Above the gray fog

Chapter 1334: The Master of Bailing Circle

Lin Shan looked forward again, his eyes as deep as the starry sky itself, "It doesn't matter. There are too many unstable factors in this circle. I plan to look far away and find a place without external interference."

"In this case, you can leave now, why do you have to do unnecessary things?" Zhao Xiaoan's question was like a breeze, blowing away the surrounding stardust.

Lin Shan smiled slightly, "It's nothing, it's just an attempt. The main thing is to cause some trouble for Yuanting. You also said that when the leader of Bailing Circle returns to the circle, he will be Sequence 2. Sequence 2 is not an easy bone to chew on. "

Zhao Xiaoan thought for a while and understood Lin Shan's intention, "If the Bailing Circle Master is a grateful person, saving her and killing her may have the same effect. Judging from the behavior of some of the Bailing Circle Master's subordinates, He should be a "good God."

Lin Shan still smiled, and Zhao Xiaoan still understood his true intention, "Some things can go without saying. This is the best possibility, many times safer than killing the Bailing Circle Master, and no matter what, I will not have any loss."

The conversation between the two was like the whispers of the stars, dissipating into the vast universe as the starlight circulated.

A figure made of light slowly separated from Lin Shan's body. The light and shadow slowly condensed in the air, and finally became a complete light person. Without hesitation, it turned directly into a bright meteor and jumped into the twisted Among the cracks.

After the crack, the Holy Spirit connected with Lin Shan's soul was like his shadow, extending his consciousness. Through the perception of the Holy Spirit, Lin Shan's sight passed through the crack and witnessed the scene of the crystallized world behind the forbidden area, with countless floating objects floating around. The remains of crystallized monsters are like frozen tragic paintings, quietly displayed in nothingness, and around those monster corpses, there is still a tenacious breath of life, as if it is an elegy for life, for a long time Echoing in this dead space.

The Holy Spirit said to himself, "The Lord of the Bailing Circle is in charge of the authority related to life..." After saying this, he began to follow the remaining breath of life.

Along the way, broken corpses and the remains of technological creations could be seen everywhere, and the scene was extremely miserable.

The Holy Spirit kept shuttling back and forth. I don't know how long it took, but finally arrived at a huge crystal forest. The crystal trees here are thousands of meters high, and the trees contain terrifying energy.

But now, these majestic crystal trees could not escape their fate. They were cut into ruins by the aftermath of the battle. Looking at these broken crystals, Lin Shan speculated that the Lord of the Bailing Circle had forced his way into the depths of the crystal world, and she Not returning for a long time means that two extreme situations may have occurred.

The first possibility is that the Lord of the Bailing Circle is still continuing to slaughter in the crystal world, trying to destroy the source of the rift in this way.

The second possibility is that he is controlled by a crystalline creature like Zhao Xiaoan. Lin Shan is more inclined to this possibility. Because of this, he came in.

Lin Shan hoped that the current situation of Bailing Circle Master was not very good.

keep going.

One day, two days, one month, two months, several months passed, and the Holy Spirit still found no sign of the Lord of the Bailing Circle.

The leader of the Bailing Circle was killing people all the way, and there was a strong aura left wherever Lin Shan walked. He was sure that he was not going the wrong way.

Finally, in the seventh month, the Holy Spirit discovered a major clue. He was in an area full of dense cracks and collapses. These signs of chaos silently told of the tragic battles that had taken place here, at least at Sequence 3 level. Only a god can set off such a storm in battle.

Standing at the core of this chaotic area, the Holy Spirit's perception extended outwards and captured several strong breaths. They were intricate and complicated. One of the breaths of life was the Lord of the Bailing Circle that he had been tracking before.

This means that Bailing Circle Master has more than one opponent.

After the Holy Spirit pondered for a moment, he understood the situation of the Lord of the Bailing Circle.

After the level reaches Sequence 3, it is difficult to gain an overwhelming advantage through simple siege. Sequence 3 is not afraid of group fights, but the probability of escaping from group fights is also very low. In the end, there will always be a winner or loser.

Four days later.

The Holy Spirit looked at the scene dozens of light years away and confirmed his previous guess.

There was a fierce battle going on in the front, two against one. The defending side was a female deity who looked like a flower spirit. She wore a skirt that bloomed like petals and opened like an umbrella. , obviously, this is the Bailing Circle Master.

Her enemies are two crystal gods, also Sequence 3.

The battle seemed to have lasted for a long time, and the leader of the Bailing Circle seemed extremely tired, and could only rely on her permanent rule boundary for defense.

The two sides in the confrontation have reached a stalemate. The two crystallized gods are unable to break through the standing defense line, and the leader of the Bailing Circle is unable to launch a counterattack. If there is no external force to join in, it will be difficult to see this situation even if decades or even hundreds of years pass. To the conclusion of victory or defeat.

"Although it's not as expected, it's still an opportunity..." Holy Spirit said to himself.

The body of the Holy Spirit was like a stream of light, quickly approaching the battlefield filled with energy fluctuations. As the distance grew closer, he could clearly feel the oppressive power released by the two crystallized gods.

The Holy Spirit's hands condensed power, and the rich light element illuminated a radius of several light years. His aura exploded at this moment, like a newborn star, shining brightly.

At this moment, the airflow in the entire battlefield seemed to be stagnant, and all eyes turned to this new combatant involuntarily.

The Holy Spirit said nothing. His eyes were as sharp as a blade, staring directly at the two crystal gods.

At this moment, all time seemed to freeze, but then the Holy Spirit moved.

His figure accelerated instantly, as if he had crossed the boundaries of space and directly inserted into the battlefield. His palm suddenly pushed forward, and a powerful light ball was pushed out by him. The light ball carried the momentum of crushing withering and rotten, and rushed directly to one of the crystal gods.

The loud sound of "Boom!!!" shook the entire battlefield.

Before the crystal god had time to arrange defense, the light ball had exploded, bursting out with dazzling brilliance and energy that destroyed everything.

Under this strong impact, crystal dust flew, and a deafening tremor sounded in the void, as if even the world itself was trembling for this blow.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Lord of the Bailing Circle finally got a chance to breathe. The petal-shaped skirt that was a little messy due to the long battle trembled slightly. She quickly gathered her strength, broke free from the restraints, and retreated to Lin Shan's side.

"Who are you?" She looked at Lin Shan, and a complex light flashed in her eyes, showing surprise and confusion, as well as a hint of imperceptible gratitude.

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