Above the gray fog

Chapter 1289 Miscellaneous Gods

Under this terrible sense of oppression, most people lost the ability to think, but a few strong-willed people still had the courage to ask questions.

"Do you know what caused the invasion you mentioned?" someone asked.

"Will you personally help us humans? Do you have any guidance for this disaster?" someone asked.

"Dare you ask me your surname, senior?" Some bold people were curious about Lin Shan's identity.

Lin Shan slightly weakened his coercion. He did this not to use his power to overwhelm others, because there was no need. He just hoped that what he said today would bring some relief to these people. He would not give instructions again every two days. .

"You don't need to know my name. It's all for the human race. Just do as I say. I will help the human race resist, but you must pay attention to this matter. The enemy is very large. I can't block them all. They will be missed. Yes, it’s up to you.”

Hearing that Lin Shanhui was on the side of the human race, many people couldn't help but feel relaxed. The existence of a strong man would undoubtedly give them a sense of security.

"We understand, senior, don't worry, the human race will definitely not let the seniors suffer from resentment. When we go back this time, we will start the human race's comprehensive preparations. The human race has already changed from what it used to be and has the ability to face any problem." In front of the round table, a person The cultivator in black robe stood up and held his hands.

The weakening pressure made everyone below relax a little, and everyone responded with confidence, "Please don't worry."

No one doubted Lin Shan's words. Not to mention Yuan Guang's credibility. If such powerful men wanted to do something, they could not stop him. Even just one person could wipe out the human race.

No need to waste a lot of effort.

"Well, let's talk about the current strength of the human race. I want to hear the most intuitive figures." Lin Shan asked. He probably had a figure in mind for the extraordinary number of human race, but it was not accurate. If it was just what he knew, it might be a little weak. , he still has to find a way to help the human race improve.

"Let me tell you this." In front of the round table, a middle-aged woman stood up.

She slid in front of her a few times, and a holographic statistics chart floated over the field.

"Currently, the human race has seven gods, nine miscellaneous gods, and three who have broken the four taboos. These are the top combat powers of the human race."

"Sixty-one qualitative changes, Sequence 5 one hundred and thirty-one, Sequence 4 one thousand one hundred, Sequence 7 close to tens of thousands, Sequence 8 and Sequence 9, the total number is close to more than 700,000, with increases and decreases every day. "

"Among genetic warriors, the total number of Sequence 8 plus Sequence 9 is one million. Sequence 7 and above are extremely rare and will not be calculated."

Lin Shan was slightly surprised, "There are so many extraordinary people. Neither the Fox Clan nor the Night Clan had such a number at the time, right?"

Yuan Guang explained on the side, "The times are different. In the past, all races relied on the magic potion system, and it had the characteristics of the Plant Fallen Race. Now the Apostle Star has a new system. It is much easier to achieve extraordinary than before. In addition, For Gemini, these numbers are not too much.”

The middle-aged woman below continued, "Well, it's really not that many. Calculated based on the total number of human beings, there will be only one transcendent per 100,000 people. Under the 'Ji Ling System', the race is very powerful. A large part of the population depends on the tribe.”

"One in 100,000... After calculation, why is it lower than before?" Lin Shan calculated, guessing that it might have something to do with the total number of characteristics.

"What are miscellaneous gods?" Lin Shan asked again.

The middle-aged woman explained, "Miscellaneous Gods, gods who are promoted by piecing together fragments of different powers are called Miscellaneous Gods. The Four Forbiddens are also in this category. Breaking the Four Forbiddens is almost the same as breaking the Three Forbiddens, but breaking the Four Forbiddens has the possibility of becoming a true god. The strength of the miscellaneous gods depends on the proportion of the bonded authority fragments."

"Can the fragments of authority be pieced together for promotion?" Lin Shan was slightly surprised. He really had a good time. However, after being pieced together for promotion, he might have no way out.

The number of gods is too small, including the Miscellaneous Gods and the Four Forbidden Gods, there are only 19. "Are there any original gods among these gods?" Lin Shan asked.

"There is one, the original god outside the genealogy." The middle-aged woman answered.

The powers in the past definitely have no possibility of being promoted independently. The powers outside the genealogy have the possibility of being promoted to Sequence 3, but the possibility is extremely slim.

Sequence 3 and Sequence 4 are only one life level apart, but they seem to be worlds apart...

Lin Shan was lost in thought, and many senior human race officials below also held their breaths, and the sound of needle drops could be heard throughout the venue.

Lin Shan was thinking about how to help the human race increase their strength...

After thinking about it, there is no good way. It would be better for him to create a Leviathan every three years.

Adding a few gods to the human race would have no meaning in the coming war. He could just crush a few gods to death.

The best way at the moment is to create more Leviathans during this period. The value of Leviathans in war far exceeds that of any human god.

"You all should go back and think of ways to increase the human race's combat power as much as possible." Lin Shan waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Many human race executives looked at each other, "Is this the end?"

But Lin Shan's intention was already obvious, and they could only hand over and leave.

I made up my mind that I would definitely ask Yuan Guang for clarification later.

In the end, only Lin Shan and Yuan Guang were left in the venue.

Yuan Guang looked around and couldn't help but feel a headache. "You didn't even give them a chance to ask questions. Now you put all the problems on me..."

Lin Shan responded calmly, "I've told you everything I can. It's up to you to handle the next matter. You must take it seriously."

After saying this, he took out six dim little boxes from his sleeve.

Yuan Guang's eyes were fixed on those boxes, "What are these?"

"Authority." Lin Shan answered simply. These powers were obtained from the 13th department of the scientific research department of Yuanting. Now he wants to use them to strengthen the strength of the human race.

If the human race is not strong enough to deal with future crises, Zhao Xiaoan will be forced to take action. This is a situation that Lin Shan does not want to see. Although he is not sure whether the future will really develop in this way, he can only believe it rather than believe it.

"Are all these powers?" Yuan Guang's eyes widened.

"Well, leave a suitable one for Lu Shaosi, and you can distribute the others. The old power does not require complicated rituals. It is not difficult to become a god if you find a candidate recognized by the power."

After speaking, Lin Shan's figure turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated, leaving Yuan Guang standing there. Facing the sudden heavy responsibility, he seemed to have not yet recovered.

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