Above the gray fog

Chapter 1154 Day 5

The man called Lord Mu did not take them to the prison this time, but took them to the only five-story building in the town.

Crossing the large courtyard outside, taking the stairs to the fifth floor, everyone here was wearing the clothes of public officials.

Lord Mu sat down on a soft chair, "Something big has happened, quickly bring paper and pen, I want to report to the Holy Envoy."

He glanced at Lin Shan and the other two with his peripheral vision, "Arrange a place for them to stay and let the Holy Envoy deal with them."


Immediately, a guard led Lin Shan and the other two out, down the stairs, and came to the third floor.

"You three will live here, someone will bring you food at a certain time, but you can't go out." After the guard finished his instructions, he locked the three people in the room.

"This place is much better than a prison, and there is a separate bathroom." Jingwei rolled around on the soft big bed, "What should we do next? Just wait here?"

"Wait, nothing will happen next." Jingwei lay in front of the window and looked outside, "When will the meal be delivered to his house?"

"I don't know when the meal will be delivered, but we should be safe for several days. At least before the sixth day, we can stay here safely." Lin Shan opened the cabinet next to him, took out a set of sheets for changing, and spread them on the floor, "You two sleep on the bed, I sleep here, take a rest, and recover your energy first."



The three of them fell asleep in a daze until someone knocked on the door at noon to deliver food.

After eating, Ranyue and Jingwei were no longer sleepy, and they began to be dazed.

Lin Shan continued to sleep on the floor, and it was not until the evening that Lin Shan woke up.

He began to lean against the wall to think about the next plan. If the outer gods knew that they had a 7-day weak period, they would definitely respond on the 6th and 7th days. Although he didn't know what the outer gods would respond to, it would definitely be a decisive blow. Lin Shan didn't want to deliberately underestimate the enemy's wisdom.

He kept thinking until midnight, and then Lin Shan fell asleep.

The next morning, someone brought in breakfast again.

The three of them ate and slept, and slept and ate, until the fifth day.

"Knock, knock." Someone knocked on the door.

Lin Shan sat up straight, looked outside the door, and said to himself: "It's the 5th day now, the time is just right."

"Is it someone who delivers food again? It's a little early today." Jingwei quickly got up and opened the door.

A middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar stood outside the door, "Excuse me, can I come in?"

The three people in the room were unmoved, because they couldn't understand what the middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar was saying.

"It's true, the language is not intelligible." The middle-aged man stepped in.

The man surnamed Mu who brought them here followed closely behind him, and he was very respectful to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar closed the door behind him, then tidied his clothes and sat cross-legged on the ground. He first glanced at Lin Shan and the other two, cut his fingertips and wrote and drew on the ground.

Not long after, a ceremony that was too complicated took shape on the ground.

The middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar turned pale, "Can you understand me now?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

"Hey, this is engraved with 'Lingxi Tongyi', isn't this the ceremony of gray fog?" Jingwei looked at the ceremony engraved with blood on the ground, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Do you know 'Lingxi Tongyi'? What is gray fog?" The scholar suddenly opened his eyes wide, "Why do you know 'Lingxi Tongyi'?"

Jingwei squatted down and carefully examined the ritual carved by the middle-aged scholar, "How did you learn this? In addition to the special rituals in each genealogy, functional rituals are all derived from technology. Gray fog is the core of the void. The power system of gray fog is theoretically universal in all worlds, but it is impossible to spread here through the distant void. Moreover, your ritual is driven by the power of this world, and it must have been modified. However, with your realm, you should not be able to modify this ritual..."

"This method of carving the spiritual instrument was taught to me by a mysterious senior master. He claimed that he came from another world and came here to perform the task of killing evil demons." The middle-aged scholar looked at Lin Shan and the other two with a strange look, "Are you the same as the senior master?"

Senior master... The task of killing evil demons, it seems that the senior master mentioned by the scholar is the gray fog god who performed the task in this world last time.

"That's right. We came here to hunt down the evil demon, and the evil demon is hiding in this town." Lin Shan nodded and admitted what the scholar said.

"Since you are in the same place as that senior master, why are there so many weak people?" The middle-aged scholar looked puzzled.

After listening to his subordinates' report on what happened here, he immediately connected it with his previous experience. He rushed here day and night for two days. The truth was as he thought, but the three people in front of him disappointed him. They were obviously ordinary people.

"We come from a higher world. There were some problems during the descent. We suffered backlash, which led to a lower level of life. It will take some time to recover." Lin Shan made up a lie. He realized that this person might become the next helper and must be pulled into his camp.

"The higher world... The observation of the Manrokol Empire is indeed correct. There is a world outside the world. What is the world outside... like? Can you tell me?" The scholar looked at Lin Shan.

"Very big." Lin Shan thought for a long time and came up with two words.

"Very big?"

"Yes, very big." Lin Shan nodded, "It is bigger than I can imagine, and it is still expanding."

"The Lalo Continent is already very big. With my imagination, I can't imagine how big it is." The scholar in the middle looked longing and continued to ask the key question, "In the world you are in, is there still a way for people like me?"

"People like you are also considered strong, but there is still a long way to go." Lin Shan answered tactfully.

"So that's how it is... I knew there was still a way ahead, and I could go one step further... Unfortunately, our world can't bear stronger people..." Thinking of this, the middle-aged scholar looked sad, "The world gave birth to me and raised me, I am already very satisfied, how dare I demand a higher level."

Retracting his thoughts, the middle-aged scholar looked at the three people and said, "I will help you eliminate the monsters that broke into the town, and please tell me the information about the monsters."

Jingwei felt a little reluctant and turned her head away. This world has such a disaster, all caused by the gray fog, but who would have thought that the hero who helped solve the disaster would be the culprit of the disaster.

Ran Yue is not good at lying, she puts her eyes on Lin Shan.

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