Above the gray fog

Chapter 1228: Visitors from Yuanting

Although he had just been promoted to Sequence 3 and was still a long way from being promoted to the next level, the lack of promotion ahead still made Lin Shan a little anxious.

Lin Shan's right hand gently tapped the armrest, knocking out a strange melody.

The relics and source tools were just the obvious gains. In addition to these things, he obtained some incredible news.

For example, the statement of "Origin is an invader" by the black shadow Lin Shan.

How did Origin become an invader? Who can Origin invade?

Except for Origin itself, Origin seems to have nothing to invade.

The Old Day and Origin each represent an era.

If you insist that Origin is an invader, the only thing Origin can invade is the Old Day, but the Old Day has perished. Origin is a new era civilization cluster born under the new universe rules.

Or... the current Origin creatures are outsiders. After they destroyed the natives of the Gray Mist Universe, they occupied this place and constantly rewrote history in these ten eras, completely becoming native Origin people.

Or...the Origin Creatures are still Origin Creatures, and the leader of the Origin Creatures, Yuanting, is an invader.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Lin Shan's mind. He has thought about this question over and over again in the past three months.

Is it possible that the shadow Lin Shan is lying?

If the Origin is an invader, Green Sun will definitely know this. In this case, why does Green Sun still help Yuanting?

As long as the rules of the gray fog are reversed, the Origin will perish. Why should Green Sun sacrifice his compatriots to help this group of invaders?

If the Origin is really an invader, the meaning is completely different. Even Lin Shan, who has always wanted to be neutral, has to point the finger at Yuanting.

The higher you stand, the greater the responsibility you bear. When the circle becomes smaller and smaller, some things are not as simple as whether you want to do it or not.

Invaders and natives are fundamentally different.

In the empty temple, there is only the sound of Lin Shan's fingers tapping the handrail.

As his thoughts kept changing, he thought of Si Yin again.

Si Yin was teleported out of the ruins with him, and followed him without saying a word.

She didn't attack or speak, and she didn't even have any expression. The aura leaked from her body showed that she was a pure weird.

But the weird Si Yin didn't attack him, and coupled with what the shadow Lin Shan said, Lin Shan decided to take her with him.

Si Yin naturally boarded Lin Shan's starship and stood in a corner for more than 9 years without any movement during this period.

During these nine years, Lin Shan occasionally chatted with her, and finally concluded that this was a weird that would not attack people.

Lin Shan placed her in the side hall of the temple, and she stood in the corner casually like a zombie without moving.

Lin Shan was relieved to know that she would not always follow him. After all, carrying a weird with him... always feels a bit weird.

The sunlight outside the window slowly receded, and Lin Shan looked out the window. For some reason, the moonlight of the red moon tonight was extremely weak.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and dozed off, and repeatedly recalled the gesture of the big curse in his mind.

When the dawn breaks and the first ray of sunlight shines through the window of the temple and sprinkles on Lin Shan, subtle whispers will echo in the temple.

Only Lin Shan can hear these whispers.

These whispers come from distant villages and towns, from busy cities, and from lonely travelers and hardworking farmers.

These whispers are the prayers and wishes of devout believers.

Lin Shan closed his eyes and let his consciousness gradually spread, following the medium of faith to find every believer.

He saw farmers whispering in the fields for the gift of a good harvest, merchants silently praying for a prosperous business before the market, children making innocent wishes in their sleep, and old people praying for the safety of their families in front of candlesticks.

Lin Shan can not only hear their voices, but also feel their emotions.

There are many emotions that Lin Shan does not have. In these three months, wandering among the various aspects of life and various emotions is almost a must-do for him every day.

Lin Shan does not need words, his comfort can spread to every corner, responding to those prayers in the most subtle way, telling them that God is there.

Whenever he does this, the number of devout believers will grow at an extreme speed.

As the sun gradually rises, the light in the temple becomes brighter and brighter. Lin Shan slowly opens his eyes, and his eyes seem to be able to penetrate many obstacles until the farthest horizon.

He sits safely on the high-back chair, and his eyes have already scanned the entire Gou Gou Kingdom.

As the number of devout believers reaches a certain level, Lin Shan vaguely grasps something, but it is a little unclear.

Day after day, Lin Shan sits there quietly, listening to the prayers of the world and responding to the wishes of the world.

The number of devout believers has reached millions, and that hint of inspiration or perception is still vague.

Lin Shan sat here for three years, during which time, the "Kingdom of Heaven" has begun to be built in batches.

Although he has been sitting here, what he sees now is all the beauty of the entire Gou Gou Kingdom.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan stood up, looked out the window, and said to himself, "It's time to try the power of Leviathan..."

After three years, the first Leviathan was finally born under his urging.

Lin Shan flashed to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and two tentacles extended from his back into the void.

With two screams, two young women were pulled out from the curtain of the void.

"You two? What can I do for you?" Lin Shan looked at the two people tied up by the tentacles. From the aura, it can be seen that these two people are gods, and they are gods of Yuanting. Yuanting gods are notoriously rare. The two of them came here, obviously looking for him.

It seems that his position has been exposed.

It should be related to his last visit to the ruins. For some reason, Lin Shan thought of Locke. This person was a bit at odds with him. He was very likely to be found by Yuanting because of him.

"Goddess of Zhifeng."

"God of Yan Ge."

"We are carrying the divine decree! Outer God Lin Shan, hurry up and receive the decree!"

"Is the master of Yuanting so idle? He writes divine decrees every day." A golden letter floated into Lin Shan's hand.

"The divine decree is not written by the master himself. These are... woo..." Goddess of Zhifeng was talking, and a big foot suddenly stuffed into her mouth.

"Don't talk so much, this is an outer god!" God of Yan Ge reminded.


Lin Shan ignored their playfulness.

[Outer God——Lin Shan, although you are an Outer God, your essence is still a Gray Mist God. Yuan Ting has decided to forgive your sins and you should return to Yuan Ting immediately to report. ]

Lin Shan read the short line of words many times.

"First you drove them away, and now you let them go back. Yuan Ting is a bit too overbearing." Lin Shan looked at the two gods tied up by tentacles and said coldly, "Do you think I am a chicken that can be slaughtered at will?"

A wisp of dark flame ignited the golden letter and burned it into nothingness.

"Burn the divine will? Do you want to go against Yuan Ting? Although the Gray Mist Universe is large, as long as you stand on the opposite side of Yuan Ting, there is no place for you to hide. No matter where you go, the law enforcers of Yuan Ting can find you!" The God of Flame Song glared at Lin Shan.

"You talk too much nonsense. Now tell me how you found me. You can leave if you tell the truth. I have a way to distinguish the truth from the false. As long as you tell a lie once, you can't leave." Lin Shan said in a calm tone, which frightened the Goddess of Weaving Wind.

"Whatever, do you think we will come here in our true form?" The God of Zhongyan Song said disdainfully, "Burning the divine will, the crime has been established, you can wait to be hunted down by the Source Court."

"Hunted down? The Source Court still has people?" Lin Shan smiled, "Burning the divine will, isn't that what the Source Court meant? In fact, there is no need to go through so much trouble, just make up a false charge."

"Leviathan, eat them!"

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