Above the gray fog

Chapter 1425 Escape

"In that case, why are you rushing back to your tribe? Isn't it because you did something wrong?" The shadow on the left smiled sinisterly, "I didn't bother with you before. Let's make another deal and use the lives of this tribe's creatures in exchange for the real Time Spear."

"The Time Spear has already been given to you, and you still have to find such a despicable excuse. You Outer Gods are really notorious for evil." Lin Shan said coldly, "I hurried back to the human race because I was worried about you. You accelerated the time of the Bailing Circle, proving that you must have contacted the human race."

"If you dare to touch my tribe, I will definitely make you regret it." Lin Shan thought about it and added that it would be better to say some harsh words at this time.

"Hahahaha, I'm so scared. These words coming out of your mouth have no deterrent power at all. Do you know who you are talking to? My time is limited. I only give you five seconds to consider."

But before Lin Shan could consider it, the shadow on the right had already slapped the huge planet below.

Leaving a huge palm print on the planet.

"Azmo Dinas, you talk too much. Since the thing is on him, just take it away. Before that, I want to add some seasoning." The phantom on the right clenched his fist with one hand, and the heart-pounding energy condensed in his hand, and then hit the planet below. If it was hit head-on, the planet would be crushed into powder in an instant, and all the creatures on the planet would have no hope of survival.

"Observer! You! What are you doing?" Seeing this, Lin Shan did not react. Azmo Dinas was angry first. The good handle was destroyed by this idiot companion. In this way, the other party would not only be unlikely to agree to hand over the Time Lance, but would even hate them. Although they were not afraid, it was tantamount to asking for trouble.

But it was obviously too late to stop it now.

Lin Shan did not panic, and looked at the energy attacking the planet expressionlessly.

When the two were about to touch, the emerald green planet disappeared directly.

A giant figure composed of holy light suddenly appeared, and this figure was the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit had always been placed by Lin Shan in the human race to protect the human race. When Lin Shan was promoted, the Holy Spirit was naturally promoted as well.

At the critical moment, the Holy Spirit collected the entire planet from the inside.

Seeing the planet below suddenly disappear, the phantom on the right directly stretched out its claws to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan was restricted and could not move. The two phantoms on the left and right were both at the Sequence 1 level, and he could not beat them even if he hit them with his head.

Lin Shan tried to use fate to pull himself to move, but no matter how many times he tried, he would fail.

"It's not on him!" Azmo Dinas's expression changed several times. Could it be that Lin Shan really didn't lie to him, and the Time Spear had been given to him...but what he got was a fake, this thought came to his mind.

"It's not there?" The phantom on the right made a sound, like a shrill scream, and He directly pierced Lin Shan's body with his hand, then clenched his fist, and Lin Shan's whole body was shrinking at a very fast speed, with wrinkles all over his body, and finally shrank into a meat ball and exploded.

The next second, Lin Shan was immediately resurrected on the spot.

Just like Sequence 2 cannot easily kill Sequence 3, Sequence 1 cannot easily kill Sequence 2. However, the old god called the Observer obviously wants to consume Lin Shan to death again and again. This is the simplest and most direct way.

It seems that he is still not satisfied. He reaches out to the Holy Spirit who is watching the show. The Holy Spirit explodes on the spot and turns into particles that merge into Lin Shan's body.

Killing again and again, resurrecting again and again, repeating thousands of times. In the endless cycle, the boundary between life and death becomes blurred. After experiencing thousands of deaths and resurrections, the flesh body finally stops rebirth, and the surrounding void also returns to death.

"Hmph." The Outer God named Observer spoke in a cold and distant voice. Its outline was looming in the void, like a ghost covered with the shadow of stars. "After such a great effort, it actually helped others."

Beside it, another shadow trembled slightly, and its voice was like the murmur of distant star wind, "Maybe... he didn't take back the real Time Lance at all, or maybe he gave it to someone else."

"Who did he give it to?" The tone of the Observer was deep. The moment He asked the question, the void around him seemed to tremble because of His existence, and the texture of the universe seemed to have undergone subtle changes under this invisible pressure. .

"It was given to that crow. This is not easy to deal with. Our power projection is not the opponent of that crow." Azmo Dinas' eyes flashed in the void, like two stars, with deep and cold light.

"Let's go back first. We have been out for a long time. Some people may not be able to sit still. Also, that kid may not be dead just now." Azmo Dinas changed the subject, and his voice was mixed with a hint of elusive meaning.

"Not dead? Impossible, his soul has been annihilated, not even a trace of consciousness is left." The Observer disagreed, and his words revealed absolute confidence.

"He is a new consciousness born on the existence of the 'Infinite Sealer'." Azmo Dinas explained slowly, his voice calm but full of confidence.

"What? He is the continuation of the life of the 'Infinite Sealer'?" The Observer's attitude suddenly became serious, and its form began to solidify.

"They share the same existence, and their relationship is closer than the continuation of life. It is more appropriate to say that they are reborn." Azmo Dinas continued, "But I have confirmed that this new consciousness is not threatening. The most powerful thing about the 'Infinite Sealer' is not 'infinity', but his sealing power that is like the creation of heaven and earth. Obviously, there is no possibility of inheritance of that level of power."

"In addition, the 'Infinite Sealer' is powerful in its terrifying fighting instinct, and the new consciousness does not have this instinct, so he is just a little ghost." There was a kind of contempt in the shadow's voice, as if talking about an insignificant existence.

"But he is related to the 'Infinite Sealer' after all." The observer pondered for a moment, and an indescribable force was brewing, like the silence before the storm, tense and depressed.

The next moment, this power tore through the void like a released beast, stirring up a deafening roar.

It spread outward unrestrainedly, like the collapse of the galaxy, the strong fluctuations distorted the celestial bodies, swallowed up the light, and even the flow of time seemed to succumb to this force.

The entire Bailing Circle collapsed instantly in this fierce force, like fragile glass shattered under a hammer.

The other side.


Lin Shan strolled in the vast Eden Square, his steps leisurely and comfortable, as if he was enjoying the peace and tranquility here.

The bustling crowds and various commodities in front of the stalls formed a vivid picture, but his mind did not seem to be here.

He was walking straight in the direction of the scarecrow.

Eden could transfer consciousness, he had wanted to try it for a long time, and he was still alive, which proved that his guess was right.

But Eden could not transfer all of his consciousness, it could only peel off a strand from the main body and send it to this parallel paradise.

Therefore, he was now only a strand of consciousness that remained, and in terms of feeling, it was like falling from the height of the altar to the mortal world.

His power still exists, but abilities such as perception that rely on the spread of consciousness can no longer function as usual.

Lin Shan stopped and looked at the scarecrow, "How can consciousness be restored?"

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