Above the gray fog

Chapter 1415: Virtual God Escort

Mother Lin asked, "Where are you going?"

"To a place far away." Lin Shan's answer contained an unspeakable heaviness.

I thought there would be more questions, but the parents' answers were not what Lin Shan expected.

"Go." Mother Lin's voice was soft and relieved, and the tears in the corners of her eyes shone faintly under the soft light.

Father Lin's voice was also full of support and understanding, "Your mother and I are both fine."

"I'm sorry..." Lin Shan's vision became blurred.

"My child, you have not sorry for us." Mother Lin's voice was like the gentlest starlight in the night sky, shining quietly, and she always smiled.

"I'm sorry..." Lin Shan's eyes wandered between the faces of his father and mother, "I can't see you clearly..." His voice was choked and weak.

Mother Lin's tears burst instantly, and the sad tears rolled down on the hands that wiped away his tears, "My child... you are not wrong, it has been too long."

Father Lin's eyes were also shining with tears, but his voice was still firm, "Xiao Shan, you should move on. We are sorry for you and made you lose the safe haven of your parents. You must have a very hard life."

Lin Shan shook his head, "It's not bitter." He said softly.

Taking one last look at his parents whose faces he couldn't see clearly, his heart said an eternal farewell in silence, "Goodbye."

The surrounding sounds gradually turned into waves of surging water, "Gurgling...Gurgling...Gurgling..."

Lin Shan's figure emerged from the river. He greedily breathed air while quickly calming down his emotions.

Huang Xiong spotted Lin Shan the moment he emerged from the water.

Its almost indescribable huge eyes flashed with complex emotions, doubts, curiosity, and even bottomless wisdom.

Lin Shan didn't pause at all. His body dived into the water again and swam towards the yellow bear's feet.

Following a subtle spatial fluctuation, Lin Shan teleported directly behind Huang Xiong. Then, without giving Huang Xiong any chance, he plunged into the endless abyss behind Huang Xiong.

The abyss below is like a huge mouth, and its dark belly awaits the arrival of prey.

A dozen huge bats measuring light-years wide spread their night-like wings, and their red eyes flashed crimson in the absolute darkness, like stars in the demon world.


Lin Shan pulled out the Spear of Destiny, which contained boundless divine power.

He faced these behemoths directly. The spear tip carried the brilliance of destiny, like golden lightning, piercing the nearest bat and tearing a huge hole in its body.

Seeing that the spear was still stabbing downward, Lin Shan's figure was like an arrow, flying in the opposite direction.

Except for the bat that was shot through, other bats were already in sight.

Just as he was about to fly to the exit, Lin Shan appeared at the bottom of the abyss, pulled by the Spear of Destiny.

The bats quickly changed direction and chased him frantically.

Lin Shan mobilized all his strength, and the darkness around him turned into a series of black lights at his speed. The scene behind him was like a rewind of time and space.

The distance between him and the bats was getting farther and farther. Judging from the speed, these bats did belong to the same Sequence 2 as him, but their size made Lin Shan wonder what they ate to grow up.

After a long period of sinking, Lin Shan finally saw a flash of silver light appearing below.

Sure enough, as he thought, it was another section of the long river of time. Under this abyss, it was silent and vast, wider than the section he had seen before.

The scene below is a strange picture that cannot be seen by ordinary eyes.

Lin Shan floated above the long river, staring at the wonderful scenery in front of him, and couldn't help but ask himself, "Are these really the same river?"

Another section of the long river of time unfolded in his field of vision. It floated in mid-air like an endless silver ribbon, shining with the gentle light of dawn.

This silver flowing light meanders in the deep darkness, seemingly without a starting point.

The place where he is standing now should be the end point.

If he sinks from this position, should he be able to see the last footage of his predecessor before his death?

It's better not to waste time and try it easily now. This half of the river of time belongs to the predecessor, and whether you can come out after entering is still unknown.

The river water here is not in a liquid state like the first half, but a flowing energy composed of countless gray time particles.

The biggest difference between the two time rivers is that Lin Shan's one is still moving forward continuously, while this river is only dead silence.

The river is like stagnant water.

This indicates that the time of the predecessor can no longer continue to flow.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and flew in the opposite direction to the destination.

Time was lost in the second era. The parchment had also said before that he could send himself to the second era.

In other words, the end of this long river of time must be the Second Era.

Suddenly, Lin Shan felt a subtle change while flying.

The time particles in the long river of time below began to lose their original harmonious rhythm.

The previous dead silence was broken by a vague turbulence, and invisible energy surged in the long river of time, as if some huge existence was about to awaken.

An ominous feeling surged in Lin Shan's heart. He sped up and tried to escape from the area before this unknown incident completely broke out.

The fluctuations in the air became more and more violent, and the time particles began to tumble disorderly like a school of disturbed fish.

However, at the moment when Lin Shan tried to break through the chaos, an imperceptible undercurrent quietly formed, which slowly expanded and eventually turned into a huge vortex.

The time particles lost their original trajectory in the invisible traction of the vortex. They were like frightened butterflies, flying out of the long river of time and spreading to the void outside the river.

In this boundless darkness, the streamer belt composed of these particles looked extremely spectacular, with gray and silver light intertwined, forming a rotating beautiful picture scroll.

Lin Shan, who was in the streamer belt, could not help but follow the rotation, and there was a terrifying gravity restricting his movements.

As the vortex rotated more and more rapidly, Lin Shan found himself being pulled by an irresistible force, slowly sinking to the deep river bottom.

"Void God Call!"

Lin Shan's voice echoed in the void, releasing the great spell that was ready.

In response to his call, a crack appeared in the depths of the distant void, as if a hole was torn open in the boundary between reality and nothingness.

From the crack, a huge tentacle slowly squeezed out. Its size was large enough to cross the galaxy. The eyes on it met Lin Shan's eyes.

When its eyes fell on the rotating vortex, the dance of the time particles slowed down instantly, as if it was restrained by a strong will.

After a moment of stillness, a heavy sound of breaking sounded, and the flow of time seemed to be frozen, and then shattered in silence.

Then, the space next to the crack in the distance broke like a spider web, and the huge body of the virtual god gradually appeared. It was suspended above the long river of time. Its existence itself was a challenge to this dimension.

After being promoted to Sequence 2, the size of the virtual god grew to an extremely exaggerated level. Without a reference for comparison, Lin Shan could not describe how huge the virtual god was.

Lin Shan turned into a beam of black light and flew in the direction of the virtual god. Then he stood on the eyeball in the center of the virtual god and controlled the virtual god to fly towards the starting point of the long river of time.

The surrounding time particles fell into a brief pause under the influence of the virtual god, smoothing out possible accidents along the way for Lin Shan.

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