Above the gray fog

Chapter 1377 I heard that Teacher Lin is dead

"Did you see that? I'm not even a crow, I'm just a corpse that was picked up." The crow stared at Lin Shan closely, "You can live comfortably, or you can choose to know the truth, and pretend that you don't know the truth. At that time, countless people tried their best to keep you alive. Now you seem to know a little bit, what will you do? "

"I have no right to accuse those who have extended my life. I just want to know something." Lin Shan shook his head slowly and walked out of the room.

"When I first met you, I noticed that you are an interesting person." Crow Crow looked at Lin Shan's back and said, "Aren't you going to drink tea?"

"Let's talk about it next time." Lin Shan waved his hand.

After leaving the door, Lin Shan went straight back to the villa.

After returning to the villa, Lin Shan began to refine the accumulated life fuel.

Due to the 'corpse ball' incident, half a year was delayed. Not only did the course stagnate, but life fuel also piled up.

Lin Shan secretly decided in his heart to focus on promotion first, and other things could be pushed back.

"Dong dong dong." After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shan opened the door, and standing outside the door was Xiao Duo, who had just parted a few days ago.

Xiaoduo straightened her back, "I am not only a guide at the border, but also a teacher in the Academic Affairs Office of China Civilization College. Teacher Lin, I am here to remind you this time that your classes should continue. Due to the special tasks of the principal, Your previous courses have been postponed. Although the fifth grade students have no chance to continue, the first to fourth grade students can still continue.”

In other words, I still follow the original schedule. The only difference is that there are no fifth grade students in the class? Lin Shan looked at Xiaoduo, "What will happen if I don't come?" "

"That's right." Xiaoduo nodded and then answered another question from Lin Shan, "If you don't want to teach, it doesn't matter. The college will not force any instructors, but if you are too lazy, you may be expelled. "Yes." She said the word "fired" with great emphasis.

"Expelled?" Lin Shan was slightly startled, thinking, this is really good news.

This was indeed good news, but he couldn't yet accept the consequences of being expelled from the academy.

If he is expelled from the academy, Yuanting will probably take back the Bailing Circle. This is definitely not a wise move before he is promoted.

"When will I start class?" Lin Shan asked.

"Today." Xiaoduo reminded, "The terminal has sent you countless messages, but I haven't received a reply. The college asked me to come over to you. Your students are already waiting for you. Of course, if you don't want to If you want to go, you don't have to go today, but please be careful not to miss too many classes." She put her hands on her hips and spoke in a serious tone.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded, walked to Teng Yun, and grabbed a ball of cloud.

Then he flew towards the classroom on Teng Yun.

I met many students along the way who seemed to be in a hurry. Class should have started by this time, and these people were most likely already late.

Lin Shan suddenly thought that no one in his class seemed to be late.

It just so happened that I let him, the mentor, take the lead today.

The first period in the morning was the spirit armor class. The classroom was located in a comprehensive building.

When Lin Shan was about to arrive at the building, he teleported directly into the classroom.

The students in the classroom are whispering.

A thin male student looked around in a whisper as if he felt guilty, "Teacher Lin only took two classes, and then his classes were interrupted for half a year. I heard that the fifth-grade seniors had already graduated. ”

Next to him, a female student in a bright school uniform, her long hair hanging down like a waterfall, nodded slightly in agreement, "Isn't this obvious? Haven't you noticed that there are several people missing from our class? Instructor Lin is Sequence 3 In addition to teaching, he has many other things to do, so it is normal for him not to attend classes for half a year. "

"Is that so?" A flash of realization flashed in the thin male student's eyes.

Another male student wearing glasses, his skin slightly pale, interjected curiously, "Hey, what are you talking about? Wasn't Teacher Lin expelled from the school? There will be a new tutor coming soon."

"What got fired? I heard that Teacher Lin is dead." A plump female student muttered in a low voice.

"Really? How did he die?" The skinny boy's voice was filled with uncontrollable shock.

"Teacher Lin went to the border. It is said that he was beaten to death by monsters there." These words came from a tall orc student, his fangs slightly exposed, and his voice was low and full of sadness.

"Is the border so dangerous? Even the instructor of Sequence 3 has suffered an accident?" A female elf student, her long ears trembled slightly, and her eyes revealed the fear of the unknown world.

"Shh, keep your voice down, we can't let the lower grade students know about the border yet." The orc student looked around and reminded in a low voice.

"Well, I still remember Tutor Lin's face clearly. Although we didn't have much communication, I can feel that he is a very good tutor." A thin male student wearing gold-rimmed glasses clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. Close your eyes and silently mourn.

"Teacher Lin is dead...then who is he?" The thin boy pointed to the podium with trembling fingertips, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face turned pale, as if he had seen some incredible sight.

Lin Shan stood on the podium with piercing eyes, staring at the small group of whispering students in the back row of the classroom.

"Classmates, I haven't seen you for half a year. I heard that I died?" Lin Shan's mouth curled up with a gentle smile.

"It seems that some students will be disappointed."




A suppressed laugh rang out in the classroom. Some people were holding back their laughter, some were puzzled, and some were made to laugh and cry by the sudden turn of events. The students sitting in the last row were so scared that their faces turned pale.

"Let's continue the class." Lin Shan didn't say anything more, but walked calmly to the focusing platform and began to present the concrete form of the spirit armor.

A class passed in a flash. "

Unconsciously, the bell for the afternoon class rang again.

The number of students in the Great Mantra Class has dropped from 5,000 to more than 4,300. More than 600 fifth-grade students have successfully graduated and left the campus during this period.

These students have been taught twenty hand gestures before, but no one has been able to successfully cast the Great Mantra after learning twenty hand gestures.

Lin Shan plans to teach ten more to see the effect.

He wants to know how many hand gestures are enough for these students to start.

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