Above the gray fog

Chapter 1257 Sealed Land

"What? Outer God?" Hearing Lin Shan's words, Yuan Guang showed an expression of disbelief, "How could the Outer God be buried under the human race's land?"

"This is no longer the human race's land. It is tens of millions of kilometers away from the human race. There is also a race above it, human-shaped rabbit ears. They should also be suffering the same situation as the human race. The things below affect not only the human race." Lin Shan explained, and then asked, "Didn't the human circle civilization form an alliance? Have you ever discussed the underground things?"

"I don't know about this either. It should not have been discussed. Such things are not good to publicize to the outside world, lest someone take advantage of the situation." Yuan Guang replied.

"Well... It's a bit dangerous down there. I'll go down and take a look. You don't have to follow me." Lin Shan said.

"No need to go down. I know what's down there." The butterfly lying on Lin Shan's shoulder suddenly spoke, "It's not just as simple as danger..."

"Oh? You know?" Lin Shan lowered his head slightly and looked at the butterfly. This guy is the guardian of the God's Court. He has lived from the old days to the present. He can be called a living almanac.

"Here below is the 'Land of Depravity', also known as the 'World Cemetery'. All worlds swallowed by the gray fog universe will enter the World Cemetery. The worlds inside are dead, and it is a paradise for heretic undead and evil gods." The butterfly flew to the front of the pit, as if looking down.

"World Cemetery?" Lin Shan looked thoughtful. Didn't the group that attacked the twins last time come from the World Cemetery? The other party was not very strong, but was controlled by an evil god. That evil god was the real enemy of the human race.

Could it be... that evil god again this time? But this time it seems that it is not just the human race that is targeted.

The butterfly flapped its wings and returned to Lin Shan's shoulder again. "The energy your tribe suffered did not come from the World Cemetery, but from the real underground - the Sealed Land. A terrifying guy was sealed there. The sealing method was to make that guy sleep. Only a small part of the sealing power leaked from the Sealed Land. The World Cemetery and all the scales below the World Cemetery will be affected."

"I can't say too much. It will affect you if I say too much."

"Is it an outer god?"


"Sealed by the Human Emperor himself?"

"Joint efforts."

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded, and then his face was troubled again. If he wanted to solve this dormant power, there were only two ways left. The first way was to break through the underground and fight the terrifying guy mentioned by the "Wanderer". Of course, this was impossible.

The second way was to add another layer of seal to block this energy from invading the surface.

The second way was also the only feasible way.

The Wanderer transmitted the message directly to Lin Shan, so Yuan Guang didn't know what was underneath.

There is no secret that cannot be told. Lin Shan immediately repeated the words of the vagrant to Yuan Guang, and then expressed his own thoughts.

"Set up a layer of seal to prevent the seal power from invading the surface... We tried it a long time ago, but we can't capture this energy at all, let alone block it." Yuan Guang said helplessly, "The source cannot be contained, and we can't stop this dormant energy... Are we going to relocate the human race again?"

"Well... you go back to do your own thing, leave this seal to me, I will study how to seal it first." Lin Shan waved his hand, indicating that Yuan Guang could go back.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and come to me anytime if you have anything." Yuan Guang nodded, and immediately disappeared from the original place. Following Lin Shan, he always felt a sense of pressure and discomfort.

Lin Shan did not study how to seal it at the first time, but flashed to a dark place.

The golden flame jumped out from his palm, and the light it emitted was warm and sacred. This is the power of "Extreme Holy Spirit Method".

The flames lit up the space immersed in darkness.

Under the illumination of the fire, a shocking scene appeared in front of Lin Shan.

A huge turtle, all deep black, carrying a heavy mountain on its back. The mountain was majestic and vigorous, like an old man, sleeping in the long river of time, witnessing the changes of countless years.

Its body was so big that it seemed to support the entire sky. However, its life fire had been extinguished, and its closed eyes seemed to be meditating on the eternal secret. Its existence was like a silent monument, silently telling the past glory and lonely desolation.

Lin Shan stared at the giant turtle intently. The dead silence of the surrounding environment formed a sharp contrast with the silence of the giant turtle, as if this scene itself was a heavy poem, a tragic poem about life and death, about time and eternity.

Lin Shan came to the tip of the turtle's nose and pressed his palm on it. On the surface, all the green plants within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers turned yellow, and the range of absorption continued to increase.

Lin Shan sent all the absorbed vitality into the turtle's body.

"I'm coming." Lin Shan's voice was very light, like the leaves falling in the autumn forest, gently touching the ground.

At the moment when this whisper sounded, the giant turtle, which was originally dead, slowly opened its ancient and deep eyes, like two pale bronze mirrors, reflecting the vicissitudes of time.

Its eyes penetrated the surrounding darkness and looked directly at Lin Shan. There was not only clarity in those eyes, but also a deep wisdom that transcended the cycle of life and death.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and turned his body slightly, "Any last words?"

A glimmer flashed in Shanhai's eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be raised with an old smile. "Boy, you are very smart," the voice slowly flowed out from his ancient throat, and every word carried the weight of time, as if it was an echo from the depths of the deep sea, low and a little weak.

Although the voice was weak, like a sigh of old age, it was clearly transmitted to Lin Shan's ears in this silent space. Shanhai's ancient eyes stared at Lin Shan tightly, which was an expectation that had been placed on him for countless years. Now, He finally waited for it.

"Ah..." Seeing Shanhai's weak state, Lin Shan sighed lightly, "There are still people in the human race who are using Shanhai magic. As the core of the magic, you must not be dead yet."

"I'm waiting for you..."

"I know, tell me, what's the matter, you have helped me a lot before, if you have something, I will definitely help you." Lin Shan said calmly.

"That remnant soul attached itself to you because I saw my younger self in you. I am not helping you, but myself." Shanhai's mouth curled up slightly, "Even though you are so powerful, you can't escape the erosion of time. The powerful boy will eventually grow old..."

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