Above the gray fog

Chapter 1450 Primal Power - Black, White, Gray, Red

"Something's going on. It's other hunters." Yekis suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction.

"Let's go and take a look." Hart Yale immediately became interested. "Let's go and rescue them and take away their prey."

In Yekis's rice-like eyes, something called humanity was flickering, "Take it away..."

Bubble turned around and soon found a few black spots in the distance.

It was a team of two humanoid creatures with a void creature. Their life levels were all sequence 2.

The two humanoid gods had been tightly wrapped by the tentacles like dumplings. The void creature was still confronting the monster, but it was obviously at a disadvantage.

The two void monsters were very small, like two small animals. One of them seemed to be twisted by countless spirals, forming the shape of a twisted column. Tentacles and arms were intertwined around its body. Muscles bulged on the tentacles and arms. Each piece looked like a carefully polished work of art. This was a wild void creature.

Facing it was a void creature with a slender figure like a stickman, wearing a silver robe that seemed to be woven from the stars.

The tentacles and arms of the twisted monster burst out waves of power like a multi-barreled shotgun, launching a fierce attack on the stickman creature, and each swing brought a strange whistling sound.

The stickman creature hurriedly responded, and its robe formed layers of ripples on its own to offset the impact. At the same time, its hair expanded and grew, turning into pieces of shadow nets, counterattacking in a strange way.

The attacks of the two did not produce much power, and only had an impact in a very small range.

At a certain moment, both of them suddenly stopped.

The two invisible dark masses intertwined together, making a creaking sound that scratched the eardrums.

A smile appeared on the corner of Hart Yale's mouth beside Lin Shan. He slowly put his hand on the straight knife at his waist. His wrist shook lightly, and the blade flew out of the sheath, instantly breaking the silence of the space. Wherever its edge reached, even the lines of the void seemed to be split in two.

His movements were elegant and deadly. Lin Shan felt a chill on his neck, which was the warning of the death god passing through his skin. In a flash, the void creature like a twist had been cut into two by Hart Yale. After the blade passed, the nothingness was filled with the silence that was split and the dissipating deterrent force.

At the fracture of the creature, the sticky silk thread was like a broken string, trying to maintain the last hope of life.

But an invisible and terrible force slowly curled between the silk threads, as if it was a elegy for death, easily tearing off the last link of life.

"Handle it yourself, be careful." Hart Yale said lightly to the stickman creature in the distance, and then put the twisted creature that was cut in half into the bubble.

"Let's go." Hart Yale said lightly.

Yekis's eyes stayed on the twisted creature for a moment, without compassion, no sympathy, only bottomless indifference. She nodded slightly, and all words seemed redundant.

However, at the moment when the bubble moved, Lin Shan felt a piercing cold on his wrist.

He subconsciously lowered his head and saw that one arm of the twisted void creature grabbed his wrist with unusual persistence.

The touch of the arm was not like flesh, but a kind of coldness that did not belong to this world.

His fingers and arms began to turn black rapidly. The black was not a change in color, but an absolute nothingness, which was spreading to his body like a virus.

Lin Shan could clearly feel that the part that was eroded by darkness had completely lost its feeling, as if his life was being taken away bit by bit.

Hart Yale did not notice Lin Shan's abnormality. He just leaned on the bubble, his eyes were indifferent, and his thoughts were far away.

Lin Shan wanted to call for help, but found that his vocal cords seemed to be frozen, as if there was an invisible barrier that isolated him from the world around him, leaving only the chill that was gradually swallowed by the darkness.

There was no other way, he could only save himself. He didn't believe that he would fall into the hands of this void creature with only a sequence 2 life level.

Lin Shan tried to use his mental power, trying to use the non-material touch to sense the invasion of the darkness, but his mental power was like throwing a stone in the void, without any ripples.

The cold darkness was an invisible thing that could not be touched.

As the black invaded the shoulder, Lin Shan's heartbeat gradually began to accelerate.

He found a force that actively resisted this erosion.

Lin Shan began to explore inward, he traced back to the deepest part of his heart, where his naked life instinct was hidden.

It was vitality!

Vitality can fight against this black power that was like a curse.

Thinking of this, the vitality gathered in Lin Shan's body like a tide, guided by it, and started a silent struggle with the black power that spread to his shoulders.

The black began to crack, just like cold rocks gradually melting in the warm spring breeze.

Lin Shan felt the restraint on his wrist begin to loosen, the cold chill gradually receded, and his skin began to restore its original temperature and color.

As the vitality continued to surge, the tentacles tightly wrapped around his wrist seemed to encounter an incomprehensible force, began to struggle, tremble, and finally fell off powerlessly.

"Hum..." The sound made by Lin Shan attracted the attention of Hart Yale.

The next second, a sharp blade flashed, and the twisted creature was cut into pieces.

"Are you okay?" Hart Yale sat cross-legged in front of Lin Shan and asked with concern. It's not good to die on the way back.

"I'm fine." Lin Shan said weakly. The confrontation just now consumed a lot of his vitality.

"Did you... use your vitality to fight against 'black'?" Hart Yale looked at Lin Shan and asked curiously.

"Black?" Lin Shan's voice was extremely hoarse.

"Well, black, white, gray, and red are the four primitive powers carried by void creatures. If we want to fight in the void, we must also master similar powers. Don't you know? You won't... come to the void without training?" Hart Yale seemed extremely surprised, "What's the difference between this and committing suicide?"

"Black, white, gray, red... Can you teach me?" Lin Shan's expression was slightly condensed. He had never heard of such a thing. Morrison didn't say anything. Did he assume that he could do it?

"I can't teach you black, white, gray, and red. These depend on talent." Hart Yale shook his head slowly and continued, "But, try to merge your mental power, perception, and vitality."

Hearing this, Lin Shan immediately tried to merge.

In the palm of his hand, the blue light was like the first breeze at dawn, gentle and subtle. It was not ostentatious, but quietly blossomed in Lin Shan's palm, with a faint glow, like the faint light of distant stars, reflecting the tranquility in a corner of the deep sea.

Surrounded by it, Lin Shan felt a sense of tranquility and strength he had never felt before.

"This is..." Lin Shan was stunned. What kind of power is this.

"This is Blue, a unique way of fighting in the void for creatures in the world. Not everyone can master Black, White, Gray, and Red, but everyone can use Blue." Hart Yale looked at Lin Shan and said with a smile, "Blue, connects with weapons to gain power. As long as the weapon is made of void materials, it can hurt void creatures. This thing should be knowledge that can be accessed after becoming a god, and it should also be marked as a unique way of fighting in the void."

"You don't know?"

"I don't know."

"Is this a new extraordinary ability?"

"This is a life trait that is the same as mental power."

"After mastering it...how to use it?"

"There is still some time, I can teach you some basic uses of Blue."

"Thank you."

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