Above the gray fog

Chapter 1468 Lady Claire

"Then, let's first talk about the battle with Glass you just fought." Lidia was floating in the air, because she had no feet, and there were only dozens of tentacles hanging down below.

"Although there are only two short moves, I can see many of your weak points." She said.

"Glass initially attacked with black from below. You shouldn't have discovered it so late. At this interval when you were controlled, if Glass wanted, he could do a lot of things. This shows that your observation and reaction speed are very slow. ”

Lidia continued to comment, "Then let's talk about the confrontation between black and blue. Glass restrained black midway, but rejoined him on the other hand. In the process, you chose to use this fist to continue chasing and use the elbow of the other hand. Ministry of Defense.”

"There are too many things wrong. First of all, when Glass restrains all the blacks, he is sending a signal. He will use all his strength in the next blow. At this time, you should not covet such a little damage. You should switch to defense and stay. Use all your strength to find opportunities. No matter when, defense takes less effort than offense. This is the breakthrough point. Because under the special restrictions of this martial arts arena, the strength of the two of you is exactly the same, so there is no gap. He attacks with all his strength. You have to defend with nine points, not three or five points. If you do this, you will be hit hard in an instant. Glass withdrew his strength, so you were just knocked away. If he invaded you with hackers, this would not be the case. ”

"Also, I found that when you were defending, you only mobilized a small part of your mana, so you actually didn't use any of your defense. This shouldn't be your intention. You can't mobilize it as you wish. Blue?" At this point, Lidya was a little confused.

"Blue is the same thing as black. It recovers very quickly. You don't need to use it sparingly, but you have to use it skillfully. If you have the same strength, you can use a small amount of blue or black to leverage the opponent's more blue or black people. Blue Although the recovery speed is fast, it still takes a few seconds. For a powerful creature, hundreds of moves have already passed in these few seconds. "

"Blue is like a stamina bar. After it is completely consumed, it will be fully restored within a few seconds. The two people in the battle should try their best to exhaust the opponent's mana within these seconds. At this time, the consumption of Creatures that have exhausted their mana will enter a period of weakness. The more mana they reserve, the greater their winning rate. This is the same process for other battles with raw power."

"What you have to learn is how to use less mana to consume more mana, leaving some remaining energy to deal a fatal blow before the opponent's mana has recovered. Of course, this is only limited to situations where the strength is equal or one side does not exceed too much."

"Of course, the first thing you have to learn is how not to lose in two moves."

Lidya's long speech, although it was meant to popularize science, made Lin Shan look like a weakling.

This is indeed the case.

Lin Shan admitted that he was weak in front of these two people.

He is also a weakling in front of his peers who have mastered these skills.

Along the way, Lin Shan knew very well what he relied on for his long-lasting victory.

It's a big curse.

Without the great curse, he would most likely not be able to defeat those in the novice arena of the Eclipse City.

But then again, the Great Curse is considered one of his abilities and should not be counted as an external force. If even the Great Curse is considered an external force, then the sequence ability and the current blue can also be defined as external forces.

"Let's practice blue's deployment first. If we want to win a battle by surprise, the first thing we have to do is to mobilize blue as we please and accurately in a very short period of time."

Lidya looked at Lin Shan and said, "Next, you can gather as much blue as I tell you in your hand."

"Do you understand?"

"Understood." Lin Shan nodded.

"Half!" said Lydia.

Upon hearing this, Lin Shan immediately began to mobilize the blue in his body.

A few seconds later, Lin Shan stared at the rich blue color in his hand and said, "Okay."

"Five seconds..." Lidya said with disbelief in her tone, "Are you disabled?"

"Perhaps I am not naturally friendly with blue. The reason I have reached this level is the result of decades of continuous practice." Lin Shan said truthfully, "A long time ago, someone said that I am good at controlling blue. defects.”

"You are no longer innately unfriendly. I have never seen this five-second record. It is a kind of disability, just like others have two hands and you only have one." After speaking, Li Dia looked at the tentacles on her body, "This metaphor may not be appropriate, but that's probably what it means."

Glass's voice came to mind from Lin Shanfang, "There is a saying among the creatures in your world, that misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. This may be a good thing."

"Good thing?" Lin Shan and Lidya looked at Glass at the same time.

"Well, it's not a good thing that you control Lan's slowness." Glass's crystal clear round eyeballs stared at Lin Shan, eyes spinning, "I can't see clearly, let Mrs. Claire take a look. ”

"Come on, let's take you to see Lady Claire. She is the captain of the Targon. When I first boarded the ship, I heard from the old crew that Lady Claire was on the ship when she first boarded the ship. He said that he also heard the same thing from the old crew. In short, Lady Claire has been on this ship for a long time. "Lydia said that she believed in Glass's vision and let Lady Claire take a look first. , and then formulate future training plans.

Lin Shan stood there, immersed in an indescribable emotion.

He had only known these two void creatures for half an hour, but they had already devoted themselves to his situation. This rapid and deep concern made Lin Shan confused - were they doing this out of boredom? Or was this selfless help the embodiment of the kindness passed down from generation to generation by the Lookout?

Since stepping out of the gray fog universe, Lin Shan found that the void was not as desolate and cold as he imagined.

On the contrary, he seemed to encounter more kindness than the gray fog world.

And in this void, even those evils showed their nature in an extremely obvious way, as if every creature seemed to be wearing a mask that could not be hidden, directly reflecting their souls - dark or light.

In such an environment, good and evil are not mixed with any ambiguity, and every creature is firm in its position. Perhaps it is this clear boundary that allows the creatures in this void to quickly choose to stand in line.


The gray passage was like a tunnel leading to an unknown secret place. Glass and Lydia led the way side by side, and Lin Shan followed closely behind. The footsteps echoed in the corridor and merged with the low hum of the hull.

They walked through the long corridor and finally came to a metal door.

Lydia floated lightly to the communication equipment beside her, gracefully as if dancing a silent waltz. Her tentacles touched the speaker-shaped receiver lightly, and the voice conveyed her request clearly and politely, "Lady Claire, we have something to ask you."

Everyone waited quietly in front of the door.

"Lady Claire is a female." Lydia explained.

After waiting for another three minutes, the metal door opened a gap.

"Glass, Lydia, do you have something to ask me?" A mysterious but familiar voice came from the crack of the door. It was the figure that Lin Shan had seen before. She wrapped her whole body in a heavy gray cloth.

"Lady Claire, this crew member named Mumushan is now our student, but he is extremely poor in controlling blue, like a disabled person. We would like to ask Lady Claire to check him personally to see if he is really disabled or if there are other unknown reasons." Seeing Claire asking the question, Glass immediately said.

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