Above the gray fog

Chapter 1226 The Great Curse

At a certain moment, the movement of the black shadow Lin Shan's hand finally stopped.

Lin Shan stopped and looked back as if he thought of something.

A huge monster exactly like the one behind the black shadow Lin Shan existed behind him.

The size of this monster is beyond description, and its body seems to burst through the galaxy. Although this monster is huge, Lin Shan can clearly see its complete figure, like a reflection. No, this is a reflection!

"Great Curse - False God's Call!" The black shadow groaned strangely, and the indescribable monster behind it raised its head high.


There was a loud sound like a ship's whistle, which traveled across the entire galaxy.

The planets that were rippled by this weird sound wave all grew furry tentacles. These tentacles frantically absorbed the life force of the planets, sucking out the heat of a star in just ten seconds and causing it to extinguish.

Lin Shan's body was covered with tentacles and he died on the spot.

Resurrected again in an instant.

Die again.


After repeating this twice, the loud whistle slowly dissipated.

"How about this move?" The black figure showed a strange and sinister smile, and took one step forward to appear opposite Lin Shan.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lin Shan said angrily, "I wasted two resurrections. If I hadn't been resurrected, wouldn't I be dead?"

Lin Shan calmed down, seemed to have thought of something, and said coldly, "You want to take over my body?"

"No, no, no." Black Shadow Lin Shan waved his hands repeatedly, "I am already dead. Even if the gray mist explodes, there is no possibility of my resurrection."

"I just want to take the opportunity to test your level. Besides, you won't die at all. It will be very troublesome if you die." Black Shadow Lin Shan asked with a smile, "You don't know the hand seals I made just now?" Remember?"

"Won't die? Will it be troublesome to die? What do you mean?" Lin Shan frowned, "Let me explain clearly. Also, this ruins has been raided by Yuanting. Are all the things originally left for me gone? "

"Unfortunately, things are developing in an unpredictable direction. Yuanting found this place, and you don't have the strength to keep it, so... many things may have to be buried forever, unless you can find another person who knows the history. "Heiying Lin Shan crossed his arms and said, "I can feel that many old friends are still alive, but these are the only ones left."

"I'm not talking about history, but the relics." Lin Shan said.

"Those are just ordinary items that have been eroded by time, and they are not good things. I have left all the real good things to you." Black Shadow Lin Shan said with a smile, "The secret power, and the secret power I just gave to you Both of them can be called treasures in this world, even in the infinite void. 'Infinite' is a little inferior, but before the Lord, 'Infinite' is still very strong."

"Are you still alive?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

"I want to live too, don't worry, I'm really dead."

"Dead, what am I seeing now? Have you become weird? Consciously weird?" Lin Shan clenched his fists and had a direct conversation with his predecessor. He didn't know what his mood was at the moment.

In short, it's complicated.

"My current situation is a bit complicated. I am not me, or... I am not Lin Shan." The black shadow Lin Shan looked at his shapeless hands and made a hoarse voice, "You can think of this ruins as a small The world, and I am the heaven of this small world, or the spirit of the world. Although I am the spirit of the world, I am different from the ordinary spirit of the world because I know many things. "

"The creatures that enter this ruins are all under my observation, but I cannot interfere. If I interfere, I will die. This is the sorrow of the world spirit."

"If that's the case, why did I only see messages when I saw my predecessor last time, and why didn't you show up?" Lin Shan asked, grabbing the details.

"Cannot interfere, including being seen." Black Shadow Lin Shan said slowly.

"Yeah." Lin Shan was silent for a moment.

"Then why are you here now? And in this way?"

"Because this relic will no longer exist. It was Lin Shan who created me. Before I die, I will help you once to repay the kindness." After saying that, the black shadow Lin Shan suddenly looked in a certain direction.

"The Holy Light...could it be Him?" Black Shadow Lin Shan murmured to himself.

"Holy Light? What happened to Holy Light? And why did you just say that this ruin will cease to exist." Lin Shan's mind was full of doubts, and whenever he opened his mouth, he would ask a series of questions.

"The Holy Light is like an old friend of Lin Shan, but his current state is a bit strange. The old friend's consciousness has not awakened... I can't figure out the specific situation." Black Shadow Lin Shan stretched out his hand, and a golden shield appeared in his hand, "You take this shield. If the old man's consciousness recovers, give this shield to him. He should come here just to find it. This is An extremely source weapon is his weapon. This shield was sealed by Lin Shan and is now safe."

"Remember, you must wait until the old friend recovers his consciousness before returning this shield to him. If the old friend obtains it before his consciousness recovers, unpredictable consequences will occur."

"What does it take to recover?"

"You have to take care of yourself. It's easy to tell when two people are completely different."


The black shadow strangely put his hands behind his back and looked into the depths of the starry sky, "Now let's talk about the ruins."

"The Lord of Yuanting found this place and is outside now. With the power of the Lord, he can flatten this ruins in an instant. He didn't do it because he wanted to control the ruins. He is competing with me for the control of the ruins. I can't hold on for too long."

"This ruins has only 11 floors in total. The gods of Yuanting searched all the way and looted all the treasures in the first ten floors. In fact, each of the eleven floors is a cemetery, burying an old friend, or a group of old friends."

"Some people turned into strange things and left, and some people will never wake up again. Si Yin on the tenth floor retained some consciousness due to some unexpected circumstances. I hope you can take him away, and it would be best if he can restore his memory. Don't worry, he won't attack you again."



The universe and starry sky where they are suddenly vibrated violently.

Then, the universe and starry sky turned white in an instant.

Time stopped passing.

Faintly, Lin Shan saw a huge hand covering the sky and crushing the starry sky where he was.

"He is here... I will send you out now. These are all the relics on the eleventh floor. There are several good treasures. Make good use of them."

"Also, remember the handprint I gave you. It is a great curse. Remember, don't use it casually!"

"Finally, remember that the Source Court is the enemy and the invader. They cover up the truth and rewrite history... What you see now is just a false order..."

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