Above the gray fog

Chapter 1291 Sixty Years

"The process is like this. Not to mention breaking the three taboos, if you want to break the four taboos, you need to use the old secret method to continuously compress the divine power through the fragments of authority. The resources consumed at this time are enough to make a wealthy family heartache. The subsequent upgrades , the resources required are dozens or even hundreds of times that of the Four Forbiddens. The most egregious thing is that it does not mean that as long as you are willing to spend resources, you can achieve the spirit. It depends on talent. The better the talent in the process, the more resources will be consumed. The less, your human race is rich and powerful, and you have only cultivated a few gods over the years. Fortunately, those who can basically break the four taboos can become gods. There is rarely a waste of resources, but the three taboos are very rare, not to mention "Four Bans."

"Difficulties are difficult, but a way is better than no way." Lin Shan nodded slightly, and curiously asked about the old secret method, "Do you know this old secret method?"

"I knew you would ask this. Here, I just have one ready-made." Huang Liu took out a jade slip and placed it on the table.

Lin Shan's spiritual penetration is an incomplete cultivation method. It only introduces how to inject spiritual substances into the fragments of authority and then extract divine power from the fragments of authority.

"Is this a fragment?" This so-called old secret method is the same type of cultivation method as the "Ultimate Intention Holy Spirit Method" that he is practicing now, but the level is much worse than the "Ultimate Intention Holy Spirit Method". "Ultimate Intention Holy Spirit Method" "Holy Spirit Method" is to summon a holy spirit combat method that is more powerful than the body. This secret method seems to be related to increasing the speed of spiritual recovery.

"What fragment? This is the old secret method. By refining divine power through this method, you can deify your characteristics." Huang Liu raised his eyebrows lightly.

"Who discovered this secret method first?" Lin Shan asked.

"Jiuqu Clan."

"Jiuqu Clan? Aren't they exterminated long ago?"

"Some people hid it, reappeared two thousand years ago, and began to grow in recent years." Huang Liu explained casually, "If you don't want it, I will put it away. It is difficult to rub this thing."

"You put it away, I've written it down." Lin Shan waved his hand. He was thinking about the Jiuqu Clan. If he remembered correctly, Jiuqu should be a very important player in the Jiuqu Clan. She seems to be no longer in the human race. , should have returned to the Jiuqu Clan.

Huang Liu suddenly remembered the business and said unhappily, "After talking for a long time, you still haven't said how the old authority should be promoted."

"Replace." Lin Shan spit out two words.

"Replace? You mean...replace it with a higher-level authority? But where can I find a higher-level authority? Is there any way to promote the authority I currently carry? It's okay to waste resources. I still have some Family." Huang Liu was a little anxious when he heard these two words.

"No, the authority of the past belongs to the past. It is already a miracle that it can appear in the beginning and be used normally. It is impossible to want it to be promoted independently." Lin Shan shook his head and added, "If you want To advance, you must first reach the peak of Sequence 4, and then find a higher authority of the past. As for how to replace it, I don’t know yet. I only know one thing - if you forcefully divest yourself of authority, you will most likely die.”

"It's not a matter of death. Where can I find the old authority of Sequence 3?" Huang Liu asked helplessly, "Have you seen it?"

"It's rare." Lin Shan shook his head, "In the past, the most authority existed at the Sequence 4 level, and there are very few traces of Sequence 3. If the authority can be found, theoretically speaking, among all the promotion paths, this path is the easiest to succeed, and it is also the easiest to succeed. Easiest to die."

"I'm still so young, I don't want to die yet." Huang Liu said with a grimace, "Forget it, I'll look for it first. If I find it, I'll give it a try when my life span is about to run out."

"Well, this is the best way." Lin Shan agreed.

"Uncle Mu, you came to Uncle Huang for a drink again." After drinking for three rounds, Lin Changsheng opened the door and walked into the living room.

Lin Shanneng could clearly feel that there was a faint power of faith in him.

"Well, I'm done drinking. I'm leaving." Lin Shan put down the wine glass and cast a spell to cover up Lin Changsheng's breath.

Lin Shan disappeared from the spot and appeared tens of thousands of meters above the ground. "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Huang Liu, who followed, sighed lightly, "I just want to ask, are you really not going to recognize Chang Sheng?"

"Although my stay this time will be extended, I will be very busy later on, and I will have to leave eventually. Rather than letting him know that he has a father who comes and leaves as soon as he comes, it is better not to know anything. In fact, it is nothing. It's different, isn't it?" Lin Shan turned to look at Huang Liu.

"Since this is your decision, I can't say much." Huang Liu suddenly rubbed his hands, "I heard that you gave a lot of power to the human race at once, even your sister who is not your biological sister, Changsheng, your biological child Why don’t you have a son?”

"Did Yuan Guang tell you?" Lin Shan asked.

"That's right, Yuan Guang and I are old friends. We are so close, there is nothing we can't talk about." Huang Liu chuckled and then extended his hand.

Lin Shan simply replied, "Lin Changsheng, no."

"You don't even have a biological son?" Huang Liu obviously didn't believe it.

"Really not." Lin Shan's eyes passed through the wooden house and locked on Lin Changsheng. "This road in the past was too dangerous. He still has a long life. There can be higher ones in the future. If he really wants to You can choose the right one if you go the old way.”

"That's right." Huang Liu retracted his outstretched palm angrily. He didn't want to covet the power given by Lin Shan. In order to find power, he suffered a lot and experienced many dangers. He just wanted to experience stretching out his hand. The feeling of whoring for free.

After bidding farewell to Huang Liu, Lin Shan separated a soul to inform Asbuma, and his body flew to the second heaven.

In the following time, Lin Shan plans to concentrate on cultivating Leviathan.

Sixty years later.

An endless white fog is like a curtain between heaven and earth, blocking the vision. In this hazy world, the huge Leviathan is roaming freely in the boundless sea of ​​fog, and its huge body is looming in the fog.

On the gray fog land hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the human race, the space is like a sad and beautiful painting being ruthlessly torn apart, and hideous cracks appear. These cracks emit a dark light, like the mouth of an abyss that is bottomless, waiting for something in silence.

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