Above the gray fog

Chapter 1370 Two-headed Ghost


On an unknown land.

A crack suddenly appeared in the distorted space.

Lin Shan and Xiao Duo walked out of the crack.

Lin Shan released his perception immediately.

His expression immediately became strange.

There was no repressive force here, but the space here was not right.

Like, pieced together...

There was a heavy and dull atmosphere in the air, giving people the illusion that even breathing required extra effort.

Lin Shan noticed that every step he took was unusually heavy, as if every muscle needed to fight against gravity.

The gravity here is much greater than usual, and ordinary gods may not be able to walk too many steps and may be crushed by this invisible gravity.

Xiao Duo moved carefully on the side, her figure was light because Lin Shan blocked the gravity for her.

However, just as they took a few steps forward, the gravity applied to their bodies changed dramatically again.

The heavy gravity suddenly relaxed, and then became lighter, so that Lin Shan felt as if he would be blown away by the wind.

Xiao Duo screamed slightly, and she almost floated off the ground. Lin Shan reached out and grabbed her wrist to stabilize her body.

The two areas, which were only a few steps apart, had such a significant difference in gravity.

Lin Shan flew to a high place and observed the surrounding environment.

Due to the splicing relationship of space, perception cannot completely cover all areas. For example, the area about 200 meters on the left, after the perception extends over, will directly appear thousands of kilometers away, with a large layer of hollow area in the middle.

The strange thing is that the area 200 meters on his left is connected to the area thousands of kilometers away.

This phenomenon will directly lead to perception errors. The perception should have formed a circle of 80 light years in radius, but now there are not only many empty spaces in this circle, but also countless spikes protruding outside the circle.

There are many golden ores growing on the ground in the nearby area. Those ores exude an attractive luster, like scattered stars, but they seem to contain some unknown energy. Between these ores, there is a ground interwoven with black and white fine sand. They sway gently under the change of gravity, like the quicksand of time.

There were gravels of different sizes among the sand, some were as sharp as knives, and some were as round as beads.

A little further away, there were black plants growing. These plants did not sway because of the change of gravity. Their roots were very deep, as if to show people the tenacity and vitality of the border.

"Teacher Lin, please come down quickly. It is too dangerous to do this. It is easy to get lost. The space at high altitude is very chaotic." Xiaoduo saw Lin Shan flying up and waved anxiously.

She took out the hovercraft from the storage space, obviously wanting to use the hovercraft as a means of transportation here.

Xiaoduo got in the car, fastened the seat belt, and Lin Shan sat in the back and asked, "The destination is not far away, right?"

No matter how fast this hovercraft is, it is at most several times the speed of sound. This speed is no different from a turtle crawling.

"Yeah, it's not far, probably less than 5,000 kilometers, but we have to follow the map. The space here is changeable. If we go in the wrong direction, we may get lost." Xiaoduo nodded, then started the car. In a fierce roar, the hovercraft flew out like a sharp arrow, and the sand on both sides was raised high.

The scenery was rapidly receding.

Lin Shan's mind turned with it.

Is this the border? It is indeed a bit strange, but that's it, not as spectacular as Yuanting.

This bloody smell... is a bit heavy.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Lin Shan's eyes.

Lin Shan's perception quickly extended backwards and captured the black shadow just now.

A monster of unknown origin was crouching on the ground, its posture was weird and uneasy. The most conspicuous part of this creature was its neck, where there were two heads, their faces were distorted and terrifying, showing a strange sense of evil.

The two heads kept making strange expressions, as if two independent and evil souls were trapped in the same body.

What it was doing was using its strong forelimbs to dig frantically in the ground, with violent and frantic movements, as if it was looking for some buried treasure, or trying to bury an unspeakable secret.

Gravel and fine sand splashed under its claws, and the black and white sand grains seemed to be jumping notes, recording the incomprehensible behavior and absurd existence of this monster.

Suddenly, several more shadows flashed by.

It was still the same monster.

"These are very common two-headed ghosts, the souls of two creatures merged together, combined with some unknown factors, resulting in a large number. These two-headed ghosts are only ordinary sequence 4 strength, which is considered a regular monster."

"At the border, the most difficult ones are beasts and the followers of the outer gods."

"Also, the avengers of different civilizations."

Xiaoduo put one hand on the steering wheel and turned back to explain to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan did not look ahead, but still reminded Xiaoduo, "There is a pile of ore ahead."

"Ah?" Xiaoduo heard the voice and turned back instantly.

She slammed the steering wheel quickly and decisively, and the wheel easily deviated from the original track under her precise control, and the car body drifted gracefully, like an experienced dancer in a complex dance.

As the car body turned gracefully, the rear wheel stirred the ground, raising a cloud of dust, which rolled and formed a blurred curtain.

When the dust settled and the route became clear again, Xiaoduo looked back again and smiled, "It's a piece of cake. I, Xiaoduo, have conquered this land a long time ago."

Lin Shan had a blank expression, "Here we go again."

"Ah?" Xiaoduo looked back again, and there was an empty sandy land in front of her. "No way."

"I'm lying to you." Lin Shan looked out the window, but his tone was unusually calm.

"Why is it like this... It's very dangerous!" Xiaoduo complained.

"Three of the five people who discovered the gray fog died, and the other two were surrounded by the two-headed ghosts just now. Do you want to save them?" Lin Shan suddenly said.

"Where are they? Save them, we will definitely save them. The people nearby must be from Shenzhou." Xiaoduo immediately stepped on the brakes, but found that the hovercraft under his feet was floating up for some reason, and then he felt dizzy.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The fierce roar of the beast was close to his ears.

Looking forward, he could see that two male gods covered in blood were surrounded by four two-headed ghosts.

Each of the two-headed ghosts has a protruding eye socket, which burns with dark green flames, flashing with greed and cunning light. Their mouths are half open, revealing teeth as sharp as blades. From time to time, creepy low moans come out of their mouths. The sound sounds like the wailing of the wind blowing through a desolate grave, and also like the whispers of ancient beasts.

The skin of the two-headed ghost is a dark gray-black color, rough like ancient tree bark. Its limbs are strong and twisted, and its muscles wriggle like living things in its movements.

"There are so many two-headed ghosts, but two-headed ghosts alone should not be enough to wipe out a team. There must be other reasons. Teacher Lin, save them. There is just an empty seat in the car."

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