Above the gray fog

Chapter 1223 Master

As the coffin lid was fully opened, a faint light passed through the coffin, revealing the secret inside.

A woman in green sat up unexpectedly, her movements were unusually slow and graceful, like a green flower swaying gently in the spring breeze.

The woman's face was pale, in sharp contrast to the emerald green ancient clothes she was wearing.

She stood up in the coffin, and the fabric of her clothes swayed gently with her movements.

Her hair was like a river flowing in the night, quietly draped over her shoulders, revealing a faint mystery.

Her eyes slowly opened, like a lake that had been sleeping for a long time, revealing its depth again. There was no fear or confusion in her eyes, only a bottomless tranquility, as if she had just woken up from a long dream, and this world was just a continuation of her dream.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and all sounds were far away from this space. The moment the green-clothed woman sat up, everything around her seemed to hold its breath. Even the smallest sound dared not be easily made in this terrifying atmosphere.

The green-clothed woman slowly turned her head, and her eyes did not linger on a certain point. It seemed to penetrate the boundaries of time and space and look in a distant direction.

Suddenly, she looked in the direction of Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was shocked. As he thought, this strange woman who came out of the coffin looked exactly like Si Yin...

Countless green vines broke out of the ground, wrapped up along Lin Shan's ankles, and wrapped him tightly, but the next second, Lin Shan turned directly into a pool of black liquid and slid down from the gap between the vines.

Lin Shan was a little confused. Why did this green-clothed weirdo attack him as soon as he came out of the coffin? Could it be the enemy of his previous life?

But it shouldn't be like that. Although this woman looks vivid, her essence is still weird. If she is weird, she can't have any memory...

Lin Shan turned into a tiny earthworm and ran towards the direction of the gear.

The gear stretched out its hand and ejected several small yellow gears, cutting off all the attacking vines.

The green-clothed woman's originally clear eyes turned dark. She looked at the gear, stretched out her hand and gently pinched it, and a dull "bang!" sound came from the air.

Accompanied by a shocking explosion, the parts on the gear seemed to lose their restraints in an instant and were torn apart by invisible forces.

Lin Shan saw a brass gear rolling to his feet. He no longer hesitated and turned around and quickly evacuated the scene.

"Lord Gear!"

Holy Light embraced the remaining head of Gear, and there was a tremor in His voice: "Lord Gear, are you okay?"

Although Gear's voice was weak, it revealed incomparable firmness and decisiveness: "It's okay, let's go first, this weird is a spell holder! Go back to the source court, and you must get this spell!" As he spoke, the scattered parts quickly gathered and returned.

Gear saw that Holy Light was still holding His head, and added, "I'll stop it, you go prepare to teleport."

Holy Light nodded, stepped aside and took out the machine for teleportation.

Lin Shan watched the battle hundreds of meters away. Under the suppression of Weird, the battle between the two was not fierce. The brass gears and black vines danced wildly in the limited space.

It can be clearly seen that Gear is much weaker, and it has to reorganize its body every three seconds on average.

Lin Shan was frightened from a distance. This green-clothed weird who looked like Si Yin had at least the strength of Sequence 2, or even Sequence 1.

There seemed to be a problem with the transmission of the Holy Light. He shouted anxiously, "Cannot receive the source network signal! We are in a strange area!" The gear was knocked out and rolled on the ground for several times before stopping. Hearing the words of the Holy Light, he also felt a little uneasy. This green-clothed weirdness was not a regular weirdness, but its strength was a little unrealistic. Normally, when the old creatures turned into weirdness, their strength would drop by one level. This green-clothed weirdness had such strength. It must have been very close to the master when he was alive. The green-clothed weirdness stared at the gear and gently raised his feet. The air around him began to become distorted. In the cemetery, it appeared directly in front of the gear and stretched out its hand to pinch the gear's neck. It broke its head off effortlessly. It gently threw the gear's head away, and at the moment it was about to land, it punched out and pierced through the iron lump in front of it. The gear's extremely hard and never-broken mechanical head was shattered into pieces, and countless tiny gears flew around like fireworks. After doing all this, the man in green slowly withdrew his hand strangely, and turned his body slightly to face Lin Shan, "Shh...ah..."

The man in green's strange and shrill scream broke the silence of the space, and the sound was like a spell from the depths of the underworld, which made the air around him freeze for a few seconds.

Her body was stiff, and a long sword made of mechanical gears pierced her heart.

Standing behind her was not the gear that confronted her before, but a middle-aged man in a yellow Taoist robe, exuding an unruly atmosphere.

He looked casual, with the Taoist robe open on his chest, revealing a thick chest hair. He held a sword in one hand and picked his nose with the other hand, which looked particularly strange.

He looked at the restored gear next to him, as if commenting on a farce that had just ended, "You really dug out something incredible this time. If this guy gets out, the gray fog will be doomed. Unless the master takes action personally, no one can stop it." The middle-aged man flicked an unknown particle away and pulled out the gear sword from the green-clothed weird body, his attitude was extremely nonchalant.

The sound of the gears was as steady as usual, "Teacher, you are here."

Even though he had been on the brink of death, he was still calm and unaffected by any emotion.

The middle-aged man just responded lightly, saying concisely, "Well...something is wrong with this place. I can't stay for too long. I'll collect it first and take it back to Yuanting to peel off the curse."

He took off the wine gourd from his waist and shook it gently. The wine gourd flashed with a brilliant neon light, as if it contained incredible power.

[The Weird House Program is starting...]

[Collect! ]

Mechanical electronic sound came from the wine gourd. As the voice fell, a colorful beam of light was ejected from the mouth of the gourd, directly hitting the green-clothed weird. The golden silk thread around the beam tightly bound it. Its body slowly shrank under the restraint of the golden silk thread and was finally sucked into the gourd.

The middle-aged man seemed to be accustomed to all this. He took the gourd that was slowly floating over indifferently, gently covered the gourd lid, and shook it, as if to confirm that the green-clothed weird had been safely stored.

"It's time to call it a day. I'm going back now. You can handle the things here yourself." The middle-aged man said, and was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a loud noise made the middle-aged man look surprised.

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