Above the gray fog

Chapter 1267 Statue of Doctor Long Ling

The wanderer entered the underground, and after a brief identification of the direction, he flew towards the hill that was less than a hundred meters high.

The ground below the entrance.

A group of inconspicuous black mucus followed closely.

Suddenly, the wanderer stopped and looked down expressionlessly, "We can go together, no need to follow me secretly."

The mucus surged inside and returned to the appearance of Lin Shan, "I am just a wisp of soul, you go ahead."

Lin Shan just said casually, but the wanderer gave a serious answer, "Well, for single-soul life like you, the main body will also be damaged when the soul dies. If there is danger later, you run away immediately and I will block it for you."

"Then should I thank you?"

"Verbal thanks are what single-soul life like you need. I am just telling you the best way to deal with it." The wanderer looked back at Lin Shan, "I didn't see it before... The power you hold comes from outside the gray fog? And... there is a familiar feeling about you."

"It should come from outside the gray fog, I am not sure, familiar?" Lin Shan asked back.

"It's okay. I have a faint feeling, but this feeling shouldn't be wrong. Maybe you have some old relics that I'm familiar with." The wanderer looked at Lin Shan again, as if he had seen Lin Shan for the first time.

Lin Shan could only cast a puzzled look, "Are you a wanderer?"

This feeling was completely different from the first time he met the wanderer and the butterfly that had been lying on his shoulder.

"Do you feel that I'm a little different? This is an ability that only our clustered life can have. I am a wanderer, a high-level combat unit of the wanderer, and a brand-new individual. We share a consciousness, but each consciousness can be set separately. I came here to have a smoother communication with you. Remember, don't let the supervisor discover my existence." After the wanderer said a lot of rambling, he flew towards the hill again.

Lin Shan followed closely behind, but always kept a certain distance.

The wanderer's combat unit died, and his main body was not hurt, but if his soul died, it would take a long time to recover. It would be better to be cautious unless necessary.

The strange thing that had crawled out of the cemetery before seemed to have gone back again, and no white skeleton was seen along the way.

The journey was smooth and the two came to the ruins of the ancient building complex.

At present, the once majestic building complex has been ruthlessly eroded by time, leaving only broken walls.

Between the light and shadow, the ruins were stained with a light orange-red color.

Going a little further from here is the time corridor mentioned by the wanderer. Passing through the time corridor will appear on the surface of the Death Star.

The wanderer did not go forward, but slowly descended in altitude and entered the ruins below as if looking for something.

Lin Shan also landed and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Kunlun is surrounded by the time corridor. It is impossible to go in directly. I'm looking for the entrance." The wanderer looked left and right, and sometimes touched it with his hands.

"What's in Kunlun? And, you said before that everything can be explained, what can be explained?" Walking in this abandoned building complex, Lin Shan's eyes were involuntarily attracted by the scattered stone pillars. They once supported the tall temples, but now they are like the guards of history. Although they are broken, they still stand proudly.

The weathered carvings are vaguely discernible, with dragons and phoenixes, mythical beasts and various patterns, revealing a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

"The old ruins are the old cemeteries. The significance of these cemeteries is to preserve the old people or things. The people of Kunlun are naturally buried in the ruins of Kunlun."

"Queen Mother of the West?" Lin Shan asked.

"Well... Queen Mother of the West." The wanderer nodded, "Not only Queen Mother of the West, Kunlun was also a holy place for the human race in the old days, and other saints were buried there."

"If they still exist, they should have become weird, right?" What the wanderer said casually can be regarded as a shocking secret for Lin Shan.

"Of course, if they hadn't become weird, even saints wouldn't have survived until now." The wanderer nodded slightly.

"You mean... they became weird in order to survive? They used the immortality of weird to survive until now, and then waited for the rules of the gray fog universe to reverse to complete the resurrection?"

The wanderer looked at Lin Shan in surprise, "It seems that you also know something, but you don't know it completely. Becoming weird is forced, there is no voluntary statement. Letting the rules of the gray fog universe return to the old days is indeed the only way for them to recover completely."

"Complete recovery... In other words, even if they don't recover completely, they may retain some consciousness?" Lin Shan caught the key words and made a guess based on Si Yin in the Zhulong ring.

"Correct, this is why I came here." The wanderer nodded.

"After entering, I found the weird, and then what?" Lin Shan still didn't quite understand the wanderer's approach.

The wanderer said without hesitation, "Then, release them. The appearance of the saints of the old days will relieve the pressure on the old days."

"What pressure do you want to relieve? Actually, you can explain it more clearly." Although Lin Shan probably understood it a little, he was still confused.

They walked along a broken ancient road paved with bluestone slabs. The slabs on the road surface had become smooth as a mirror after countless years of trampling. Occasionally, some stone statues that were still standing could be found on the roadside. They had solemn expressions and deep eyes that still looked lively, as if they were about to breathe out and tell the long-forgotten historical stories.

"How can I explain it to you..." The wanderer thought for a while and said, "Aren't the old days and the originals always at odds? These saints of the old days will naturally put pressure on the originals after they come out, at least they can fight for the living environment for the existing creatures of the old days."

"Most of the old gods in the core universe... have all become weird, and Green Sun sacrificed them a long time ago." Seeing the wanderer say this, Lin Shan knew that he didn't know what happened in the core universe.

"What? How could Green Sun do such a thing?" The wanderer's steps stopped.

"Before this incident, I didn't even know the existence of Green Sun." Lin Shan spread his hands, and he suddenly found a familiar face among the statues on the side of the road.

The pointed chin of the head can poke the chest, the narrow eyes are like a slit, the joints of the body are very sharp, and there is a long dragon around it.

Dr. Long Ling, or Long Ling fortune teller...

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