Above the gray fog

Chapter 132 Spirit Bottle Car

After returning to the clan land, Lin Shan did not disturb anyone and quietly returned to the room of the clan hall.

He placed all the pills in his hand on the table, and placed the dozens of small pills transformed by the vine man separately from the other seven.

Lin Shan first sat cross-legged on the bed, holding dozens of green pills in his hands. These were the spirituality of the vine man as a whole. The amount of dozens of pills added together was equivalent to one of the other seven. Volume cannot determine strength, otherwise, there would be no need to fight the living body and the fallen body.

He swallowed more than a dozen pills in one gulp, and swallowed them directly. The pills turned into pure spirituality and flowed into the heart. He continued the same operation and put all the green pills in his hand into his mouth.


The white heart finally broke under the weight. As the heart broke, Lin Shan's consciousness gradually blurred until he fell into darkness completely.

This is the fastest way to digest the medicinal properties. He didn't want to waste extra time on digesting the medicinal properties.

I don't know how long it took, when Lin Shan woke up in a daze, he found that his spirituality had increased by another 10%.

He glanced at the remaining pills on the table.

He picked up one and continued to put it into his mouth.

The heart that had just recovered was broken again under this fierce spiritual impact.

When Lin Shan opened his eyes again, he stared at the empty table and sighed slightly.

He was still a little short of the second stage.

However, it was no big deal. The so-called stages were originally divided by him. Although his spirituality was not twice as high as before, it was almost the same.

He stood up, moved a little, then opened the door of the room and walked to the high platform where the clan artifact was placed in the hall on the third floor.

He reached out and took down the clan artifact.

When he was about to touch the clan artifact, the clan artifact trembled slightly.

"Hmm?" Lin Shan's eyes condensed slightly. He had never seen the clan artifact move before.

After observing for a while, seeing that the clan artifact had no other reaction, he picked up the clan artifact again and spread it out.

Some names were added on it, representing the development in recent years. The golden silk threads on the side changed from two to five, and three more branches of the human race were connected to the clan artifact.

Lin Shan clicked on the last name - Guo Qi

Guo Qi, the favorite student of the pioneer Jin Tianzong.

April of the 32nd year of the human calendar: He led the scientific research team to develop a means of transportation driven by spirituality. After the advice of his teacher Jin Tianzong, he named it - bicycle.

June of the 32nd year of the human calendar: He improved the bicycle again, adding a device to store spirituality, and changed it from being used by extraordinary people to being used by ordinary people, which greatly promoted the development of the human race. He named this upgraded version of the bicycle - Spirit Bottle Car.

Sure enough, history is always surprisingly similar. It won't be long before... Trains and cars will reappear in the gray fog world. Seeing this, Lin Shan couldn't help but sigh. With the omnipotent spirituality of this world as energy, the human race can definitely break through the shackles that have never been broken on Earth... What the human race lacks is only time for development.

"Why not develop weapons that use spirituality as energy first? For example, guns... or powerful spiritual artillery... uh... nuclear bombs?"

Lin Shan thought that he might be able to go to the 'Future Research Institute' to take a look. Jin Tianzong has always been in charge of the human race's industry, although there is no systematic industry yet.

He first glanced out the window.

It was just dawn, and the first ray of sunlight shone through the window onto the floor.

There is no weather change in the gray fog world. There is no rain, snow, or wind. As long as such a phenomenon occurs, it must be related to the supernatural.

Even if it doesn't rain, there will be no shortage of water resources in this spiritual world. The wide river flowing from the purple soul flower forest alone is enough to supply water for the tribe.

Lin Shan walked to the second floor under the eyes of two black shadows. There are more books here than before, but there are still only a few bookshelves. Next time when he has free time, he can add the method of spiritual fusion and the characteristic division of the sequence to the "Gray Fog Initial Solution" that he wrote at the beginning.

This book has collected a lot of faith power for him by virtue of its influence. Slowly completing it may be of great use in the future. There is a feeling that this book may be very important to him in the future.

When he went down to the first floor, he happened to catch up with the newcomers crossing over.

Unlike before, there were only two people waiting in the empty hall.

Then, the space fluctuated slightly.

A young man wrapped in a red cotton-padded jacket, standing next to a girl of the same age as him wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, and two elderly people behind him.

A standard family of four.

Over the years, the number of people crossing over has also changed from several families to one family. It is impossible to increase the population by crossing over.

Lin Shan stared at the cotton-padded jackets worn by the family of four, and doubts arose in his heart. Such heavy cotton-padded jackets, did these people cross over from Antarctica, or was there something wrong on Earth?

When he was still on Earth, even in winter, young people would not wear more than three pieces of clothes. Such heavy cotton-padded jackets no longer existed.

"Maybe it's a very remote countryside..."

The two people in charge of the reception also saw Lin Shan coming down from the second floor. Their eyes were puzzled at first, then turned into astonishment, and finally turned into enthusiasm. They opened their mouths to greet Lin Shan, but didn't know how to start. In the end, they could only bow their heads to Lin Shan from a distance to show respect.

Lin Shan nodded in return and passed by them.

There is no fixed etiquette in the tribe. The older generation likes the salute of Chinese soldiers, while the young people who grew up in the gray fog prefer the bow. When two people meet, they bow and greet each other. When they meet elders or superiors, they bow a little to show respect.

Pioneer Square.

Although it was just dawn, the streets were already bustling at this time.

The merchants who got up early to do business had already started business, and occasionally there were "electric cars" from another world passing through the streets.

Lin Shan walked on the street with a hood and a white robe. The flames on the white robe had been completely suppressed by him. As long as no one touched it, no abnormality would be found.

When passing by a small stall selling breakfast, he first glanced at the banknotes held in his hand, and seemed to be attracted by the aroma, so he walked in.

This is a small shop that is neither big nor small. The outside is a place for making snacks, and there is an open room inside for guests to stay.

There are already two people sitting at a table in the corner. Both of them are wearing standard windbreakers with a "peanut wheat" logo on them and a white lining. They should be from an official organization.

Lin Shan didn't understand this, he just looked up at the price list on the wall.

After looking at it for a while, he shouted to the outside, "Boss lady, bring two buns, two mochi balls, and a bowl of porridge."

"Okay, wait a moment, young man, I'll be there soon." The boss lady responded from outside the door.

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