Above the gray fog

Chapter 1351 Two Sequences 2

The golden divine will was like a brilliant ray of light, passing through the boundless void and slowly appearing above the starship.

Its scale was so huge that it could cover a bright star under its huge shadow.

Against the backdrop of this huge divine will, the starship was as small as a speck of dust. Not only was its body tiny, but even its existence itself seemed to be eclipsed by the brilliance.

On this divine will, the vast blood-red text seemed to depict the judgment of the way of heaven, and each stroke contained supreme authority and power.

It was a word that was too huge to be ignored - "Zhu".

This word seemed to carry endless anger and determination, and each stroke cut through the void, and each stroke carried the justice and majesty of the universe.

There was a grand voice that seemed to come from the depths of the distant void, penetrating the cold and emptiness of the interstellar space, and directly resounded in Lin Shan's ears.

"Lin Shan, the original god of astrology, and Lin Shan, the god of sin, receive the decree." The voice was so loud that it was like an unquestionable command issued by the gods, causing the surrounding celestial bodies to vibrate.

Lin Shan looked solemn, his eyes piercing through the starship and looking directly at the golden divine decree. The word "punish" gathered the power of submission, like a will that could judge the heaven and earth.

This was not the first time he had seen the divine decree, but he still didn't know whether the divine decree was written by the master himself or by Yuan Ting.

"Yuan Ting did this... Isn't he really afraid of being punished by heaven?" Zhao Xiaoan stood beside Lin Shan, her expression was equally solemn, her eyes were cold, and at the same time, she also revealed a trace of deep worry.

"I'll stop you for a while, you go first, and I'll find you after I'm done." She said word by word, "The farther the better."

As Zhao Xiaoan's words just fell, two figures suddenly appeared.

The arrival was powerful.

One of the gods was covered with crystals, as if it had condensed the essence of countless stars and ice, emitting a cold light that people dared not look directly at. The crystals sparkled in the dim light, adding an inviolable mystery and majesty to the god.

The other god had skin as strong as bronze, his upper body was naked, and a wide cloak was casually tied around his waist. He stood barefoot in the void, looking a little unruly. His chest and back were engraved with complex and mysterious patterns, which seemed very primitive, like a natural gift.

"Sinful God Lin Shan, surrender." The god with a naked upper body had a voice as cold as the wind from the cold winter, and there was no doubt about it.

"Let's go." Zhao Xiaoan did not hesitate at all, with red light surging in his hand, and slapped Lin Shan with one palm, sending him to a safe place thousands of light years away.

"Sinful God Zhao Xiaoan, I haven't settled accounts with you for the Storm Sea, but today you took the initiative to deliver it to me..." The naked god looked directly at Zhao Xiaoan. The starship made of special alloy was decomposed into a mass of black particles under his gaze.

Before she could continue, Zhao Xiaoan took the lead and took out a red lantern made of pure energy.

She waved the lantern, and red light shot out from the lantern, turning into a rain of light all over the sky, covering the naked god. These rains of light were not gentle things, and each one contained the power to tear the stars apart.

"Lantern? Your weapon is unique, but this seems to be a soldier soul, right? Where is the main body?" The naked god ignored the overwhelming red rain of light, and all his attention was attracted by the red lantern in Zhao Xiaoan's hand.

It was not until thousands of holes were shot all over his body that he came to his senses. This rain of light was not simple!

The trajectories of the rain of light in the sky all turned into solid red lines. These red lines extended outward with the red lantern as the origin. Some were inserted into the void, and a small part was inserted into the body of the Red God, piercing it.

"Although the lantern is unique, it is not as unique as the tattoos of your source lineage. You underestimated the enemy. Turn into lamp oil..." Zhao Xiaoan's voice seemed to echo from eternity.

A huge and indescribable momentum rose rapidly with Zhao Xiaoan as the center, breaking through the peak of Sequence 2, and then jumped up a bit before stopping.

With Zhao Xiaoan's empty grip, the thousands of red lines began to shrink inward, and the naked god inserted in the red line was also dragged back.

It was not until this time that the naked god felt a fatal sense of crisis.

But he was bound by the red line, and he could not use any strength in his body. He could only watch himself retreating and about to be dragged into the red lantern.

At this critical moment

An unexpected crystal light broke through the air, like a crack in time and space, cutting off the red line. The naked god escaped the fatal blow. He was shocked and couldn't help but retreat. He felt unprecedented fear in his heart.

The naked god looked solemn, "This lantern... is... a cursed weapon? The cursed weapon of the ancient world!"

"What cursed weapon? This is given to me by someone else." Zhao Xiaoan responded lightly, staring coldly at the crystal god who had just intervened.

"The cursed weapon can dominate the source weapon in the hand, but how much power can you exert?" The original pattern on the naked god's body began to shine, and then he condensed his strength and punched out. The space seemed to be frozen and shattered, forming a vacuum channel leading directly to the depths of the galaxy. Wherever this punch passed, everything returned to nothingness and turned into black dust, silently narrating the destructive power of that punch.

Zhao Xiaoan did not hide or evade. She just stood in the center of the vacuum channel, untouched by the terrifying force. Around her, layer upon layer of hidden protection was like ripples on the water, isolating all destructive forces. Only the tips of her hair swayed gently, like a disdainful chuckle.

The naked god was not a fool. After a brief fight, he knew that he would not be able to take down Zhao Xiaoan in a short time.

He knew very little about Zhao Xiaoan's intelligence, and he was not even very clear about his specific strength. He only knew that he was a sinner and was being hunted by the Source Court.

This time he really hit a wall.

"Stop him." The naked god looked at the crystal god next to him, and then rushed straight to the direction where Lin Shan was.

Anyway, Zhao Xiaoan was not the main target. As long as Lin Shan was killed, the mission of this trip would be completed. Lin Shan's strength was clearly recorded, and he was only Sequence 3.

Zhao Xiaoan naturally knew what the naked god was planning. She took a deep breath and raised the red lantern in her hand again. At this moment, the lantern was no longer a gentle flame, but became extremely fierce. She slowly raised the lantern, and the light of the lantern slowly spread outward.

The light red light source enveloped the entire Bailing Galaxy, and the time of all the creatures in it began to stagnate.

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