Above the gray fog

Chapter 1299 I'm back

No matter which guess he made, Lin Shan couldn't waste time with them any longer.

Although some things happened, Zhao Xiaoan was fine. For Lin Shan, this was the best news.

Zhao Xiaoan's survival announced that the curse of sacrificing a pioneer in every human disaster was broken.

Lin Shan took another look at the huge hole, and then flew in the direction of the human race. The space within a range of 10,000 light years nearby had merged with the crystal world.

It had been completely occupied by the black tide. He couldn't use the starship and could only fly back slowly.

It took nearly five hours to return to the human race.

The barrier was still there, and the clan weapon was still stubbornly protecting the last territory, preventing more monsters from entering this already dilapidated holy land.

Lin Shan passed through the broken barrier with a heavy heart. The scene in front of him was like the prelude to the end of the world, magnified in his pupils, depicting an unspeakable tragic picture.

The once glorious human race is now only left with ruins. Those towering buildings built in the air and full of light are now just a pile of scattered ruins, like stars falling to the earth, scattering sorrow all over the ground.

Even the airport located in the scale 4 sky prison was dragged into outer space and destroyed by the crystal monsters. The wreckage of countless starships was scattered all over the ground. The monsters covered with crystals wandered aimlessly on the rubble of these technological wonders, eating away all the brilliance into gray.

Lin Shan's eyes slowly moved in the ruins, looking for signs of life. The vitality of this land has been silently wiped out. The cold wind blew, and in the dust that was rolled up, there was no breath of other life except those slowly moving crystal monsters.

There was no laughter, no conversation, no children chasing each other, but only the dead silence and the coldness of the crystal monsters wandering around at will.

The bloodstained land solidified the tragic past. Broken limbs and arms were everywhere, like pale stones, quietly scattered in this desolate land. The bloodstains beside these broken arms had turned from bright red to dim, just like the life of their former owners, which went from light to eternal darkness little by little.

In the air, the smell of blood mixed with dust formed an extremely oppressive breath, which silently devoured all the vitality on this land. The indifference of the crystal monsters formed a sharp contrast with this bloody scene. They seemed to have no feelings about the disappearance of these lives, but just wandered aimlessly among the ruins, looking for the next target.

Lin Shan stood in the center of the clan land and exhaled deeply. With a sigh, all the crystal monsters wandering on the clan land suddenly turned into bits of debris, drifting with the wind, like erased memories, disappearing in the air.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, but this tranquility did not last long. The monsters on the periphery were like a surging tsunami, breaking through the already broken barriers and pouring into the tribe again, shrouding the land in shadow again.

Lin Shan did not pay much attention to these monsters that invaded again. He came deep underground and stepped into the last hope of the human race.

Ninety thousand miles underground, in a huge space opened up by the power of the Holy Spirit, hundreds of millions of people squeezed together, and the air was filled with dampness and despair. The light here was dim, and only a few faint lights were constantly flashing, barely depicting the pale outline of the faces of the human race.

The number of human extraordinary people has been reduced to less than a few thousand. Yuan Guang and Lu Shaosi sat in the corner where these extraordinary people gathered. Their conversation was low, and every word seemed to be heavily burdened. Xiao Hai sat in the corner, with empty eyes, looking at the crowd in the distance.

"What's the situation?" Lin Shan split out a clone and walked silently behind Yuan Guang. His original body was now under extremely high life suppression, and he couldn't communicate with creatures of lower life levels on an equal footing.

"Lin Shan!" Yuan Guang heard the silent footsteps behind him, glanced back, and a beam of light called hope shot out of his eyes, but then, deep helplessness and sadness appeared on his face again, "Alas, all the changes came too suddenly, and the losses suffered by the human race are really too huge."

"If you ask me about this situation, I can't explain it." His words revealed deep powerlessness, as if every word was squeezed out of his exhausted heart. He smiled self-deprecatingly, with pain hidden in his eyes, pointing to the civilians in the distance who were once full of laughter, but now can only snuggle with each other in the dark, trying to find a trace of comfort in each other's body temperature, "Not long ago, they were still enjoying a peaceful life."

"Where is Zhao Xiaoan?" Lin Shan asked again.

Yuan Guang was silent for a moment and replied, "Zhao Xianfeng came back. Later, she said she was going to the Gemini Galaxy and told us that you would come back."

Lin Shan heard a strong sadness in Yuan Guang's voice, which was an emotion beyond anger. Facing this disaster that almost wiped out the race, it should have aroused earth-shaking hatred and anger.

However, due to the sudden arrival of the disaster and the enemy's despairing strength, this anger turned into sadness for its own powerlessness and became a deep self-sorrow.

Lin Shan patted his shoulder, "This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time. The human race, like the endless galaxy, is destined to experience countless dissipations and rebirths. This is the "disaster" that the human race needs to endure. This proves that someone is afraid of the human race."

His eyes passed through the dim lights and fell on those desperate people. This is the fate and bondage that he has been trying to escape but cannot really get rid of.

"In the past, I tried to escape from this fate."

Looking at it from his current state of mind, is he really controlled by fate?

Or maybe there has never been any fate, and the reason why he does this again and again is because he wants to do it...

He sat cross-legged on the ground, as if talking to himself, but his voice surged to every corner like a tide, "I am Lin Shan."

These four words set off a weak wave among the more than 10 billion people, and everyone looked up to find something.

"I'm back." He repeated, rekindling the fire in everyone's heart.

"The human race has gone through four disasters, each more difficult than the previous one. Your ancestors also suffered the pain you are suffering now, but their persistence eventually made you what you are."

"We humans were once the greatest civilization in the world."

"The enemy fears us, so they impose these disasters on us who are still weak."

"One day, the human race will remind them what fear is."

As his words fell, a sensation broke out at the scene, and the emotions of almost everyone were ignited, like a phoenix in the flames, ready to be reborn.

Their noise was no longer fear and despair, but full of strength and hope, as if they were not struggling in the end of the world, but celebrating the upcoming victory and rebirth.

Yuan Guang stared at Lin Shan's back in a daze. Is this the pioneer? Even if he has not come back for thousands of years, he can still ignite hope in despair with a few words.

Perhaps it's because... people have never forgotten them.

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