Above the gray fog

Chapter 1260 Meeting Huang Liu

The Holy Spirit feels the power of the light element that is still abundant in the body, and once again raises a barrier outside the body. The main body is not here. In addition to using the light element to strike, the Holy Spirit cannot use other powers.

Of course, the Holy Spirit came this time not to destroy the supervisors, but simply to tempt them.

"Extreme intention." The majestic voice came from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, like the roar of the God of Light.

With this roar, the blazing light bursting out from the body of the Holy Spirit cut through the shackles of darkness, and like the universe at the beginning of its birth, it burst out with unspeakable magnificent brilliance.

This light was extremely swift and violent, carrying the power to destroy everything, forming a huge energy ripple that spread in all directions, mercilessly swallowing up all resistance and existence.

The void of nearly a thousand light-years became a field of light at this moment. In the face of this absolute power, all combat units were like fragile dust, silently disintegrating. The zero-response units were ruthlessly wiped out before they even had time to escape. remove.

When the light of the explosion gradually dissipated, silence returned to the void, the scales of the universe became unified, and the gray foggy land was exposed to the boundless space of the universe.

On the other side, Lin Shan, who was above the clan land, opened his eyes.

"It's really tricky... The leader of the Zeroes has already forced the Holy Spirit to self-destruct before he appears..."

"I have long reminded you not to underestimate the regulators." The butterfly on Lin Shan's shoulder flapped its wings gently and told a not-so-good news, "Just when you attacked the regulator's nest, the regulator also attacked It invaded the human circle and wiped out dozens of civilizations. The human circle I am talking about is not the Apostle Galaxy.”

Lin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean?"

"It's a warning," Butterfly replied.

"I want to ask, since the supervisors have the power to directly invade these civilizations, why do they still fight with the human circle? Create more zeroing units. Can one zeroing unit sweep across a galaxy?" Lin Shan whispered , his expression remained calm.

The butterfly wings on the shoulders flapped lightly, "I can only give speculations, but cannot give accurate answers."

"Then tell me your speculation." Lin Shan spread his perception and directly penetrated the clan and land barriers of each clan.

The Apostle Galaxy was not attacked.

"The supervisor used a special method to cut off his own mission. At the same time, his previous information base was also cut off. He did not quickly eliminate the human circle. Perhaps he wanted the combat units to fight against the creatures in the human circle in order to collect battle information. Experience." The butterfly spoke its conjecture in old and hoarse words, and it could be heard that it was not sure how true this conjecture was.

Lin Shan's eyes swept across the starry sky, as if looking for the answer, "The regulator means that as long as I dare to attack its nest, it will send combat units to destroy the civilization in the human circle and threaten me with other civilizations... .interesting."

"All civilizations in the human circle have formed an alliance, which is a true seventh-level civilization." Butterfly reminded.

"What do you think I should do?" Lin Shan lowered his head slightly and looked at the butterfly on his shoulder.

"I don't know, but the best way is to force the regulator to retreat. If it knows that it cannot eat the human circle, it will naturally retreat." Butterfly replied.

Lin Shan's eyes were focused on the human race below, "Isn't my existence enough for it to realize this?"

The butterfly circled around, "Maybe it has realized it and then issued a threat."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly. In fact, he already knew in his heart that he should do this.

Use the other person's way to return it to the other person.

When the supervisors gathered combat units again to invade, Lin Shan rushed into his lair and gave him a blow.

In the long run, supervision will naturally recede as it realizes that it will not bring any benefits.

As if guessing Lin Shan's thoughts, Butterfly reminded, "What you are attacking is only one of the many nests of the supervisors. The supervisors still have more advanced combat units that have not been dispatched. Moreover, many civilizations in the human circle are If you can’t use up the supervisors, the supervisors’ combat units will only fight more and more.”

"Yes, I know." Lin Shan's gaze passed through the endless void, staring at something blankly.

After thinking for a long time, a clone without any divinity came out of the main body.

The clone disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he was standing in front of a simple wooden house.

A Shiba Inu is chewing something in its mouth, spitting it out while chewing.

Suddenly, the sugar cane-like thing in his hand fell to the ground. The Shiba Inu raised his head, and the surprise in his eyes was like a shocking wave crossing the calm sea.

"Lin...Lin...Lin Shan?" The Shiba Inu's pupils dilated, and its expression was so incredible.

Lin Shan's smile was gentle, with a hint of joy of meeting again after a long absence, "Long time no see."

"You...are still alive?" Huang Liu opened his mouth wide, his voice filled with unconcealable joy.

"Well, I faked my death to avoid certain entanglements." Lin Shan nodded gently, as if there was light flowing in his eyes.

After hearing this, Huang Liu stood up instantly, his body transformed into the image of a middle-aged man in an instant, and then burst into heroic laughter, "Hahaha, it turns out you are still alive! It's been two thousand years, and we haven't seen each other for two thousand years. Yes!"

"Indeed, it's been two thousand years." Lin Shan looked at Huang Liu in front of him, "You have aged much."

Huang Liu exuded endless enthusiasm as he approached, "Well, I'm not as cool as you and can hide away for two thousand years. Over the years, I have been so busy that I have almost no time to breathe."

Huang Liu stepped forward quickly and hugged Lin Shan tightly. The long-separated friendship was silently condensed at this moment.

"What's wrong with you? Haven't become a god yet?" Huang Liu pushed Lin Shan away and looked him up and down. "Why is your aura the same as that of an ordinary person?"

Lin Shan smiled and said, "This is just my clone."

"Hahaha, I was wondering, how come you have become an ordinary person after not seeing you for two thousand years? Come on, come on, let's talk inside." As he said that, he led Lin Shan into the wooden house where the years were quiet.

Huang Liu walked into the house and immediately searched in his storage space and took out a bottle of unremarkable ancient wine.

"Come and taste my collection."


After drinking several glasses of wine, Huang Liu wiped the corners of his mouth and winked at Lin Shan, "You came here for your son this time, right?"

Lin Shan took a sip of the wine in the glass and looked calm, "I have seen him."

"Have you gone to find him?" Huang Liu asked curiously.

"No." Lin Shan shook his head.

Huang Liu seemed a little surprised, "Why? Since we are blood relatives, why don't we recognize each other?"

"In his memory, I am already dead." Lin Shan said calmly, "You and An are both very good to him, and because he doesn't want to have children."

"The most important thing is that I will be gone soon."

After the words fell, the room fell into silence, with only the sound of the wind outside the window accompanying the murmur of time.

Huang Liu was silent for a moment, and finally said, "I still have to meet him."

"Well, if there is a chance... I will go to see him." Lin Shan nodded.

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