fortunately he did not enter the opponent's attack range.

Just when he was about to take a detour, a red fire suddenly appeared in front of him, a bit like a red lantern. The light was very warm and made people want to get close.

Lin Shan tried his best to contain the feeling of closeness and calmly stepped back, wanting to leave the scope of this strange influence.

When Lin Shan stepped back, a red figure suddenly condensed in front of him! Lin Shan was shocked and started to run back.

The moment he ran, the red figure in front of him rushed over, and its hands passed directly through Lin Shan's body.

In an instant, Lin Shan felt a biting coldness all over his body, his consciousness began to become blurred, and everything around him fell into darkness.

After a moment, he passed out. The moment before he passed out, he had only one thought: "My life is at stake."

"My head hurts!"

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Shan woke up in a daze and shook his head in severe pain.

He found that he was still in his original position, and the red lantern in front of him was still there.

"I'm not dead?"

This time he did not act rashly. He summoned the parchment in his mind and found that the parchment was filled with dense words. This was the first time that the parchment proactively provided information.

Parchment: [I don’t know whether it’s luck or misfortune, but you triggered the red lantern’s attack mechanism, and the red lantern eroded you. She didn't want to kill you, but she inadvertently worsened the curse on you. Currently, there are only ten days left to survive. You are about to die. Even if you find Ashatuo, it will not help. Ashatuo is an extraordinary life, and it cannot be shaken unless it is extraordinary. However, I have to admire your luck. You have encountered a strange creature that is close to the human race. As long as its attack mechanism is not triggered. , it will not actively attack you. If the method is correct, you can even try to control it with your mortal body. You need to pay five years of life to obtain the control method of the red lantern. 】

"The weird things that are close to the human race are not weird but weird things. This is a bit intriguing. Parchment should also be classified as weird things."

Lin Shan muttered in his heart, now he had no other choice but to write on the parchment:

Lin Shan: "Pay."

It's good to be alive now, why do you care about lifespan?

Parchment: "Perhaps you can try to go directly to hold her and use your own blood as the oil for her burning lamp. Remember, never turn your back to her, let alone think about running away, you will die! Any monster will There are negative effects...please exercise moderation.”

It seems that the killing mechanism of this weird thing is to turn its back or run away. He happened to do both of these two before... He also noticed that the parchment used "she" instead of "it", which made him feel a little frustrated. tingling. As for the negative impact at the end, the parchment didn't directly explain it... Maybe, it doesn't know if there is a possibility...

Lin Shan took a deep breath to keep himself calm, and slowly approached the red lantern step by step. When it was close to the ten-meter range, the blur caused by the gray fog disappeared, and the vision began to become clearer. The lantern could be clearly seen, and... the red figure holding the lantern.

It was a silhouette of a woman, standing there quietly, holding a lantern in her hand, and her whole body was made of blurry red, just like a child's random graffiti. She seemed to be staring at Lin Shan, and Lin Shan knew that if he turned his back now, he would receive a fatal blow.

Looking at the red shadow, he slowly approached and stopped when he was shoulder to shoulder with the red shadow. He didn't have the coldness that made his blood freeze when he confronted the strange line fish before. It was just a little cold, which should be related to the closeness to the human race written on the parchment.

Lin Shan observed the lantern in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but jump. He used to study medicine. Although his professional skills were very average, he could tell at a glance that the lantern was made of human skin... The supporting skeleton inside should also be made of polished human bones.

At this time, looking at the red shadow beside him, it looked like a skinned person... Could it be that the material was taken from her...

Lin Shan resisted the discomfort and held the handle of the lantern. In an instant, he felt that his vision became extremely wide, and the gray fog around him was useless. He could see the scene a hundred meters away.

However, the moment Lin Shan held the handle, the red shadow overlapped with him directly.

Cold, numb, and stiff body almost lost consciousness.

Lin Shan felt that his body was being taken away. It was not him who controlled the red lantern, but the red lantern that was controlling him!

Lamp oil!

Feeling that his body was gradually losing control, Lin Shan realized that it was written on the parchment that blood was needed as lamp oil!

He raised his right hand with all his strength and put his index finger in his mouth. He bit it hard, and a bloody smell filled the air.

He took out his finger and put it above the lantern.

"Tick, tick..." Blood slowly dripped into the small lamp in the lantern, and Lin Shan immediately felt that the control of his body was gradually recovering.

Lin Shan did not stop until the small lamp was full. At this time, his body had completely recovered control. Not only that, his vision was expanded again, and he could see through the gray fog and see a range of nearly 200 meters.

The red lantern should have other abilities, but they have not been explored yet. Just expanding the field of vision is already very powerful, and many dangers can be avoided in advance in the gray fog.

"Huh, I survived." Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

He encountered so many dangers after walking only four kilometers out of ten kilometers. This world really doesn't give people a way to survive.

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