Above the gray fog

Chapter 1194 Yuan Ting's wanted order

The strange body's hands seemed to be holding up a blue star and slowly pushed it towards the chest.

A strong sense of rejection immediately came from his soul. His soul and even his 'existence' were rejecting this foreign heart.

The pain from his consciousness surged in like a sea wave, and the strange body outside trembled violently.

Lin Shan gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and tried to reconcile the power of his two hearts.

Consciousness sinks deeply into the body, like steering a ship rocking on the waves, trying to calm the storm within.

Accompanied by a roar that was like the earth shattering, the power of two hearts collided forcibly in his body, and no one was willing to give in.

In the impact again and again, the heart representing astrological authority cracked, but the blue heart remained intact.

Lin Shan realized something was wrong and wanted to save him, but it was too late.

The purple heart containing biological characteristics and astrological authority was crushed by the blue heart.

The blue heart occupies the main position, and the fragments transformed from the purple heart rotate around the blue heart.

"Thump, thump..."

As the blue heart beats vigorously, the power of mysterious authority immediately circulates throughout the body.

The strange black body in the outside world began to fade. The deep black slowly faded into a nearly transparent gray, which looked extremely weird.

In the gray soul, a black heart beats slowly.

Flesh and blood grew rapidly, and a gray robe mixed with crystal blue silk covered the flesh and blood.

Lin Shan stood quietly, feeling the changes in himself.

At this moment, he felt as if he was one with the universe. Every inch of his skin and every drop of blood was exuding powerful and mysterious power.

Lin Shan slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were like two bright stars, shining with azure light, and then quickly covered by gray.

Lin Shan looked at his hands. His skin became crystal clear and glowed with a slight blue light, as if it was a reflection of the starry sky in the universe.

The next second, the fingers began to melt, and drops of gray mucus dripped into the ground, and small Linshan trees less than two centimeters each grew on the ground.

As his body melted away, tens of thousands of Xiao Linshan were already standing on the ground.

The small Linshans squeezed each other and formed the Great Linshan again.

Immediately afterwards, the five fingers softened and turned into five tentacles that could be extended indefinitely. Two of the tentacles reached the mouth, opened the mouth to the size of a water tank, then turned it inward, and ate his own head...


After everything returns to normal.

Lin Shan stared at his body blankly. He had lost his 'human' characteristics.

He is still in human form now because he wants to maintain his human form.

He can be in any form now...

Lin Shan raised his hand slightly, and the Heaven-cutting Spear inserted in the distance flew into his hand with a 'whoosh' sound.

Seeing that the Jie Tian Spear was still intact, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

The astrological authority was shattered by the mysterious authority and is now unusable. All the abilities related to the fate system are also ineffective. The divination of the mysterious body can be used, but the divination is only at the level of Sequence 5 and is useless to him.

Although the astrological authority is broken, the fragments are absorbed by the blue heart. The fragments of authority are all with him. It should be possible to repair them. Can the carrier of astrological authority be turned into a strange body and become two gods? You can try this later, it may not be difficult, but you should first figure out the secret authority.

The divine status and everything are still there, and outsiders should not be able to see his changes. Even if he uses mysterious authority, his secret will not be exposed. Which god does not have some extra power.

Astrological authority became his natural protective umbrella, allowing him to continue fishing within the genealogy.

"Ouch, ouch..."

At this moment, howls suddenly came from the small world of the Zhulong Ring.

You don't need to think about it to know what it is screaming. A black shadow separates from Lin Shan's body and turns into a bat, searching for the sound.

They found that Xiaolong was fighting with Heilang. The two of them were really idle.

"Don't make any noise." The bat stopped in the air uttered human words, and then, countless tentacles stretched out from the void, tightly binding a dragon and a wolf together.

After doing this, the bat turned into a wisp of black energy and returned to Lin Shan's body.

He has only initially mastered the secret power, and all he can use are the most basic abilities. The predecessor said that the secret power is the Sequence 3 level power, but Lin Shan feels that something is missing. The secret power is indeed far beyond the Sequence 4 power, but There should be no level of Sequence 3 yet.

Lin Shan decided to study it carefully.

Immersed in consciousness for several months.

When he opened his eyes again, Lin Shan was happy and worried.

Fortunately, the mysterious authority is different from other authorities. It is not composed of five rules like the astrological authority. The mysterious authority only contains the rule of mystery. Moreover, this mysterious rule has never existed in the gray fog universe.

What is worrying is that if compared with the authorities outside the genealogy, the mysterious authority and the authority outside the genealogy are too similar. There seems to be no room for improvement in both. They are both unique, and there is almost no duplicate of the authority outside the genealogy.

Both are equally specific, and authority outside the genealogy can also include only one rule.

After groping for a long time, Lin Shan once thought that he had been cheated. With his previous astrological authority, there was still hope for promotion. Even if this hope was slim, it was still there. He only had to fish and keep moving up. Climbing up, it is theoretically possible to be promoted to master.

But what now?

The mysterious authority lies in the middle, and the path to advancement seems to be completely cut off. The only way to advance is to advance to the mysterious authority.

Lin Shan had no idea, but his predecessor didn't need to harm him in this matter. Even if he cut off his path, he couldn't revive his predecessor.

Therefore, Lin Shan boldly guessed that there should be a way to promote authority on its own in this world.

Lin Shan immediately thought of the ruins of the Heavenly Palace he had entered before.

Could the promotion method be hidden in that ruins? It is very likely.

The ruins of the Heavenly Palace did not disappear, but were just hidden. When he came out, Lin Shan could still sense the entrance.

The ruins were too dangerous. Lin Shan planned to consolidate his strength at Sequence 3 before exploring. The mysterious authority still lacked one thing, and that thing was - believers.

Lin Shan also didn't understand why the mysterious authority needed believers to stimulate all its power, but what the authority lacked was indeed a certain power provided by believers.

It was not faith, nor was it willpower, but a power that Lin Shan felt familiar with but couldn't remember.

Faith was simple. Qianyu Galaxy was his territory. In this galaxy, anyone who could breathe could become his believer.

The Qianyu Galaxy is neither big nor small, containing about 100 billion stars. Assuming that only 1% of the star systems can be inhabited by living beings, there will be 1 billion planets with living beings. Assuming that there are an average of 1 billion people on each star, the total number is 100 trillion living beings, not counting the living beings that may exist in the gray fog.

Lin Shan intends to let the soul-dividing team complete the believers' affairs. This is a big project that cannot be completed overnight.

After untying Xiaolong and Heilang's restraints, Lin Shan returned to the office outside.

Turn on the computer to see if the characters in the game on the other side have been resurrected.

But he unexpectedly discovered... a letter-like symbol appeared in the middle of the computer screen at some point.

It should not have been there before, so Lin Shan immediately clicked it.

[An alien god has infiltrated the gray fog. ]

[He is the source of chaos from the depths of the void. ]

[If the gods encounter traces of this alien god, do not let it grow. ]

The next second, a ray of crystal blue energy wrapped with black lines drilled out of the screen.

Seeing that notice, Lin Shan's heart tightened, and he felt something was wrong. He closed his eyes and sensed the energy that was escaping.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief. Isn't this energy the mysterious energy?

What is going on?

Is it him that Yuan Ting issued a wanted order to encircle and suppress?

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