Above the gray fog

Chapter 1278 Ancient Books

"You...Aren't you dead?" Liu Ru's eyes widened. As for the question Lin Shan asked him, he didn't hear it at all.

Nothing was as exciting as the person who should have been dead standing in front of him again.

"You are resurrected again? With the help of hell?" Liu Ru guessed again and again, and said to himself, "You shouldn't have not shown up for two thousand years..."

"I'm not dead, but don't spread the information that I'm still alive. I came to you to ask something." Lin Shan explained calmly and asked again, "Which ancient book did you see the beast that supports the sky that you told me about before?"

"The beast that supports the sky?" Liu Ru was still lingering in the shock just now, and failed to quickly keep up with Lin Shan's topic jump.

"The beast that supports the sky - Asato." Lin Shan repeated patiently.

"Oh, you mean the legendary creature. I saw its name in a rather old book. The book was found in the ruins of the first era. As for... where it is now, I don't know. Maybe it's in the library of a sect... or maybe it's a private collection of a family." Liu Ru shook his head and looked at Lin Shan again.

"Well... can it still be found?" Lin Shan asked.

"As long as it is still in the Three Sacred Mountains, it will definitely be found. Why did you suddenly ask about that ancient book?" Liu Ru asked curiously.

"Can you still recall the content of that book?" Lin Shan did not answer directly, but continued to ask.

"I can't remember clearly. I just took a quick glance at it." Liu Ru shrugged. "I remember that it recorded many ancient exotic animals and precious herbs, but there was no particularly conspicuous information." Lin Shan narrowed his eyes. "This is what I want. Help me find it." "Well... I will have someone issue a reward through the task system in the sect. As long as someone sees the book, they should provide clues." Liu Ru said. "Okay, I will wait for news in Twin City. Contact me if you find anything." Lin Shan nodded gently. Liu Ru seemed to have something else to say, but found that Lin Shan's figure had disappeared from the spot. Liu Ru stood in the empty yard with a dazed look. He was alone, sighed, and finally turned and walked into the house. There were piles of books, each of which was accumulated over the years and carried secrets that were either well-known or hidden in the world. He sat down at the desk, spread out a piece of parchment, and wrote a task book for the human sect quickly. He not only described the appearance of the mysterious book, but also promised a generous reward. After finishing, Liu Ru couldn't help but ponder. Lin Shan's appearance must have a deep meaning. What secrets does the ancient book about "the beast that supports the sky" hide?

If the task is directly released, it may be intercepted by some people with ulterior motives...

Just when he was worried, Lin Shan's voice came to his ears again, "Just look for it openly, and it's best to let everyone know that you are looking for it."

"Okay." Hearing this, Liu Ru immediately summoned his disciples, "Send to the sect's mission hall."

"Master, are you looking for some precious books?" The middle-aged disciple asked curiously. The master had not worried about the affairs of the human sect for more than 1,000 years. Suddenly, he issued such a task with great fanfare, which made him curious.

"Well, it's an old friend who needs it." Liu Ru answered simply. He didn't want to say much, and said, "Go quickly, don't delay."

"Yes, Master." The disciple respectfully took the bounty order, turned around and left quickly.

Watching the disciple's back disappear outside the door of the study, Liu Ru's eyes became deep again.

A few days later, in the human race's mortal spirit kingdom, Lin Shan stood on the top of a tower, his eyes penetrating the prosperity, as if he could see everything in the distance.

Under the tower, pedestrians were weaving, the shouts of vendors, the laughter of pedestrians, merged into a lively picture.

But Lin Shan's heart seemed to be isolated in a quiet space, keeping a distance from the hustle and bustle.

In the past few days, all the extraordinary people in the human clan and even outside the human clan have received news that Liu Ru, the supreme leader of the human clan, is looking for an ancient book.

Everyone is guessing, what kind of ancient book is it? Can such a person go to great lengths to find it, will there be a great opportunity hidden in it?

The human clan went to great lengths to find an ancient book.

There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that this ancient book has been found, and the second possibility is that this originally unknown book will become the focus of everyone's secret competition.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan opened his eyes.

The reason why he appeared here is because the second possibility happened.

In the sight, there are two figures flying between the eaves like arrows from a bow. They are both twin cultivators, stepping on flying swords, flying over low houses, causing waves of exclamations.

Just when the pursuit reached a fever pitch, Lin Shan suddenly appeared like a ghost and intercepted the escapee directly. She was a woman who looked no more than 20 years old, with a green face.

Facing Lin Shan's obstruction, a trace of suspicion flashed in the woman's eyes, and her face showed a vigilant look, "Who are you?" As soon as this question fell, the fat man behind her caught up with her panting, and asked with concern and nervousness, "Who are you? Why are you stopping my sister?"

Lin Shan's voice was calm, "The book, give it to me."

The fat man frowned: "What book?"

Lin Shan didn't say much, just said lightly, "The ancient book that your elders told you to hide carefully."

The woman opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by her brother. There was a hint of doubt in his tone, "We don't know the book you are talking about."

At this moment, Lin Shan gently stretched out his hand, and the woman subconsciously took a step back. The storage space on her wrist trembled slightly, and a beautifully bound hard-shell book carefully sewn with golden silk thread slowly Floating out, attracted by an invisible force, it flew into Lin Shan's palm.

In desperation, the woman stretched out her hand to grab it, but was held tightly by her fat brother.

He knew that the person in front of them was not someone they could easily deal with. His elder brother leaned over and cupped his hands slightly, trying to treat him politely, "It seems that we are blind and have not recognized the importance of this noble person. This ancient book belongs to the Supreme Master of the Human Sect." We are about to deliver the things that Master Liu Ru needs to Renzong personally, but we don't want to have this misunderstanding on the way. I wonder how the seniors knew about this and intervened? "

Although the fat man's words were respectful, he could not hide his intention to use Renzong's prestige as a talisman. He even raised his hand in the direction of Renzong, as if he wanted to use this move to embolden himself.

Lin Shan glanced sideways at the fat cultivator, who was six or seven hundred years old, and questioned lightly: "Is it possible that I am a member of the Human Sect?"

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