Above the gray fog

Chapter 1254 The fall of mountains and seas, a disaster from ninety thousand miles below

"You all have very strong trump cards? How can you be sure that he won't use this trump card against me?" Lin Shan leaned back on the recliner, holding a wine jug in his left hand and a wine glass in his right hand, shaking his head from time to time as if he was fighting against the alcohol.

"We don't have any trump cards. If we have to talk about trump cards, it's almost impossible for us to die, which may be considered a trump card. The supervisor and I were chosen as the guardians of the Divine Court not because of the characteristics of cluster life, but I can't directly confront the supervisor because of the characteristics of cluster life."

The number of butterflies hovering in the air became fewer and fewer, and finally merged into one again, but this butterfly was obviously much stronger, and even had a small propulsion device on its back, and a tail flame remained where it flew over.

"Just like some animals, just like I just caught someone saying 'there is no room for two tigers in one mountain', the territorial awareness of clustered life is countless times stronger than these creatures you are talking about. Once the supervisor finds out that I am making war units, it will become a war between me and the supervisor to the death. Everything in the human circle will be used as our war resources, and everything will be destroyed."

"The human circle I am talking about is not the Apostle Galaxy, but this huge territory dominated by the giants."

"If it is you who are against the supervisor, as long as he feels that this war is difficult, it will retreat on its own."

"The giants don't have Sequence 3?" Lin Shan put away the wine pot. He couldn't drink anymore. If he drank more, he would really get drunk.

"Sequence 3 is not the cabbage you are talking about." Butterfly said.

Lin Shan replied lightly, "Just think of it as you are praising me..."

He sat there quietly for a whole day. Occasionally, one or two people would pass by. Only the wind would greet him and gently brush his hair.

It was not until noon the next day that the drowsiness in his consciousness faded, and Lin Shan slowly stood up.

"It's time to get down to business." He muttered to himself and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in a busy modern shopping mall. Through the glass skylight next to him, he could see the clouds in the sky.

The light and shadows were scattered on the ground, and the interior of the mall was gorgeously decorated, with people walking around.

Lin Shan's eyes were fixed on the familiar atmosphere.

The atmosphere was still so familiar, but the person was different.

A middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties was accompanying his family shopping in this busy environment. He looked mature and steady. He was wearing a well-tailored suit and his hair was slightly gray. His calm temperament made him particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

This person was Yuan Guang, who had not been seen for a long time.

His wife was a graceful lady with a gentle smile. While talking softly, she elegantly selected the goods next to her. Their child was like a happy elf, running back and forth between the two of them, sometimes holding his father's finger to show him the newly discovered treasure, and sometimes throwing himself into his mother's arms to act coquettishly.

Lin Shan watched quietly. He appeared in Yuan Guang's sight silently. Yuan Guang glanced at him, and a trace of uncertainty flashed in his eyes, but he soon recognized Lin Shan and showed surprise, "Lin Shan?" He asked in a low voice.

Lin Shan nodded, calmly, "It's me, let's chat."

"Okay, let's change places." Yuan Guang immediately responded by voice transmission.

"What's wrong?" The graceful woman next to him looked at Yuan Guang. Even when he learned that the Wanzu army was completely destroyed by the supervisor, he did not show this expression.

"Something happened, you take Tingting to play first." Yuan Guang shook his head.

As Yuan Guang's wife who has lived with him for a thousand years, the woman can clearly hear the solemnity in Yuan Guang's words, "Is there any trouble..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Yuan Guang showed a serious expression, "Take your daughter to go shopping first, don't wait for me."

Yuan Guang cast a soothing look at his daughter, and then his figure disappeared in the hustle and bustle of the mall as if it was gently blown away by the wind.

The two reappeared in the corner of a quiet cafe, far away from the hustle and bustle.

"I seem to have caused you trouble?" Lin Shan looked at Yuan Guang.

"She just thought I was in trouble." Yuan Guang explained, his expression was serious, and it was very different from the Yuan Guang in Lin Shan's memory.

"How is the human race?" Lin Shan looked out the window and asked casually.

Yuan Guang's eyes flashed with an imperceptible worry, "Since you are back, the human race may not be in good condition."

"Why do you say it as if I have brought disaster to the human race." Lin Shan chuckled, and ordered two cups of coffee casually in the light curtain on the table, "The technology of the human race is not good enough, and it cannot create a cup of coffee out of thin air."

"People who are familiar with the history of the human race know that whenever the human race has a great disaster, the pioneer Lin Shan will come back to save the human race from the water and fire." After chatting for a few words, Yuan Guang seemed to relax and answered Lin Shan's next question with a smile, "If the technology of creating things out of thin air is really achieved, everything existing will be overturned, and shopping malls and the like will not exist."

"Tell me, where does the disaster of the human race come from?" Lin Shan asked again.

When he returned to the human race, he had already discovered that the human race disaster he predicted might not have anything to do with the supervisor.

Although there was fighting outside, the human race was still peaceful. The emergence of supervision might also be a disaster, but the impact on the human race was not too great.

And what the faith star foreshadowed was that the human race was in trouble.

Why could the human race, which was in trouble, still be so peaceful and tranquil?

Yuan Guang's expression gradually became serious. After thinking for a moment, he began to speak slowly, "Supervision is indeed a big problem, but the main force against supervision is the giants. The supervisors have not deployed too much power in the large domain where the apostles are located. In addition, we can already control hell. In a seemingly grand war, there will not be too many losses. The real danger of the human race comes from underground..."

Yuan Guang pointed his finger downward.

"Underground?" Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and sensed through the thick land all the way down.

"Little turtle? No, the God of Mountains and Seas." There is a huge turtle buried nine thousand miles underground of the human race, and the tortoise shell supports the mountain peak. This is the image of the God of Mountains and Seas.

Sensing nine thousand miles underground has reached the limit, and it can't go any further. The suppression seems to be stronger than above the gray fog.

"The trouble you are talking about is... the body of the God of Mountains and Seas?" Lin Shan frowned. It shouldn't be like this. He has been in contact with the God of Mountains and Seas for a long time, and later let the human race believe in the God of Mountains and Seas. The mountains and seas should protect the human race. How can they bring disaster to the human race? Is it passive?

"It's not what you think." Yuan Guang picked up the coffee in front of him and gulped it down in one breath. "The problem lies in a place deeper than ninety thousand miles underground. The God of Mountains and Seas has been suppressing things underground. About two hundred years ago, the God of Mountains and Seas died completely..."

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