Above the gray fog

Chapter 1439 Mirror

Lin Shan kept walking. As he went deeper into this mysterious mirror universe, he noticed that the red moon suspended in the sky, the celestial body that usually burned with a deep red color, was gradually losing its luster, like a fire that was about to go out, reflecting the darker place where he was.

This change was not only visual, but also made Lin Shan feel a real, deep chill.

It felt like he was gradually moving away from the place where the red moon could shine, and was going deeper into the realm that the red moon could not reach.

His uneasiness also rose, but his steps did not stop because of this. On the contrary, he chose to speed up.

There was too much calmness along the way, so it was not impossible to have some excitement.

A beam of gray light, like a sharp arrow that shuttled through time and space, passed from the horizon.

The gray light cut through the void, leaving a long and thin afterglow.

The only thing left between heaven and earth was his flying figure and the increasingly dim red moon.

During this high-speed flight, Lin Shan could hardly feel the passage of time, and his consciousness was completely focused on the unknown and mysterious road ahead.

At a certain moment.

The red moon disappeared.

"Crack... crack..."

Then, "crack... crack..." A series of glass breaking sounds rang in Lin Shan's ears.

After coming to his senses, Lin Shan found himself in the air above an unknown land.

Here, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to be rewritten, and everything was reversed, forming an upside-down scene.

Everything in front of him completely overturned Lin Shan's cognition of the natural order.

Huge fish glided in the sky, their bodies left silver tracks in the clouds, and the abdomens of these fish glowed with soft brilliance, illuminating the land below.

On land, birds did not fly in the blue sky, but walked slowly in the soil. Their wings turned into huge leaves covered with moss, and every step they moved left traces of life on the earth.

Lin Shan let go of his perception, and on the continent below, strange scenes emerged one after another, and life multiplied and coexisted in a way that Lin Shan had never seen before.

A group of colorful flowers swayed gently in the windless air, their petals slowly rotating in the air, as if performing a silent dance. These flowers were not rooted in the soil, but floated freely in the low sky with the weak gravity. The fragrance they exuded formed a breeze that blew over the earth.

Under these floating flowers, thriving trees hung upside down in the sky, their roots stretched upward and connected to some floating islands in the sky, and their branches and leaves covered the surface, as if they were a green canopy protecting the earth. The trees were full of strange fruits, some of which emitted light spots, like light bulbs embedded in the ground, illuminating a range.

The mountains were embedded in the sky like reliefs, their outlines were clear, and the peaks were covered with an orange-red flame. The river originated from the mountains and hung in the air like a waterfall, with flames flowing upwards, like a red scarf around the mountains.

On this land, there was obviously another law and order of creatures, and the endless cycle operated in a mode that Lin Shan had never seen before.

Just as Lin Shan was amazed by all this, Xiao Duo's voice sounded in the Zhulong ring, "Finally, we're in. This is the real mirror universe. The so-called mirror is not a copy, but a mirror world that is inverted from the gray fog universe."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Didn't I say it? Maybe I forgot. No matter how you walk, you will get in. The space you just walked through was once part of the mirror universe. It was separated by the source court at the back and exists as a safe zone." Xiao Duo's unconfident voice echoed in Lin Shan's ears, "I remember, I said it all?"

"Just out of the safe zone?" Lin Shan's expression condensed.

"It was a safe zone before, but it's not so safe now. You can see that many monsters are stationed in that space. They are all mutated. The source court did some experiments here, which affected the local creatures. I don't know what experiments they were." Xiao Duo said.

"Yeah." Lin Shan hummed lightly, and the next second, his figure disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was inside a dilapidated village.

The houses here maintain a primitive and simple style, with roofs built with sparse grass and trees, and walls made of rough stones and clay, which look quite solid.

However, the shape of the house is a bit strange, and the angle of the roof is abnormally twisted, as if it may collapse at any time, but they cleverly resist the strange rules of this upside-down world.

Even more strange are the residents of the village, whose heads grow between their thighs, and the arrangement of their facial features is also upside down, with their mouths at the top, and their noses and eyes upside down.

Their hands and feet have interchangeable functions, their palms are dexterous and strange when walking, and their toes are as flexible as fingers to grasp objects.

The residents here are irritable and easily excited. In just a few minutes, Lin Shan witnessed several duels caused by small disputes. They used their feet to grasp simple weapons and fought fiercely.

The rules of the duel are extremely primitive, until the other party begs for mercy.

Lin Shan quietly observed all this. Although he had traveled to countless worlds and seen all kinds of life forms, the scene in front of him still surprised him.

After watching for a while, Lin Shan's novelty decreased, and then he walked towards a town not far away.

This town is also a town of upside-down people. In addition to upside-down people, there are upside-down dogs, upside-down snakes, upside-down birds, upside-down monsters, etc.

Lin Shan stood in the town for a while and found that the only way for the inverted people to communicate was sign language, and they had their own special sign language.

Lin Shan explored several biological communities in a row and found that the inability to make sounds was the common point of these creatures.

Stopping to think, he speculated that this might be due to the unique body structure of these creatures. In this inverted land, the development path of creatures is completely different from that of the normal world, and this silent characteristic may be a result of evolution here.

While these thoughts were still circling in his mind, Lin Shan's eyes were attracted by a huge barrier behind him.

Between heaven and earth, a huge, mirror-like film suddenly appeared. This film distorted the light and refracted strange scenes, as if it was connected to another unknown space.

The film was surrounded by violent energy fluctuations, which were as strong as substance.

Although this energy was violent, it was not enough to pose a threat to him. Its level was probably only at the level of Sequence 4.

Lin Shan stepped into the mirror, alert to possible dangers.

According to rumors, the environment of the mirror universe is extremely dangerous, and only those with strength reaching Sequence 2 are qualified to enter.

However, since he came in, the real danger did not seem to really appear.

Behind the mirror, there is a universe.

Lin Shan's expression became strange, and he saw some familiar scenes.

Is this... the destroyed Bailing Circle?

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