Above the gray fog

Chapter 1131 Five layers of barriers above the gray fog

One month later.

Western Guizhou territory.

Ninety thousand miles above the gray fog.

The moon stains the heavenly palace.

Lin Shan slowly opened his eyes on the cold jade bed.

"Wake up, come to me in the main hall." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came to Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment to figure out what happened.

"Come with me." A flash of light flashed, and the woman in blue skirt leaned against the wall holding a long sword and looked at Lin Shan.

He immediately turned into a snowflake and rushed out the door.

When Lin Shan saw this, he turned into a flashing purple light and followed closely behind.

The conversion between matter and energy is the basic method for becoming a god.

Starlight chased Xuehua to a large hall. Light flashed and Xuehua turned into a woman in a blue dress again. "God Huan Yue is inside, go in by yourself."



"Well..." Lin Shan walked in slowly.

The ground is paved with a whole piece of bright white jade, reflecting a soft luster.

The surrounding stone pillars stand tall, and the walls are inlaid with brilliant colored glaze.

There is an incense table placed in the center of the main hall, and clear smoke rises from time to time.

A beam of red light fell from the sky, and a figure suddenly appeared in the empty seat in front of the incense table.

He wears a red robe, with the hem flying like flames, and a golden crown on his head, with a dazzling ruby ​​in front of the crown.

Sitting there, it feels like a burning red lotus flame, or like a quiet and deep green pool in the mountains.

Lin Shan couldn't see clearly the face of the person coming. This person should be the god mentioned by the female god just now.

"Lin Shan, we meet again, you really didn't disappoint me, you were able to defeat the foreign gods just after being promoted." The faint voice of the red-robed god came, "Sit down, you must have many questions, I can answer some of them for you. "

Lin Shan walked forward slowly and sat opposite.

"Who are you, have we met?" Lin Shan asked.

"You should have guessed that I am the old woman in the secret realm of astrology." The misty voice echoed in the hall, completely different from the old woman's voice that Lin Shan first heard.

"What you see is the projection I created 200,000 years ago. Compared with ordinary projections, it is mixed with a little more spiritual soul. His existence is to help find a suitable successor for astrological authority, but you didn't expect that now All the creatures are so corrupted, and the power of astrology has been suppressed by me for two hundred thousand years. Just when I could no longer suppress it, you appeared. In the words of that person, this is fate." The red-robed god smiled. , "Time flies, and two hundred thousand years have passed. Seeing you really makes me feel a lot. Everything I see is the past... and everything I think about is old memories..."

Lin Shan didn't know how to answer the question, "Just keep the past in your memory. It will always hurt your nerves to take it out."

"Is this what you do?" The red-robed god looked at Lin Shan and said softly, "I can see it in the secret realm of astrology, Lin Shan, you are very repulsive to fate."

"Maybe, it may be due to my previous experiences." Lin Shan shook his head.

The red-robed god held his head with one hand and tilted his head to look at Lin Shan, "Excluding one's own abilities will limit the development of authority."

"Maybe you think that everything you experience is fate, and you are like a puppet."

"But I want to tell you that this is life, not fate. Fate is a destiny. There is no destiny in this world. Nothing is fixed. Luck is a variable. The essence of life is to constantly experience disasters, constant adjustments, and constant changes. Only when you become a god can you see through the ups and downs of this world."

Lin Shan cupped his hands and said, "I have learned a lesson."

"You and I are gods. There are still many creatures in this world who don't believe in gods, just like you don't believe in fate." The red-robed god waved his hand to extinguish the incense on the table. "I got off track. If you have any doubts, you can do it now." Ask out."

"What's above the gray fog?" Lin Shan asked.

"I thought you would ask about alien gods or genealogy, but your question covers too much." The red-robed god thought for a while and said, "I'll just pick out what I can and tell you."

"Above the gray fog, there are five layers of barriers. Outside the barrier is the entrance to the gray fog universe. The alien gods are constantly invading. All we can do is resist. The alien gods you just killed came from outside the gray fog. Those who invade, according to the arrangement of the old emperor, the foreign gods at the fourth level of the sequence will be squeezed into the first heaven after the invasion, and then the gods below will activate the realm to guide them. There are two kinds of realms, and the first one is you. What we have experienced is that the two sides directly fought, and in the end it was a life-or-death outcome. The mortality rate of this kind of boundary is too high, and it has been abandoned now. I didn't expect it to be triggered by you unintentionally. "

"The second kind of Jieqi is commonly used in the genealogy now. Jieqi will introduce enemies and gods into other worlds, and then use the power of other worlds to kill the enemies. Although it is very unfriendly to other worlds, in order to keep the gray mist , we have no other choice.

"Actually, because of the existence of the outer gods, the handover of gods within the lineage is very fast. Only a few powers cannot be handed over due to unexpected reasons. One day, I may die at the hands of the outer gods, and the gods waiting below me will be promoted. opportunity, that’s normal.”

The red-robed god said quietly. Seeing that Lin Shan did not show any fearful expression, he nodded with satisfaction, "The new god has a thousand-year development period and will not be summoned immediately."

Lin Shan quickly organized his thoughts. The amount of information in the red-robed god's mouth was too great.

"There are five layers of barriers on the gray mist land, and they are guarded by five levels of gods. The gods stationed there are all within the lineage. Foreign gods will enter the barrier, and the gods stationed there must kill the foreign gods. Is this what you mean?"

"Almost. The invasion time is not fixed. It has been more than 20,000 years since the last large-scale invasion of the outer gods. Now it can be regarded as a peaceful period, but there are occasionally some small fish, but we must remain vigilant. In addition to the outer gods, we have other enemies. The seemingly stable gray fog universe has been full of loopholes after eleven restarts." The red-robed god looked at Lin Shan, "Since you have chosen the genealogy, the responsibility of protecting the gray fog universe has been firmly bound to you since the moment you became a god."

"You don't have to worry too much. Although the outer gods are a threat, they are not the biggest threat at present. The water inside the universe is deeper, and there are some new and old hatreds between the various genealogies. For details, you can ask Ran Yue."

"I have become a god now. What should I do if I want to continue to become stronger?" Lin Shan continued to ask the questions he was concerned about.

"There is no difference between the power of the same level of authority. In terms of authority, you only need to develop slowly, and you don't need to spend too much effort. The strength gap between individual gods is actually quite large. Technology, magic weapons, magic tools, and even source weapons, source tools, racial talents and even "curses" can gain a lot of advantages." The red-robed god said.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slowly. Just like what he thought, since the power was the same, if he wanted to widen the gap, he could only start from the outside.

"Source weapons, source tools, and spells... What are these?"

"Source weapons and source tools are weapons and props created by the origin of the universe. There are not many of them, and any one of them is a treasure. As for the 'spell', it is the origin of the universe itself. There are a total of 999 spells in the gray fog universe. You will know when you come into contact with them in the future."

"You stay in Xiqian first, and sort out the world of gods first, so as not to suffer losses. You can leave later if you want to. This is for you. This is the key to activate the astrology scepter." After speaking, the red-robed god threw a pendant to Lin Shan, and disappeared in the flashing red light.

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