Above the gray fog

Chapter 1388 Abnormality in Change

"The scene is closed."

"I'm back after going around..."

"There was a small loop in the previous scene, and now this position is a big loop. Is there a bigger loop outside the big loop?"

Lin Shan ignored the silver-haired girl's call. He was immersed in his own consciousness, thinking about the possible breakthrough points.

"First of all, we have to figure out why I am here. It was the sky track of the boundary contract mission that brought me here directly. This is correct. The previous speculation is also correct. There must be something wrong with the boundary mission."

"From the experience just now, there are gray fog creatures and outer gods among the enemies. If they meet this condition, the possibility of chaos is the greatest. Assuming that the enemy is chaos, and it is chaos that trapped me here, what is their purpose?"

"Assuming that the real Lin Shan is not trapped, I am just a fictional Lin Shan with derived memories, then what is the meaning of my existence?"

"If I am fictional, does it mean that even if I don't go out and am trapped here forever, it will not affect Lin Shan in the outside world at all?"

"Well, I still have to go out to prove all this."

Lin Shan lay on the bed, his thoughts flying but unable to draw any conclusions.

He struggled to remove the heavy quilt that was pressing on his body, and stepped on the cold ground with bare feet. The biting cold from the ground made him slightly sober.

"Here are shoes, put them on quickly, the ground is very cold." The silver-haired girl handed over the shoes eagerly.

"Thank you." Lin Shan thanked him, put on his shoes quickly, and staggered to open the door of the iron house.


A gust of cold wind blew in his face. Outside was a desolate scene, with ruins everywhere, and the wind was so strong that it almost blew him down.

Lin Shan steadied his body and stared into the distance.

What he saw was a doomsday-like desert, with a blurred and distant skyline, endless sand dunes like waves in the sea, and from time to time there were sandstorms dancing recklessly in the distance.

The broken buildings scattered among them were like the remains of history, silently telling the glory and sorrow of the past.

Various unknown mechanical parts and rusty metals were scattered on the ground.

There is no sun in the sky. There is a tree hanging high in the sky. The roots of the tree cannot be seen. Only the branches can be seen covering the entire sky. There are no leaves on the tree, and the overall color is a little withered and yellow, as if it has died.

There are some crystal veins in the trunk that are glimmering, illuminating this world.

"What has this world experienced? Speaking of... Is there no sun in the outside world?" Lin Shan looked up at the tree in the sky.

"I probably understand a little bit. My current situation is like a hemp rope knotted by time. No matter how hard I struggle, the entangled past will only become more chaotic, so I will only get deeper and deeper." Lin Shan squatted down and leaned against the iron gate, letting the strong wind outside blow.

He was sure that there was no tree in the sky in this world at first.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly realized that the world was not in a cycle, but in a change.

Every world he experienced was different.

This feeling made him very unhappy, just like breaking a box and immediately having a new box to cover it, no matter how many boxes he broke, it was useless.

The only thing that has not changed in the scene is the children.

It is obvious that this child is the clue left by the enemy. He must follow the instructions of these children and take certain actions step by step before he can break this world. Of course, if he really does this, he may fall into the trap.

This is also the reason why Lin Shan has never paid attention to these children from beginning to end. If you want to break the situation, you must not take the conventional way.

The more obvious it is, the more dangerous it may be.

The more easily overlooked it is, the real clue.


Lin Shan sat outside for a long time. The silver-haired girl next to him kept persuading him to go back to the house, but Lin Shan ignored her.

He is now a carrier, and his body is weak. After being blown by the strong wind, Lin Shan feels that his vision is becoming more and more blurred, and he may faint at any time.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

He probably knew how to get out.

The enemy probably didn't expect this.

The next second.

The boy who was the carrier died, and Lin Shan walked out of the boy's body and quickly condensed flesh and blood.

The silver-haired girl seemed to be unable to see Lin Shan, and hugged the boy and cried bitterly.

The children in the house all gathered around after hearing the noise, and a group of children carried the boy's body back to the tin house.

Lin Shan didn't pay attention to the noise behind him. He floated up lightly, then turned into a beam of light and rushed quickly towards the tree that covered the sky.

He flew for about half an hour. At his speed, he had flown thousands of light years, but he still didn't touch the tree, and even the distance didn't change.

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and continued to fly upwards. He didn't know how long it had been.

He fainted for a while.

"Ivan! Lie down and rest first, don't get up, you have fainted twice." He opened his eyes and saw the concerned eyes of the silver-haired girl.

The next second, Ivan tilted his head and died directly.

Lin Shan walked out of the carrier's body, quickly opened the door of the tin house, and looked up.

The tree was gone.

Instead, there was a dim sun.

If he guessed correctly, the big tree just now was the key to breaking the deadlock, but now he had a better way out, so he didn't need to take the conventional route anymore.

The air around him began to tremble.

Lin Shan slowly raised his hand, gathering a ball of light at his fingertips. It was very small, but as dazzling as a star about to explode.

Lin Shan gently pushed the ball of light underground.

The light penetrated deep into the ground and spread out, forming a twisted and fluctuating energy field. This energy field expanded rapidly, swallowing up all visible matter and dragging the world into hell.

Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp...

A slight bubble sounded in his ears.

He came to this laboratory again as he wished.

The seaweed monster was still busy operating various instruments. Unlike before, the unicorn woman did not play games this time. She half-lying and half-leaning against the wall, supporting her head with her hands and staring blankly.

Lin Shan broke the culture dish and grabbed Xiaoduo next to it.

"Oh, it hurts." Xiaoduo, who was held by Lin Shan, struggled frantically.

Lin Shan put Xiaoduo on the ground and said, "Send me out!"

At first glance, there was nothing unusual about Xiaoduo here, but after several reincarnations, Xiaoduo appeared in this laboratory, which was really abnormal.

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