Above the gray fog

Chapter 1347 Eden Square

There was a deep meaning in Zhao Xiaoan's tone. She raised her head and said, "I think the answer may be obvious."

Lin Shan's face looked a little playful, he crossed his arms across his chest, and raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, "Yuan Ting...could he want to grab more resources and run away..." He There was a hint of joking in his voice, but his eyes were filled with serious scrutiny, "Some people in Yuanting are invaders, and their current behavior shows that they would rather weaken Gray Mist in order to become stronger."

Zhao Xiaoan shook her head slowly, rubbing her fingers together and making a crisp sound, as if setting the rhythm for the meditative atmosphere. "This possibility is the lowest. There is no treasure in this world more precious than the gray fog universe itself." Her gaze Staring out the window as if frozen, "The idea of ​​escaping from the gray fog itself is not valid. At least for now, there is no safer place than the gray fog."

Lin Shan frowned, "Only a few people are really in charge of Yuanting, but those few people shouldn't need more resources. Could it be..." His tone changed, "Those who made these decisions , are not the real ones in control?”

Zhao Xiaoan's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's possible that they are a group of extremely scared insects. In order to cope with the coming doomsday, they chose to use any means."

A smile appeared on Lin Shan's lips, "There's no need to scold me for this. If I were in that position, I might do the same thing." As he spoke, there was a trace of self-mockery in his smile.

Zhao Xiaoan glanced sideways at him, "It's precisely because we are not in that position that I can curse. After all, we are the victims, aren't we?"

Lin Shan paused and said, "All creatures in the universe are victims."

Zhao Xiaoan continued, "Yuanting is the product of rules. It rules the gray fog universe. Even if the people below are really giving orders, but..." She raised her finger and pointed to the sky, "The sky will not agree. This is very strange. , who can convince God?"

Lin Shan closed his eyes and was immersed in his own thoughts, "These things are too complicated, and it is difficult for us to get answers to our guesses. If we really want to know the answers, when we are strong enough, we might as well ask them in person. Planning something."

Lin Shan's thoughts wandered further and further, and Zhao Xiaoan's words brought him back to reality again, "How to deal with this authority?".

Lin Shan opened his eyes and turned to the mechanical heart that was still beating in Zhao Xiaoan's hand. "Can this thing still be used?" he asked.

Zhao Xiaoan explained lightly, "Of course, the authority can continue to be used, but the technological devices are specially customized and cannot be used again. We do not have this technology." There was a hint of helplessness in her tone.

"In other words, this authority is useless?" Lin Shan asked.

Zhao Xiaoan shook his head, "It is very useful, but it can only be used in technology, such as making weapons with this authority as its core. However, such technology requires at least an eighth-level civilization to achieve it."

She seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly reminded you, "But one thing I must remind you is that this authority only belongs to the Crystal World. They must know the location of this authority, and they will definitely take it back later. We have two better ways to deal with it. The first is to throw it directly into the turbulence of time and space, and the second is to return the authority as our bargaining chip when the crystal world comes again."

Lin Shan suddenly interrupted her, "There is a third way." He stretched out his hand and motioned for Zhao Xiaoan to hand over his heart to him.

Zhao Xiaoan handed him the heart and asked doubtfully, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Shan took the mechanical heart, and the faint light on the heart swayed in his eyes, "Sell it." His voice was calm.

"Sell it?" Zhao Xiaoan didn't understand what Lin Shan meant by selling it.

No one would buy this thing, right? No one can afford it either.

"Well, I have a way." Lin Shan nodded. What he meant by selling was to take it to the Garden of Eden and sell it. As the home base of the life genealogy, the Garden of Eden contains many high-level gods and a heart containing the authority of Sequence 3. Lin Shan Shan believes that many gods will be interested.

The reason why he didn't tell Zhao Xiaoan was not because he wanted to hide the secret of Eden Garden, but because forces such as Eden Garden had special rules. If the rules were violated at will, bad things would happen.

Seeing what Lin Shan said, Zhao Xiaoan nodded thoughtfully. She already had a guess in her mind. The place Lin Shan was going to was most likely a rule-level force. Only such forces could enter anywhere in the gray fog universe at will. , and only people from this kind of force can afford the authority of Sequence 3 level.

Lin Shan moved to the corner of the sofa and lay down comfortably.

When I close my eyes, my consciousness has reached the Garden of Eden.

Even though thousands of years have passed, Eden Square remains the same, and time seems to have no influence on this place.

The people here haven't changed much. Most of the people who will appear in Eden Square are Sequence 5-level creatures. They are working hard for qualitative change, spending all their wealth to break the ban, and even hope to embark on the path of God.

For Sequence 5, a thousand years is only a short period of time in life, so the people here have not changed much. Lin Shan saw some familiar faces but could not name them.

In the past, due to his status as an officer of the Survival Institute, he was unable to move freely in the Garden of Eden. The only place where he could move was this square. However, he is no longer an operator of the Survival Institute. After his status as dean was cancelled, he continued to do so. The status of members was also cancelled.

However, his identity in the Garden of Eden has not changed.

Lin Shan did not take action immediately, but thought deeply again.

The creator of the Garden of Eden is undoubtedly the Lord of Life.

The Lord of Life must also be one of the leaders of the Source Court. It is not ruled out that the Crystal World is related to the Lord of Life. If there is really some connection, wouldn’t his authority to sell the Crystal World here be directly in the crosshairs?

He can only bet that the previous guess is correct, and the Lord will not end up. If the Life Spectrum is really involved in this plan, it is also likely that the gods under the Lord are operating from it.

Lin Shan glanced around and found the familiar figure in the corner.

Like Eden Square, the scarecrow has not changed.

Lin Shan walked straight forward.

Lin Shan slowly moved forward in the bustling market, with vendors standing on both sides.

"Take a look!" A gorgeously dressed vendor said in a loud and tempting voice, "Characteristic cores, from sequence 9 to sequence 5, everything is available, you will make a profit if you buy it, and there are discounts for wholesale!"

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