Above the gray fog

Chapter 1397 The Last Lesson

One year later.

Principal Crow may have been busy recently, and Lin Shan has had a rare year of peace and quiet.

In the past few days, apart from classes, he has been refining life fuel, and a small part of his time has been used by Lin Shan to wander around.

The purpose of wandering around is to find news about the parchment fragments.

Lin Shan has been to all the places in the academy where he can get information, and there is no news about the parchment fragments.

Parchment is so sure that the fragments are in the Shenzhou Civilization Academy. There are only two possibilities, either they are in the hands of the instructor, or they are collected by the academy as treasures.

Lin Shan did not deliberately look for it. It is useless to be anxious about this matter. He can't ask Principal Crow where he put the parchment fragments.

On this day, Lin Shan went to class as usual.

The Spirit Armor course has been cancelled. Normal students can learn the Spirit Armor course in less than a month, so it is a monthly session. When he was in the eleventh session, Lin Shan took the initiative to cancel it.

He now only has the Great Curse course and the Origin of Life course.

Today is the last class of these two courses.

In the past year or so, Lin Shan has almost figured out the Great Curse.

The complete Great Curse can only be mastered by one person.

The incomplete Great Curse can be mastered by many people, and Lin Shan guessed that there should be no upper limit to the specific number of people.

The so-called incomplete Great Curse means that no one in this world has mastered the complete version of this Great Curse, or the person who originally mastered the complete Great Curse has died. All those who master the incomplete Great Curse are competitors.

Because once someone fully masters this incomplete Great Curse, others can no longer use the incomplete version of this Great Curse unless they are "authorized" by the person who masters the complete Great Curse.

The word authorization is very vivid. Lin Shan learned this after he taught a little bit of the hand gesture of the Void God Summoning on a whim a few months ago.

He has mastered the complete Void God Summoning. If someone has mastered the incomplete Void God Summoning before, it may have expired at this moment. The hand gesture must be authorized by him before it can take effect.

Authorization requires two prerequisites. The first prerequisite is that he must teach it personally, and the second prerequisite is that it needs to be performed in front of him. During this process, Lin Shan will receive a thought similar to a request. If Lin Shan is willing, the authorization is completed.

Zhu Tian Luo does not need these processes, and can learn as much as he is taught.

In this year, Lin Shan taught one-sixth of Zhu Tian Luo and one-hundredth of Xu Shen Zhao.

That is, Zhu Tian Luo has 1,000 hand gestures, Xu Shen Zhao has 100 hand gestures, and Xu Shen Zhao is better than nothing.

Zhu Tian Luo with 1,000 hand gestures is already an extremely dangerous killing move among the same level, comparable to some offensive "curses".

Lin Shan occasionally goes to the library to read books, and has some information about curses and great curses, and knows more than before.

Great curses and curses have a common advantage, that is, they basically do not consume spiritual power and divine power. Great curses are stronger and can achieve leapfrogging, but it takes time to activate a great curse. Curses are much weaker than great curses, but the fact that a curse does not require time to activate is equivalent to a talent that does not consume much mana.

It is recorded in the classics that only Sequence 1 can perfectly master a curse, and only the master can perfectly master the great curse.

At least half of the current Sequence 1 in Yuanting have curses, because the power of curses, to a certain extent, will exceed the power of authority, and the strength of Sequence 1 who rely on curses to fight will be stronger.

As for the master, it is unknown.

When Lin Shan was thinking about what to say in this class, he had unknowingly walked onto the podium.

When he looked down, there were only 13 students left in the audience.

The seven people he named before were all there, and in addition, there were six people who persisted hard. The result was just as Lin Shan thought. Even after persisting for a year, these six people did not make any breakthroughs in the Great Curse.

Although their perseverance is commendable, they wasted a course of time in vain.

"1,000 hand gestures are one level. Teaching you dozens more hand gestures will not increase the power of the curse."

"In this class, we will teach you something else. Most of you will go to the border after graduation, so I will teach you some skills to save your life at the border."

"Some of you have signed up for my life origin course, and you have learned a lot of life-saving methods such as blood soul technique. Today I will teach you something more practical, which I call 'soul transfer technique'."

"The space at the border is changeable. You may have crossed tens of thousands of kilometers or even light years without knowing it after taking a step. 'Soul transfer technique' will give you a chance to walk again."

"I believe you can all become gods after graduation. The flesh is just a thing for the gods. A carrier that can be shaped at any time. Just like Sequence 5, the real important thing for a god is the soul. "

"When you reach Sequence 5, you can create a split soul, but the split soul will divide the combat power of the main body. If there is no overwhelming advantage, the split soul is not very useful. In a place like the border where enemies are everywhere, you need to maintain 100% combat power."

"The so-called "soul transfer technique" requires cutting off a strand of your own soul origin, and then building a bridge with the soul body on this strand of origin. If the main body encounters danger, it can exchange positions with the origin through this bridge. The most important thing is that this bridge can also pass through the "portal" that the physical body can pass through, and will not be cut off due to the long distance. How long the bridge can be built is related to strength."

"Learning the 'Soul Transfer Technique' only gives you an additional stronger trial and error ability. The strength of the 'Soul Transfer Technique' has a lot to do with your own strength. If you want to hide from gods of the same level, it's easy. If you want to hide from Sequence 3, you can give up resistance the moment you meet Sequence 3."

"Of course this is a joke. You can still try to escape." Lin Shan walked towards the Daozhang platform and materialized the 'Soul Transfer Technique'.

After accidentally seeing some information, Lin Shan realized that these instruments at the Shenzhou Civilization Academy were far from being as simple as they seemed.

In addition to being able to materialize various abilities, it can also greatly shorten the students' comprehension time. Even long-term observation of the abilities materialized by these instruments can improve their comprehension. There are countless benefits.

If there were no instruments, Lin Shan could also complete the teaching, but the time it took was unimaginable. It would take half a year to practice and guide to teach an ability, and it would also require good talent and comprehension. Now that he has instruments, he only needs to create the ability and then let the students learn it themselves.

Lin Shan looked at the dozen students below, and seeing that they all began to concentrate on their understanding, Lin Shan also closed his eyes and immersed himself in his own world.

Lin Shan used the time in the villa to refine life fuel, and Lin Shan used the class time to develop knowledge about the origin of life.

Originally, the ability was developed just to teach students, but as he continued to develop, Lin Shan found that the ability of the origin of life was very complicated.

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