Above the gray fog

Chapter 1235 Main Brain Intelligence Network

On a huge platform, a starship landed vertically. After the hatch was opened, countless travelers lined up in a long queue and walked out.

Lilian and Lin Shan were also in the crowd.

The World Trade Group is indeed not far from the Grand Channel, and a passenger starship that is not too fast will jump there in more than two hours.

The name of this station is 'Universal Trading Group'. Passengers arriving at the station will get off, and the starship will continue to take off to the next station.

This scene reminded Lin Shan of the buses on earth in the past, and there were similarities between the two.

"Except for businessmen who have signed a business contract with Huanyu Trading Group, no one else can use transportation here. They must take the group's dedicated visiting car. The visiting car will conduct security checks on visitors. The entire Huanyu Trading Group is an infinite building. The group is like a small world. We can enter this small world and visit it as visitors, but we cannot enter any building." Lilian introduced Lin Shan competently as she walked.

"Well..." Lin Shan followed Lillian and walked towards the visiting car area.

The so-called visiting car is a ball floating in the air.

There was already a long queue in front of the ball, and there were countless others like them on both sides of the platform.

Lin Shan and Lily arranged the queue for half an hour before it was their turn. A ball floated towards them, and the hatch opened automatically. The decoration inside was very simple, with a table and four chairs, all translucent.

Lin Shan and Lilian walked in, and two more people came up from behind. The ball did not start until four people were seated.

The ball slowly rises and enters the preset pipe to shuttle quickly.

Soon, Lin Shan saw a huge building complex.

There is a giant gate towering into the sky behind the building complex, seeming to challenge the limits of the sky.

There are giant creations in front of the door, and the walls are made of unknown liquid metal panels.

The sphere passed through the special passage next to it, and thousands of spheres entered with them on the left and right. Below the special passage was the passage of the commercial starship. The giant door was like an open steel beast. What spewed out of his mouth was not fire, but the passing merchant ships.

The scenery in front of me was dark for a few seconds, and then suddenly brightened.

Busy starships are like schools of fish in a mirage, constantly shuttled across the skyline. When they land, the beams of light ejected from their engines draw dazzling trajectories in the sky. Every landing and takeoff is like a carefully choreographed light and shadow show. .

The ball landed and floated less than half a meter above the ground.

But the ball's hatch has not been opened.

[Welcome to Huanyu Trading Group, you are currently connected to our system mastermind - "Zhiluo". ]

[Please relax, Zhiluo will conduct security checks on visitors, including biometric scanning, micro-nano security checks, and the mastermind will protect visitors' information through quantum encryption. ]

The four people sat on the same spot, and different colors of light lit up in the ball. The whole process lasted for more than ten seconds.

"Ssss~" The hatch opened.

"Mastermind Zhiluo..." Sitting opposite Lin Shan was a young man. He chanted the name of Mastermind Zhiluo, clenching his fists as if he had some deep hatred.

"Zhiluo mastermind... I probably understand how you feel, but..." The person sitting next to Lilian patted the boy gently.

"I know!" The boy moved the man's hand away, rushed out of the ball and ran in a certain direction.

"Okay, the mission is completed, I will accept this magic coin." Lilian took out a magic coin from her waist pocket, gave Lin Shan a look and then put it back in.

"It's been a long time since I've been to the Huanyu Trading Group." Lilian looked around, her eyes full of longing, "I heard that the basic salary of the employees of the Huanyu Trading Group is one mortal coin a day, and there are countless star coins. They also He has a special ability that can turn money into extraordinary power. All the top executives of Xingxing are super powerful people."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slowly. He had once controlled Xing's power. He naturally knew Xing's power. Xing could turn financial resources into strength. Working in Huanyu Trading Group, continuous promotion was also a process of strength promotion.

Lin Shan looked at the dense flow of people and thought in his mind about how to get the coordinates of the human race from the Huanyu Trading Group.

"Mr. Lin Shan, I can be your tour guide for free for a period of time. Of course, you don't need this service." Lilian stood up, looked at the world outside the ball and said, "I also want to take a stroll here. The first time I came was when I was a kid.”

"Little girl, don't think too much of the Huanyu Trading Group. What you can see is just an appearance. In fact, the Huanyu Trading Group has harmed countless people and fragmented countless civilizations through violent means. It is an unyielding The devil who doesn't buckle." The young man who returned had been standing outside the door without coming in. He happened to hear Lilian looking forward to the World Trade Group. When he said this, he was obviously angry.

"Devil?" Lilian looked confused and fiddled with the translator in her ear, "The group is a demon...Why are you still here?"

"No." The young man raised the paper full of writing in his hand and said mockingly, "Come here and sign the contract of sale. The devil has destroyed our civilization and wants us to be used by it."

"Ah~" Lilian drawled a long sound, as if she didn't believe it.

"Let's go." Lin Shan said softly. He was not interested in this kind of thing. If this kind of thing happened to an individual, that person might really be a devil, but if it happened to 'Xing', it could only be regarded as normal.

‘Star’ is a rule-level power. Powers at this level cannot judge good or bad at all. Anyone who makes a judgment must be an outsider.

It is just like judging the Continuation Institute, the Garden of Eden and other forces. It is meaningless. What they represent is the rules of this world.

“Ah, oh oh oh.” Lillian was stunned at first, then remembered what she had just said and nodded repeatedly. She just wanted to be polite. In her opinion, the gentleman in front of her must have his own things to do when he came here, and it is impossible for him to waste time with her. But she didn’t expect that this gentleman was really not polite at all.

“What is Zhiluo?” Lin Shan asked as he walked forward with the flow of people.

"The Mastermind Zhiluo is a highly advanced super artificial intelligence. Unlike digital life, artificial intelligence has no emotions. All its decisions are based on data and calculations. Zhiluo is responsible for coordinating the operations of the entire group, from daily administrative management to complex market analysis to interstellar cargo allocation. Every decision is accurately calculated and optimized by Zhiluo. Zhiluo also has the ability to self-learn and can update its database in real time, constantly evolving to adapt to the ever-changing market environment. It connects to the group's data center and realizes instant information exchange through the particle communication network, ensuring that the Universal Trade Group stays ahead in information processing and decision-making speed."

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