Above the gray fog

Chapter 110 The Nine Cities and Cat Workers United Party

Lin Shan looked down at the City Lord's Mansion, where the lights were obviously brighter than elsewhere, "Since the interests of the nine cities are the same, the disunity of political power should not refer to these nine City Lords."

Yan Renren spoke slowly, his voice as clear as a lark, and said crisply:

"In addition to the City Lord's Palace, the Cat Clan also has a power organization called the 'Cat Workers United Party'. It was originally composed of low-level workers and ordinary people of the Cat Clan. Its main purpose was to seek benefits for ordinary people and demand equality between extraordinary and ordinary people. At first, it was just a group of One of the small organizations, but unfortunately there are too many cat people in this class. Gradually, the lucky cat people at the bottom rose up and gave back to the organization. After more than a hundred years of development, it has grown to the point where it is now on an equal footing with the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord's Mansion They have the right to participate in any decision, and the cat clan's political power is divided into two. "

"Since the two factions have incompatible ideas, only one side is destined to survive. However, the cat tribe is not a fool. They know that internal fighting will only lead to internal friction. In this world, internal friction is obviously not a good choice. All of them have been tacitly agreeing for so many years. It wasn't until they met the human race that the two factions started to get excited about the existence of the other party. "

At this time, Yan Xingxing had already recovered. She continued Yan Renren's words and said softly in her voice like a trickle:

"When they first came into contact with the human race, the Nine Cities of the Cat Clan just wanted to harvest the fate of the human race, supplement the resources in their clan territory, and expand the clan territory. At that time, the 'Cat Workers United Party' did not care, and there was no harm in harvesting the clan's fortune, so The two factions also held the same opinion. They conspired to pretend to have good relations with the human race, provide various aids, send people to learn the human race's language, and help the human race develop. When the human race comes in large numbers, the cat tribe will immediately turn their backs. At that time, they can say that they are against the human race. We already know it very well, and the human race cannot escape its clutches.”

"But for some unknown reason on the way, the 'Cat Workers United Party' deliberately spared the human race, so the human race was able to successfully migrate under the leadership of you and other pioneers. Otherwise, with the strength of the cat clan, the human race would not have even been able to migrate at that time. None."

"When they fought against the human race again a few years ago, the attitude of the 'Cat Workers United Party' changed completely. The battle between Jiucheng and the human race was not an internal fight. The people who died were all the people of the Jiucheng faction. In the end, they could still get the human race. Luck, so they once again pretended to accept the human race as a vassal race. They knew that the human race would not agree, and it was just an excuse to avoid war. "

The two sisters took turns to fight. Yan Xingxing said he was tired, and Yan Renren spoke again in a clear voice:

"Under the scrutiny of millions of cat people, the 'Cat Worker United Party' has stated that it wants humans to become vassals of the cat clan to avoid war. But at this time, the Nine Cities have already started fighting with the humans, and they have no choice but to fight. To retreat at this time is to expose your face to the people. It is too ridiculous for a large clan that has been developing for hundreds of years to retreat when a small clan encounters it. "

"So they can only continue to attack the humans under pressure. These are all in the plan of the 'Cat Workers United Party'. Jiucheng also understands their purpose, so they want to use their tricks to win over the humans and use this credit to deter the 'Cat Workers' If the United Party wins the hearts and minds of the people, they may be able to dismantle the United Party of Cat Workers. They will use their tricks, but they will never allow too many casualties due to attacking the human race, so they will use every means to avoid a head-on fight, and the human race will also use it. Can stabilize the front line.”

"It won't have any bad effects if I dominate this city." Lin Shan asked after listening to the two sisters. The human race needs balance. If the balance is broken, unpredictable changes may occur.

"I don't know, no matter what the outcome is, it will definitely have a deterrent effect. The other city chiefs will probably not even be able to sleep well if they know that there is a Sequence 8 watching them." Yan Xingxing said with a smile.

"I wonder if you want to expose your identity or assassinate secretly?" Yan Renren asked. She had read previous historical records. After Lin Pioneer assassinated the top leaders of the Cat Clan, he left a line with blood saying, 'Stop attacking humans, otherwise the Cat Clan will never have peace! ’ was written in blood. At that time, she felt that Lin Xianxian was too arrogant, but from then on, she became more afraid of Lin Xianxian. She was worried that Lin Xianxian was a cruel and murderous person.

After seeing it today, I overturned previous speculations. Perhaps Lin Xianxian was not bloodthirsty, he was just a little indifferent to life...

"Without revealing your identity, if the city lord doesn't show up, then don't kill him yet." Lin Shan said softly, "I have other plans."

Then he asked, "What is your status in the cat clan?"

"We are the dean's subordinates, orphan templates. The dean is the owner of a fishing gear shop in the Cat Clan on the surface, but secretly the president of the Maoxiang Club. The Maoxiang Club specializes in collecting orphans from the cat clan and raising them."

"Will the Ninetowns or the 'Cat-Workers United Party' stop the formation of an aboveboard party?" Lin Shan asked.

"No, we are just a small guild and it does not involve power. There are countless parties like the Cat Clan. They all contribute to the development of the Cat Clan. There is no harm. If some parties develop too fast, they will be The two major forces took it all in and made wedding clothes for them," Yan Renren explained.

"Well... you guys wait for me here." Lin Shan took the two of them to a relatively remote alley and teleported away.

Five minutes later, Lin Shan came back again with two more masks in his hands.

"One for each person, take them with you."

The two women carefully took the masks and put them on their faces.

"You guys will stand behind me in a moment and wag your tail as much as possible."


"Because I can't shake."


"Anyway, just come here as a cat tribe." Lin Shan warned.

"Next, follow me, let's break into the City Lord's Mansion!" Lin Shan looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion and approached step by step.

"Isn't it an assassination?" Yan Xingxing said hurriedly, "There are hundreds of extraordinary people in the City Lord's Mansion."

"It's okay, it's the first time, they can't react so quickly, and run away after causing great damage."

The two sisters' thoughts were stagnant at this time. They didn't know why Lin Shan did this. Was he not afraid of being recognized because he was wearing a mask? Was he just trying to cause damage?

But no matter what, they followed Lin Shan closely. Their slightly trembling hands showed that they were not calm in their hearts.

In front of the closed door of the City Lord's Mansion, three masked "cat people" looked at the closed door quietly.

A wisp of white flame appeared out of thin air, and the temperature around suddenly rose sharply. The pedestrians around, including the two sisters next to them, had a little sweat on their foreheads. Just when the pedestrians were surprised by the abnormal temperature, the flames gently floated on the door, quickly spread, and wrapped the entire door.

In an instant, the four-meter-high iron gate turned into molten iron in front of everyone's astonished eyes.

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