Above the gray fog

Chapter 1363: Conjecture about the Great Curse

"The teacher is here, the teacher is here!" The originally noisy classroom became quiet because of the entrance of Lin Shan and Ming Pingxia.

Ming Pingxia took the initiative to sit on the empty seat below, leaving Lin Shan alone on the podium.

The layout of the podium was extremely luxurious and full of technology. Behind it were several huge light curtains, and on both sides were many devices that Lin Shan didn't understand the purpose of.

Lin Shan sat on a soft chair and looked at the students below. There were students from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5.

There were probably more than 100 people in the crowd. Seeing these slightly green faces, Lin Shan really couldn't get excited at all.

"In this class, we teach 'Spirit Armor'. Spirit Armor is a type of ancient knowledge. It is not only a way of using spirituality, but also pays more attention to inheritance." Lin Shan said some casual words, and then lightly He snapped his fingers.

Some text patterns composed of pale golden divine power automatically suspended behind him.

"These are the spiritual methods of using spiritual armor. You should learn it yourself."

"Tutor!" A student below raised his hand.

"What's wrong?" Lin Shan looked at him.

"Teacher, you just said that the old knowledge pays more attention to a kind of inheritance. Only these written text patterns cannot pass on the old knowledge. We need a carrier of inheritance, just like when you learned the spirit armor. , must have come into contact with the carrier of the spiritual armor, right? If you want to teach the spiritual armor to us, you need to use the instrument over there, the image gathering platform, to temporarily create the inheritance body."

"Oh? Instrument? Which instrument?" Lin Shan stood up and looked around. There were so many instruments on the podium that he couldn't distinguish them at all.

"Teacher, let me assist you." The student who spoke before raised his hand again.

Lin Shan looked at him. He was a tree man. Judging from the aura on his body, he should be of the Zhi tribe.

"Well, come up." Lin Shan motioned for him to come up to the podium.

The tree man gently pressed a green button in front of him.

The next second, he appeared on the podium.

"Hello, mentor, my name is Abner, and I am from the Zhi tribe." Abner bowed and then introduced himself.

"Yeah." Lin Shan hummed softly.

"Teacher, this is the device. You only need to use your mental power to access it. I don't understand the specific operation. You still need to explore on your own, tutor." Abner quickly walked to a piece of equipment and introduced it to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan stepped forward and looked at the device.

This equipment, called the "Imaging Platform," looks like an ancient astronomical telescope, but it has a futuristic design.

Its main body is a smooth metal column, and the top expands into a hemispherical observation chamber. The chamber is inlaid with complex runes and crystals, shining with a faint light.

The base of the device is a circular platform covered with intricate grooves and buttons.

At this moment, Ming Pingxia walked up and said, "Classmate, you took my job."

Abner bowed immediately upon seeing this, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"How polite. You go down first and I'll help Teacher Lin debug the equipment." Ming Pingxia said with a smile.

While waiting for Abner to return to his seat, Ming Pingxia walked to the imaging stage to check, and then said, "To use the "concentration stage", the operator first needs to stand in front of the base and place his palm on a special sensor On the area, the sensing area usually has subtle vibration feedback to confirm that the operator's mental power has been recognized by the device, and then synchronizes his mental power with the computing core of the device. "

"Once the connection is established, the operator will be able to select different functions on the menu through his mind. The interface of the device is projected through the rune crystal in the warehouse and is presented in the operator's field of vision. He only needs to click on it with his mind. Or drag the virtual buttons and sliders on the interface to perform complex operations.”

Lin Shan nodded slightly, placed his palm casually on the sensing area, and established contact with the device in an instant.

After some casual debugging, Lin Shan basically mastered the usage, and then guided his spirit through the equipment, controlling the image gathering stage to materialize the knowledge and image of the spiritual armor.

Under his guidance, the crystals in the equipment's observation chamber began to rotate at high speed, emitting a pale golden light, projecting the knowledge in Lin Shan's mind onto each student's desk in the form of light.

Finally, a small spiritual armor model appeared on the table in front of each student. These models are three-dimensional images made of light.

All the students immediately began to concentrate on memorizing how to use the spiritual armor.

Lin Shanze sat doing nothing. This class was too simple.

Even if you are cultivating immortals and the master teaches you skills, you still need to check the progress from time to time.

To take classes here, you only need to use your hands to operate the equipment.

Time passed by minute by second, and everyone was immersed in their own consciousness.

The class passed like this, and most of the people looked disappointed. Obviously, they had not learned.

Lin Shan was a little surprised. Is there anything he can't learn from this thing?

Didn’t I know it in just a second back then? Although I am not very skilled in using it.

Spiritual armor is indeed powerful, but it is rarely used in high-sequence battles. If you focus on attacking, it is impossible to allocate too much spirituality to spiritual armor. Spiritual armor can only be regarded as a life-saving ability at critical moments.

Although he was confused, Lin Shan didn't ask any more questions and disappeared from the podium as soon as the get out of class time came.

Ming Pingxia could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

I rested for more than two hours at noon, and the time soon came to the afternoon.

Lin Shan came to the classroom again.

The fan-shaped area in front was packed with people.

"Can the legendary great curse really be taught to us?"

"Nonsense, otherwise why do we have this course?"

"Excuse me, what is the great curse?"

Most of the students sitting in the room came here because of the name of the Great Curse, and a small number of them didn’t know what the Great Curse was at all, but as soon as they heard the introduction from people around them who knew about it, their eyes would immediately change. Gotta get hot.

"Today we are going to learn the Great Mantra." Lin Shan sat on the podium and glanced calmly below.

"As we all know, the Great Curse is one of the few superpowers in the world that can perform transcendental battles." Lin Shan still started with a simple opening statement, although he only found out about it when he looked up the information at noon.

"The activation of the great spell depends on gestures. Today I will teach you ten gestures. In this lesson, try to do them all accurately in one breath. The slightest difference will not be effective." Lin Shan said, patting him gently. On the desktop, ten gestures composed of golden divine power were floating in the air, with the order of one to ten written on them.

The people below immediately began to imitate crazily. Among the two thousand people, at least one thousand were at the Sequence 4 life level, and they were obviously mentors.

Lin Shan didn't care about these.

Lin Shan didn't really want to teach the great spell. Before Invincible, he most likely wouldn't have done so.

He just wanted to verify his conjecture.

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