Above the gray fog

Chapter 1269 Withered Flowers, Bridge Stone

Lin Shan held his breath and concentrated, his senses seeping into the circular building like fine threads. In the dark corridor on the first floor, two young figures were moving cautiously.

A man and a woman, the woman's eyes were red and tears were not yet dry, and the man's face was gloomy.

Deep in the corridor, two rotting corpses lay in silence.

This man and woman are not ordinary people. The man is Sequence 5 and the woman is Sequence 6.

"With the current strength of our human race, we are still unable to explore this building." The man said hoarsely, with a hint of fear in his voice. "The weirdness here can attack the main body through soul division. You must take this information back."

The woman looked at the darkness in the depths of the corridor and said painfully, "Jiang Mo and Yan Xiangwen still have soul power fluctuations in their bodies, and there may be a glimmer of hope. When we go back, we will find the gods to come and save them."

"No." The man categorically denied with a determined expression, "Whether it is the Twin Sword Immortals or other human gods, their existence is to ensure the stability of the human race. If the danger here can threaten the gods, then we will become the human race. Sinner, this is why the gods do not set foot in the ruins. If the gods fall, you should understand how the human race will suffer. "

"But now is the era of the alliance, and the conflicts between the various races have subsided." The woman retorted eagerly, "If the gods don't lend a helping hand, but we people are constantly making sacrifices, there will definitely be complaints in our hearts."

"Complain?" The man sneered, "Why don't I? In such a large ethnic group, it is inevitable that there will be a few ignorant people. Do you still think that the existence of gods is only to defend against enemies? No, the existence of gods is to Suppress the restlessness within our human race. Think about the two major factions, the Twins and the Apostles. Without the suppression of the gods, do you think the human race will be peaceful? "

The two walked away while arguing, and soon appeared outside the circular building.

When the two of them relaxed their vigilance a little, a huge black hand suddenly stretched out from the door and pinched them violently, trying to drag them into the darkness.

The woman screamed and waved the silver dagger in her hand. A blue light glowed on the surface of the dagger, and it was thrust into the big black hand.

The man's body suddenly expanded and turned into a giant black snake. The snake's tail wrapped around the black wrist, but passed directly through it.

Just when the two of them couldn't break free despite all their efforts, Lin Shan calmly walked into the corridor and shattered the black illusory hand with just the breath leaking from his body.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Shan entered the circular building with a violent cough.

When passing by the two corpses, Lin Shan easily sent them outside.

He already knew everything here except the deepest room on the third floor.

After passing through the corridors, various relics were placed around them, but Lin Shan turned a deaf ear to them.

He went directly to the depths of the third floor. Facing the half-open door, Lin Shan quietly pushed it open, as if he was opening a door to the past. The air in the room was filled with With the passage of time, everything seems extremely quiet, and some paintings hanging on the walls have faded.

In the center of the room, a black figure struggled around like a trapped beast, but the supernatural power on his body could not break the restraints. There was an invisible force that firmly fixed him on the Taishi chair.

The weirdness at the Sequence 3 level has no consciousness and is struggling desperately all the time, with supernatural power surging crazily on it.

Lin Shan observed from the sidelines. It didn't look like a seal. The black shadow seemed to be growing together with the Grand Master's chair. The Grand Master's chair was not a relic, but a pure artifact with a very high level.

Weird and strange things grow together, an unheard of spectacle.

Seeing that there was really no way to escape from this weirdness, Lin Shan looked away.

Although this room is simple, it is filled with an indescribable sense of heaviness, and the mottled walls record the erosion of time.

There are some yellowed books piled up in the corner of the room, and the covers are blurry. Only when your fingertips gently pass by and raise pieces of dust can you vaguely make out the faded handwriting.

These books... seemed to be old story novels. They did not contain important knowledge, they were just telling stories. Lin Shan put them down gently.

I also noticed a broken vase on the window sill reflecting the mottled light and shadow. It was guarding a dry flower alone. This flower had lost its former vitality and color, but still retained its calm posture, like This room has quietly witnessed countless changes over the years.

"This flower..." Lin Shan's eyes flashed with surprise. The most powerful treasure in this circular building should be this withered flower.

Lin Shan then took out a piece of yellow paper and conducted an appraisal.

[The nine-orificed exquisite flower cultivated by the Immortal Lord himself has no grade. It has withered and lost its original effect. The flower contains rich withering rules. If you take it under the Immortal Lord, your soul will wither. ]

The withering rule was a rule he had never heard of, but the Immortal Lord must be at a higher level than Sequence 3.

This flower has enough toxicity to poison Sequence 2. If it can be used properly, it may become a trump card in his hand.

Combined with the Xuanxian level relic in hand - the Immortal Binding Rope, it might be possible to have a chance with Sequence 2.

It can be said that the strength is not enough, so treasures are needed.

Lin Shan carefully put away the vase, and finally his eyes fell on the bound black shadow.

Regardless of the black shadow's struggle, Lin Shan's fingers gently scratched the black shadow's arm, and suddenly, a black arm fell off.

As the arm fell to the ground, a milky white, irregular stone rolled out from the palm of the broken arm.

"Using the soul to attack the main body, what kind of power is this?" The milky white stone slowly floated in front of Lin Shan. This strange ability to achieve the strange ability of hitting the cow from a distance was all due to this mysterious stone.

"Do you know what this is?" Lin Shan looked down at the butterfly lying on his shoulder, and did not stop the movement of his hands, and sealed the broken arm that suddenly rose up.

"Good stuff, this is the top-grade material for making immortal weapons that the ancient immortals envied - Bridge Stone, but it's a pity that the share is too small, and it can probably only kill ordinary immortals." Butterfly had long recognized the stone floating in front of Lin Shan.

"What effect does it have?" Lin Shan asked.

"The bridge stone can build a bridge between the split soul and the main body, and transfer attacks through the bridge. We multi-soul creatures are the nemesis of the bridge stone, but this thing is a killer against single-soul creatures."

"When you build a magic weapon, integrate this bridge stone into it, and you can exert its own rule power. Even if you attack the split soul, you can transfer the attack to the main body through the split soul. But I just said that your share is too small and it won't work."

The butterfly circled around the white bridge stone and popularized knowledge for Lin Shan.

"Where can I get this kind of bridge stone?" Hearing that this bridge stone can attack the main body through the split soul, Lin Shan's eyes flickered. Most gods will hide their main bodies when facing danger. A large part of the reason why they are so unscrupulous is that they will not die.

"Abyss." The butterfly said only two words.

"Where is the abyss?"

"The void."

"Outside the gray fog?"


Lin Shan put away the white bridge stone and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​collecting more bridge stones to build a magic weapon.

There was nothing useful to him in this circular building, and many ordinary relics were left to the human race.

Lin Shan left the circular building and continued to walk deeper into the ruins.

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