Above the gray fog

Chapter 1239 Lin Changsheng

Several boys and girls walked through the dense purple flowers and stepped into the depths of the jungle.

The sky was obscured by a thick canopy of trees, and only sporadic red moonlight filtered through the gaps and sprinkled on the ground covered with purple flowers, forming mottled light and shadow.

Their target is a legendary mysterious hall, which is said to be the birthplace of the human race. The pioneers of the human race started from that place and brought the civilization belonging to the human race to the gray fog. After three thousand years of development, the human race has many people in the Apostle Galaxy and surrounding areas. Stand out in the galaxy and become an existence that can compete with the giants.

The eyes of the young men were firm, and the steps of the girls were light. Even in such an unknown place, they did not show the slightest fear.

Thanks to their background and strength, they have been exposed to it since childhood and believe that evil things are nothing more than this.

Of course, it also benefits from the young man’s character.

The boys and girls walked for a long time, but they kept walking in circles. This purple jungle was like a maze. There was a strange fragrance among the flowers, which made people feel both intoxicated and slightly dizzy. The ears of the cat-eared girl trembled from time to time. , she seemed to be able to pick up sounds that others could not perceive. The brown-haired boy kept checking the location on the map, while the black-haired girl was vigilant about her surroundings while leading the team forward.

Occasionally, a few petals would fall gently, and they carefully avoided those petals. According to records, the Purple Soul Flower can cause people to spontaneously combust, and people below Sequence 7 cannot resist it. Even Sequence 7 people will not be able to resist it when picking off the Purple Soul Flower. You will suffer an inexplicable curse, and the final result will be life worse than death.

"Here we are, this is the place we visited when we first came in. The mark is still there. We went right." The brown-haired boy stopped, pointed at the map in his hand and said, "Go three kilometers ahead, we will The collection of maps has come to an end.”

"Be careful with the old man. Although the old man has never attacked humans, Lin Changsheng and Fan Xiaoxiao have the blood of the fox clan and cat clan respectively. They may cause the old man to attack. Once encountering the situation, you should hide behind Behind me and Chen Bufan."

"Well, don't worry." The young man named Lin Changsheng patted his chest, "Brothers, just wait for the opportunity. If there is any danger, let me handle it."

"Xiao Linzi, with the strength of your three-legged cat, you can do whatever you want. Save your life when it's time to save it. If you die, your uncle will fill up this purple soul flower forest." Fan Xiaoxiao patted Lin. Immortality, "Chance is definitely not as important as fate."

The brown-haired boy looked at everyone and said seriously, "Let's go!"


With the faint moonlight, the boys and girls carefully avoided the Purple Soul Flower and moved forward.

I don’t know how long I walked, but suddenly a gust of wind blew by, the flowers swayed, and there seemed to be an ominous atmosphere in the air.

In the sea of ​​purple flowers, Fan Xiaoxiao seemed to have caught an unusual movement, his color changed and he turned pale, "Be careful, it's a weird smell. The old man is nearby. In this purple soul flower forest, there is only the terrifying old man." Just weird.

The boys and girls stopped and communicated with each other with their eyes. They held onto their equipment and prepared to face whatever might happen. Although they were a little nervous, they did not choose to retreat. Not only that, but unintentionally, the steps under their feet It also sped up a lot.

Suddenly, a figure flashed past. An old man wearing a luxurious gown and a pale face that was almost transparent stood looking at them from a distance.

"Here we come! Be careful and protect Lin Changsheng and Fan Xiaoxiao. They are not human and may be attacked!" the brown-haired boy whispered.

Although he said something fierce, Lin Changsheng immediately hid behind Chen Bufan when the danger came. Anyway, the old man would not attack humans, so he could hide with peace of mind.

The old man stood in their way, and several people chose to take a detour, but the old man always appeared in front, and there seemed to always be a distance between them.

The more this happens, the more nervous everyone becomes. From time to time, some people swallow their saliva, trying to relieve their tense nerves.

In the surrounding air, the fragrance of the Purple Soul Flower becomes stronger and stronger.

"As recorded in the clan, this old man will not attack humans. Lin Changsheng and Fan Xiaoxiao also have human blood. Perhaps it is because of this blood that we are safe." The brown-haired boy had long loose hair. After taking a breath, he took out a spear and drew four crosses around a tree. "The map in my hand is broken at this point, so I can only look forward slowly. We left signals on the trees to prevent us from taking the same route again."

"I remember everything about the Purple Soul Flower Forest, saying that the Purple Soul Flower Forest is safe and the origin of the human race." Lin Changsheng looked at the old man in the distance, stroking his chin and thinking.

"Xiao Linzi, what do you want to say?" Fan Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Changsheng. She and Lin Changsheng were childhood sweethearts from childhood to adulthood. Although Lin Changsheng always said the bravest words and did the most cowardly things, she He knew in his heart that Lin Changsheng was very smart. Did this guy think of something else?

Chen Bufan and Chen Wuwei also looked at Lin Changsheng.

Under everyone's attention, Lin Changsheng couldn't help but puff up his chest, "All records say that Purple Soul Flower Forest is safe, but I will definitely add a sentence later, be careful of that old man. Over the years, many people have been there one after another. After breaking through the Purple Soul Flower Forest, only a handful of people can find the main hall."

"You mean... if we follow the old man, we can find the main hall?" Chen Wuwei took a breath. This is indeed a method, but following such a terrifying and strange creature is scary no matter how you think about it.

"Correct answer!" Lin Changsheng snapped his fingers, "Believe me, we will just follow this weird old man. This weird old man may be the guardian of the main hall. He blocked us in front to prevent us from finding the main hall, but because For some reason they can't attack us, so they can only scare me."

Hearing Lin Changsheng's bold words, the other three looked at each other.

"You think...will we be the first explorers to die in the Purple Soul Flower Forest?" The brown-haired boy was a little worried.

"Chen Wuwei, don't be so talkative. I think Xiao Linzi is right." Fan Xiaoxiao agreed with Lin Changsheng's view.

Lin Changsheng naturally came over and hooked Fan Xiaoxiao's shoulders, "Xiaoxiao, I believe that if I really find an opportunity, I will give you a big one."

Fan Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "Let's go quickly. We must rush back before dawn to avoid being discovered by the adults. The feeling of confinement is not pleasant."

"Done." Chen Wuwei suddenly faced each other with fists and palms, "In the past 3,000 years of the human race, every strong person has climbed up from the edge of life and death. Except for the pioneer Wu Wang, the human race can't find another A strong man with smooth sailing.”

"If we are all afraid of taking such a small risk, how can we become strong and protect the human race in the future!"

"Okay." Lin Changsheng clapped his hands, "Chen Wuwei, the future of the human race is in your hands."

"Lin Changsheng!" Chen Wuwei glared, "Don't be so careless. Don't you have any big ambitions?"

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