Above the gray fog

Chapter 1100 Divine Road

Star Legend Starship No. 17.

Lin Shan decided to stay here for a while.

It was not really to repay the life-saving grace, he was not stupid.

He had no other place to go now, he needed time and space to sort out his thoughts and determine the next path to take.

After confirming that Evan Barton had no ill will towards him, Lin Shan decided to follow this starship for a while.

‘Star’ is a force at the same level as ‘Garden of Eden’ and ‘Continuation Court’. As far as Lin Shan knows, these forces should be in a neutral state. Their responsibility is to maintain the operation of the rules of the universe and have already stood at the top.

Without room for advancement, they will naturally not pursue fame and fortune like ordinary forces.

Lin Shan also learned from Evan Barton what they are doing now.

Their main task is to deliver goods, and in the process of delivering goods, they can also solve the troubles in this galaxy. This trouble has been solved by his followers.

So, the two just need to wait here. What specific goods are they delivering? What troubles did they encounter? Evan Barton did not say, and Lin Shan did not ask.

Lin Shan asked about his origins again. According to Evan Barton, they bought him back from a famous auction house at a huge price.

Of course, what they wanted to buy back was not Lin Shan, but the crystal coffin containing Lin Shan.

Evan Barton said that the crystal coffin containing him was a carrier, and that was why he was able to survive.

Lin Shan simply checked the crystal coffin and was sure that it was just an ordinary carrier. Apart from the effect of the carrier itself, there were no other secrets.

Lin Shan did not bother about the crystal coffin anymore and let Evan Barton take it back.

After a brief exchange, Evan Barton assigned Lin Shan an exclusive room and told him to ask Gray Clothes if he had any questions.

Gray Clothes was the attendant who went off the ship to do business.

On the white and soft big bed.

Lin Shan sat back, opposite a screen over 100 inches, on which was playing news that Lin Shan could not understand.

"Please listen to Galaxy News. This news program is directly sponsored by the Third Branch of Universal Trade Group."

"The largest star in the Yiyi Galaxy, the Giant Fire Supergiant, will reach the end of its life in 30 years. The Giant Fire Supergiant will turn into a black hole over a long period of time, causing a devastating blow to the surrounding star systems. It is known that there are dimensional crystal vein mines of the Third Branch of Universal Trade Group in the surrounding galaxies. They have given two plans to prevent this disaster. The first plan is to expel the star, and the second plan is to directly annihilate the star. The diameter of the 'Giant Fire Supergiant' reaches 3.7 billion kilometers. No matter which plan is used, it will make people feel incredible, but we believe that the Third Branch of Universal Trade Group will definitely Have such strength. "

"The Wei Ya Interstellar Empire announced on September 20, 31231, the 15th year of the Yiyi Star Calendar, that they will send the Empire's elite fleet to annihilate the biggest cancer in the Yiyi Galaxy - the Black Glue Interstellar Gang."

"A group of free 'beasts' are flying towards the western continent at a very high speed, and are expected to land on the western continent in three years. The western continent's god-level strongman Adolia said that he would stop the beasts in advance and has asked for help from the third branch of the Universal Trade Group. The company has not yet given an accurate answer. "

This is a news program that coordinates major events in the galaxy. Lin Shan heard from these few short messages that the purpose of this news program is only one, that is, to praise the third branch of the Universal Trade Group.

Lin Shan's thoughts flashed, and the picture on the screen disappeared instantly, and the screen that originally had a physical body also turned into a blue light spot and slowly dissipated.

This starship has a very high technological content.

Where he is now, from the outside, it is just a small room. When he really walks in, the internal space will expand and become a luxurious private mansion.

Lin Shan often comes into contact with this technology of expanding space, and storage devices are the most typical representative.

But apart from the Zhulong Ring, Lin Shan has never heard of any storage device that can hold living people.

Obviously, it is not impossible to achieve, just because he has not seen it.

Lin Shan looked at the ceiling, stunned.

The next second, the whole room began to become transparent, all the furniture and decorations disappeared, and only Lin Shan was floating alone in the space, flying in a certain direction at a moderate speed.

Lin Shan touched it, and the texture of the bed did not change.

But his mental power told him that he was really in the void of the universe now, and there was nothing around to hinder him.

It was really magical, and this was another technology he could not understand.

Looking at the starry sky, he continued to be in a trance.


Lin Shan finally couldn't help it.

He trembled with his hands and grabbed the soft quilt under him, and could no longer suppress the grief in his heart.

Lying flat on the bed, tears kept dripping, wetting his cheeks, and his body trembled slightly, as if he was enduring endless pain.

He slowly curled up his body, holding his head with both hands, his shoulders kept shaking, and his crying was soft and thin, just like an ordinary helpless person.

I don’t know how long it took.

Lin Shan slowly sat up, his eyes regained their previous calmness, despite this, his body was still trembling slightly, and his heart was experiencing great suffering.

He raised his head and looked at the empty universe and starry sky, as if looking for something.

After all the nine tribulations, what is the difference between him and ordinary people now?

He didn’t know how to face this sadness from the bottom of his heart. No one to tell, and he didn’t want to tell anyone, so he could only bury it in his heart.

Silently wiping away his tears, Lin Shan slowly said, "Pay 100,000 years of life."

The difference may be that he can hide all his emotions in his heart and can perfectly control his emotions. Maybe this is not good, but he has no other way.

This incident also confirmed that the parchment had been lying to him about Jiuqi.

Lin Shan did not say a word. He knew what answer he would get, so it was better not to ask.

Parchment: [Remaining life span 67 years. ]

Originally, he had a gap of more than 4,000 years in life span, but after waking up, he found that his life span had successfully broken through the 100,000-year mark.

Lin Shan did not know the specific reason. Not only that, his life span continued to increase, increasing by two or three days a day on average.

This frequency reminded Lin Shan of the secular shop, but he could no longer open the door of the shop.

Just as Lin Shan was thinking, the parchment seemed to have digested the 100,000 years of life span.

Parchment: [Searching the area within a radius of 20 million light years. ]

Parchment: [No suitable divine path was found. 】

Parchment: [Searching an area of ​​50 million light years. 】

Parchment: [No suitable divine path was found. 】

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