Above the gray fog

Chapter 1198 The Loyalty Alliance in Name Only

"Thank you." Lin Shan originally wanted to sell some treasures, but now they no longer need them. Being able to get free soul soldiers that increase the number of split souls is an additional gain.

Lin Shanjiang put away the soul-breaking blade and continued, "I still have one more question I want to ask."


"Do you know the other side?" Lin Shan looked at the scarecrow. The scarecrow is considered a member of Yuanting. It is difficult for him to directly ask about the secret authority. However, the game on the other side was started before obtaining the mysterious authority. There should be no direct antagonistic relationship with Yuanting. , it is even possible that the game on the other side was created by Genting.

"The other side?" The scarecrow's eyes were confused, "It seems that someone once told me that the other side of the void...the place that is not understood...the other side..."

"I can't recall this memory. It must have been blocked by the old me... I may not know the other shore you are talking about, but the other shore has many meanings. I don't know what the other shore you are talking about is. A meaning, or an unknown place?”

"It's a game." Lin Shan said.

"Game?" Scarecrow closed his eyes and thought, "It's still a bit familiar, but I just can't remember it."

The Scarecrow thought for a while and asked, "What kind of game is this?"

"Things in the game can bring you back to reality." Lin Shan thought for a while, and this seemed to be the only thing that stood out in the game.

"What you said can also be done with technology, and it is not difficult. These items that can be brought out are just props prepared in advance, not created out of thin air. Of course, it can also be completed if you have enough source of energy and willpower. Created out of thin air." The Scarecrow shook his head slowly, "If the other side game you encountered can only bring items back to reality, it may be related to a certain advanced civilization. A game created with technology can invade a civilization, or it can. Helping a civilization to upgrade can even create unique rules within a specific scope, such as boundary missions. The game is the embodiment of technology, and technology was once the supreme authority of Gray Fog.”

"Maybe..." The scarecrow's explanation was obviously not what Lin Shan wanted to hear. After experiencing the mysterious power, he could be sure that the game on the other side was definitely not a game created by the so-called advanced civilization.

If it is true that a higher civilization or Yuanting created the Other Side Game, then this game has detected his secret power, and it is impossible for him to be so safe. From this, it can be seen that the Other Side Game must have nothing to do with Yuanting, or even this universe. It doesn't matter, Lin Shan's current guess is that the game on the other side comes from the void outside the gray fog.

"Thank you for clearing up the confusion." Lin Shan cupped his hands and thanked him.

"It's nothing. To a certain extent, we are similar." The scarecrow waved his hand and walked away with a broom. Only the sound came from afar, "There is one more thing I need to remind you. You are the old man." Living beings, it is basically impossible for you to find your way in the Source Court. If you want to continue walking, find a way from the outside. The gray mist universe is boundless and contains countless powers. Remember, as long as it is power , there is no distinction between good and bad.”

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded slightly. Just as he was about to leave, someone suddenly called his name.

"Lin Shan, you are Lin Shan!"

Two pink-skinned creatures, one male and one female, walked towards Lin Shan. The female looked at Lin Shan with surprise on her face.

Lin Shan looked at the person coming, thought for a moment, and remembered who these two people were, Platinum Yuna and Platinum Kai. If Lin Shan remembered correctly, they were brother and sister. "

"It's you two, brother and sister, long time no see." Lin Shan greeted with a smile. These brothers and sisters reminded him of the Loyalty Alliance, and he was also a member of the Loyalty Alliance.

"Lin Shan, it turns out you still remember us. You haven't been to the Garden of Eden for a long time, at least 1,000 years." Platinum Yuna raised a finger and said exaggeratedly.

"Something happened on the way. I've been here before, but I didn't see you." Lin Shan asked with a smile, "Why are you two alone? Are the others okay?"

"Something happened in the Ran Zun clan. He hasn't been to the Garden of Eden for a long time. Jixian... is dead. He died on the divine road." When talking about these two people, Platinum Yuna looked dim, "We advise Guo Jixian, he insisted on going his own way, and finally ended up dead. "

"Ran Zun is also in danger now. When we last met, he spoke to us as if he was saying his last words. He is at the core of the universe, and we are far away in the corner of the universe. It is impossible to help him..."

"Our loyalty alliance is now in name only."

Lin Shan said nothing and listened quietly to Platinum Yuna's explanation of the changes in the Loyalty Alliance.

He remembered that the main function of the Loyalty Alliance was to conquer the civilization order of Eden.

He matched the civilization order several times, but the rewards given were too few, so he put it aside. The Creation Sandbox could not provide devout believers, and the faith and willpower provided were also castrated, which had no effect on him now. .

As the Scarecrow just said, there are countless roads in the gray fog, and the sand table of creation and the ordering of civilizations are also ways forward. It is the road created by the Garden of Eden and the road of other members of the Loyalty Alliance, but it is not Lin Shan's road.

Perhaps the more advanced sand table later will have more outstanding effects, and can even cultivate Sequence 9 creatures. However, let alone Sequence 9 creatures, even Sequence 5 creatures, it is useless to give them tens of thousands.

What's more, he is currently busy with a lot of things and has no spare time to play with the creation sandbox.

"Lin Shan, have you become a god?" Platinum Kai, who stood behind Platinum Yuna and remained silent, looked a little complicated.

This huge sense of gap made him feel very uncomfortable. A thousand years ago, everyone was still on the same starting line. A thousand years later, others have become gods, but he is still standing still.

"Well, good luck." Lin Shan said slightly modestly, then looked at Platinum Armor, "You are in a bad state."

Platinum Armor was filled with a strong fire of resentment. As someone who had experienced it, Lin Shan naturally knew what was going on. It was most likely that he had massacred the creatures in the creation sand table to collect the essence.

"Hmm...I'll pay attention." Platinum Armor's expression softened slightly when he heard that Lin Shan cared about him.

"My brother has an excess of divinity. This is the sequelae caused by his using the essence to offset his divinity. Lin Shan, do you have any good ways to offset his divinity?"


Lin Shan was slightly speechless, with too much divinity... suppressing it with source matter?

The theory is feasible, but this approach will make the trouble worse. By then, the problem of divinity will not be alleviated, and resentment will have already eroded consciousness.

Whether it is excess divinity or being eroded by resentment, it will lead to loss of self, but the process of divinity's influence is very long. In many places, excess of extraordinary divinity is even considered normal, but the erosion of resentment is extremely rapid, and there is no What a great pressing method.

"Stop using sefirot immediately. The problem of divinity varies from person to person and no one can solve it. Using faith to offset, imitating the lifestyle of mortal spirits and integrating into mortal spirit groups can alleviate divinity. Who taught you to do this? Use The essence cancels out the divinity?" Lin Shan scolded.

"We all know this. The situation was urgent, and my brother could only use source material to suppress it." Platinum Yuna shrank her head. She felt that Lin Shan had become very fierce.

"Well, there is already a complete system for dealing with divinity, so don't try it randomly." Lin Shan also realized that the tone of his words just now was a bit harsh, so he softened his tone and said, "I just want to go to the core of the universe to do something. Ran Zun, you guys Do you have any information about Ran Zun’s location? I can send a ghost to check it out. If I can help, I will help.”

"Really?" Platinum Yuna's eyes widened, and she grabbed Lin Shan's arm with both hands excitedly. They had been friends with Ran Zun for thousands of years, so it would be false to say they were not in a hurry, and they only had a few days with Lin Shan. Lin Shan was willing to help save Ran Zun due to friendship, but she no longer knew how to express her gratitude.

Even the overly divine Platinum Armor showed joy, "Thank you!"

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