Above the gray fog

Chapter 1213 Promotion to Sequence 3

Five years later.

Lin Shan once again separated his incarnation and went to the Mortal Spirit Kingdom.

The name of this kingdom is Gou Gou Kingdom, which sounds unimpressive, but has a unique sense of antiquity.

Following Lin Shan is the king of Gou Gou Kingdom and a minister named Litos.

According to them, the king and ministers are just symbolic, and there is almost no government affairs to be handled except for the most basic infrastructure work.

Moreover, Gou Gou Kingdom is extremely large, and the radiation range of the palace is simply beyond the reach of remote places.

The divine messenger of Lin Shan's incarnation has been staying in the palace, communicating with the king and ministers about the spread of faith. When they heard that Lin Shan wanted to go out for a walk, they immediately made a proposal and wanted to follow him.

The work of filling the mysterious authority has come to the end. It is expected that in two or three months, the vacancies of believers will be filled.

After being promoted to Sequence 3, Lin Shan plans to explore the ruins left by his predecessor first. If there is no secret to continue to be promoted in the ruins, he will make other plans.

The three of them walked aimlessly. No matter where they went in Gou Gou Country or how far they went, the scene of people living and working in peace and contentment always came into view.

The residents here live a peaceful and quiet life. On both sides of the street, there are green trees and gurgling streams. The laughter of children and the hawkers' cries are intertwined, forming a warm picture.

There is no trace of technology here. Even if they are born with extraordinary powers, they rarely use them.

According to Lin Shan's understanding, the reason why they don't use extraordinary powers is because Mama Zaha once said, "Power only brings death."

Unlike in the past, Lin Shan's statue has also become a major feature of each area. Just like the stations built in different regions on the earth, the temples containing Lin Shan's statues have also been built in various shapes.

Under deliberate propaganda, the God of Mystery is praised as the symbol and guardian of the people's peaceful and happy life. The statues are usually located at the corners of the streets, the center of the market, and even near the mountains and rivers.

Whenever it is an important festival or at dusk, residents gather around the statue of Lin Shan. They light incense and candles, put their hands together, and pray silently to express their respect and prayers to Lin Shan.

The simple people believe that the mysterious god will hear their prayers and grant them blessings.

In fact, Lin Shan did hear them. The most prayers he received were just to hope for the health of his family, the harvest of crops, and to live in peace and security.

So that Lin Shan did nothing, but his wish power had accumulated to a terrifying level.

The situation in this country also infected Lin Shan. Lin Shan designed a wish power circuit mechanism based on the mysterious authority, storing the wish power from the people in the "storehouse". When any people have an extreme desire, this circuit mechanism will listen to the people's wishes to help realize their wishes, whether it is illness or some other things, even good weather and good harvests.

Lin Shan did this because the people in this country are too pure and kind, and they will never make a wish to do something hateful.

Believers can provide him with two kinds of power, willpower and pious willpower. Willpower is actually a kind of faith, and only believers of gods can provide willpower to gods. He doesn't need it, at least not now. Returning it to the people of this country first is conducive to the birth of pious believers.

Pious willpower is extremely important. Even if the soul is destroyed, it can be resurrected by relying on pious willpower. Not only that, pious willpower can also bless the power of God and improve the quality of the power of God. It can even achieve the level of God.

One of the reasons why Lin Shan gave up ordinary willpower is that he wanted to collect pious willpower. Now the pious willpower in his body is enough to support him to complete three resurrections. Immediate resurrection after complete death is equivalent to having three trial and error opportunities.

This will be a powerful ability to explore the ruins. Even the ghost body cannot be resurrected when the soul is destroyed. It is likely to enter a dead state, which is no different from death.

I don't know how long I walked, Lin Shan found that the surrounding environment was somewhat familiar, until he saw the familiar big banyan tree.

He came to the familiar town again.

The children playing by the banyan tree had hardly changed. The life span of the plant tribe was very long, and five years was nothing to them.

Lin Shan was surprised to find that there were less than 2,000 people in this town, but there were at least 1,500 devout believers. This ratio could only be described as exaggerated.

Was it because he had walked here in advance?

Lin Shan did not disturb the people here again. These people had no desires and he had no chance to give them some gifts.

Let them continue to live peacefully, which was the only thing he could do.

"Let's go, go back."


A huge starship was quietly suspended tens of thousands of meters above the sky.

This starship was long, with sharp ends and a wide and flat main body. The surface was closely spliced ​​by countless metal plates, showing a metallic luster. The side of the starship was equipped with neatly arranged thrusters, allowing it to flexibly navigate in the universe.

Above the tip.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and breathed here.

The surrounding aura was extremely unstable. Visible to the naked eye, a few fine cracks kept appearing and disappearing.

His body began to undergo extraordinary changes. The most notable change was that multiple tentacles slowly grew from his back and shoulders. These tentacles seemed to be made of some kind of organic biomass, covered with fine scales on the surface, and flashed a faint luster different from human skin color.

The movement of the tentacles was flexible and strange. They could stretch and twist freely. Lin Shan could accurately control these newly added limbs. They not only increased his perception ability, but also gave him some unprecedented new abilities.

This change in appearance and ability made Lin Shan more mysterious, but also made his image different from ordinary people, full of a supernatural atmosphere.

After an unknown period of time, Lin Shan suddenly opened his eyes, and an invisible airflow burst out from his body, soaring into the sky, tearing a huge gap in the clouds in the sky. Under the action of this airflow, the clouds began to surge and change, as if stirred by an invisible giant hand, forming a spectacular cloud sea vortex.

The surrounding air trembled, and the trees and grass tens of thousands of meters below seemed to be singing in a low voice under the inspiration of this power, resonating with some ancient and mysterious melody.

Lin Shan slowly stood up, his robe fluttering in the wind.

The tentacles extending from his back swayed gently as the air flow spread, making him look like a tentacle version of the Thousand-armed Guanyin.

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