Above the gray fog

Chapter 1471 A plan in a few words

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded to show his understanding.

After explaining Lin Shan's affairs, Lydia and Glass turned and walked towards another group of void creatures.

In the next three months, Lin Shan stood quietly beside the two-headed void creature named Xixi. The void creature named Xixi did not speak again, but occasionally looked at him.

Three months passed in a flash, until the vibration under his feet suddenly stopped. Almost instantly, all the void creatures in Hall No. 1 began to move and walked towards the corridor leading to the outside world.

"Follow me closely." Xixi suddenly spoke, and the voice sounded in Lin Shan's ears, and then he followed the large group silently.

Lin Shan followed behind, passing through the passage all the way to the exit of the Giant God Peak.

He stood on the threshold of the exit, and outside was an endless void.

The Giant God Peak seemed to be suspended above a twisted space, and you could vaguely see the towering mountains stretching, the surging sea fluctuating, the bright stars flashing, and the deep black hole spinning.

Life and death intertwine here, as if it is a microcosm of a grand world.

Other void creatures have already gone their separate ways, either wandering alone or in groups, disappearing into the depths of the void.

Void creatures preparing to go to the world are gathering at the entrance of the world.

Lin Shan followed Xixi and arrived last, and two void creatures were already waiting at the entrance.

Lin Shan looked at them one by one.

The first impression of the first void creature was that it was tall and solemn. It was almost twice the height of Lin Shan, with a straight body and muscle lines clearly visible under its light golden skin. Its head was hairless, and its skin was as smooth as a mirror, revealing a slight metallic luster. Its eyes were deep, like two dark brown gems. It stood like a sculpture. Although it didn't say a word, it exuded an awe-inspiring majesty.

The void creature next to it was completely different. Its body seemed to be made of countless entwined vines, which formed a robe on it, rising and falling slightly with its breathing. Its skin was green and had the texture of plant fibers. Its face exuded a sense of longevity and tranquility. Its eyes were like two green leaves. It stood there as if it was a quiet forest, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Both of them looked like humans, at least they had limbs and heads. Compared with them, the thin shape in front was more bizarre.

"I'm Steinbeck Heller." The tall and majestic golden-skinned void creature looked at Lin Shan and said.

"Hello, my name is Mumushan." Lin Shan also introduced himself immediately.

"Mumushan, stay with us for a while. Don't act without authorization before you understand the situation. You are still too weak." Steinbeck Heller reminded.

"Call me Mom." A soft female voice came into his ears, and the voice came from the void creature covered with vines next to him.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, "Thank you for your care."

"Go in, try to finish it within a year." Steinbeck Heller said, and he was the first to fly directly into the twisted space under the Targon.

"Follow me." Xixi said, and entered second.

Lin Shan followed closely.

Mom followed behind.

Lin Shan only felt that there were images flashing in front of his eyes, so fast that he couldn't see what was playing on the screen with his eyesight.

There was a small light spot that was extremely bright in front of these blurred images.

As Lin Shan continued to move forward, the light spot gradually grew larger, from the initial size of a needle tip, gradually expanded into a dazzling ball of light, and the light became brighter and brighter, almost reaching the point where it was difficult to look directly at.

Just when he was almost drowned by the light, a strange feeling came to his heart, and all the images stopped beating.

He found that he had come to the world.

Lin Shan's perception expanded immediately, covering the vast corner of this world.

However, even though his perception can cover an area of ​​nearly three million light years, it only touches a corner of this world.

The scene in this corner is already a microcosm of the desolate surface.

The earth is cracked, and deep cracks are like scars, which can be seen everywhere. They crisscross, as if endless pain is engraved on the surface. The rivers are dry, and the winding water veins in the past are now only traces of loess chiseled out. The trickle of water is gone, leaving only the dead silence of sediment.

The ruins of the city are scattered everywhere, and the former high-rise buildings are now just piles of irregular rubble and twisted steel, like the remains of a giant beast.

The chimneys no longer smoke, the factories have stopped roaring, and everything is immersed in a strange silence.

The air is filled with a pungent smell of burning, as if it is a mixture of countless chemicals in the air, and their toxins have penetrated into every corner of the earth.

Looking into the distance, it was an apocalyptic scene. Lin Shan sensed the dead forest. The place where trees were lush in the past was now only charred stumps and fragile branches. The bones of animals were scattered in the corners. Their bones were exposed to the sun. Without the cover of flesh, there was only the silence of death.

"Well, I roughly understand." Steinbeck Heller quickly scanned the world under his feet with his dark brown gem eyes.

"This is a world that has been shattered by human disasters. The civilization and prosperity of the past have been swallowed up by ruthless disasters."

"The reason is... the greedy and short-sighted decisions of managers are the wanton trampling of natural laws and the extreme exploitation of resources. All this has caused the collapse of the ecology and the disintegration of all things until the whole world is on the verge of destruction."

"Hmm..." Mom retracted the vines that went deep into the ground, "This world was previously occupied by an extremely advanced civilization. What they did... hurt the origin of the world."

"These creatures may not understand their connection with the world." After the words fell, Mom's body suddenly stirred, and a large piece of black mist gushed out of his body and spread in all directions.

If you look closely, you will find that these black mists are tiny living insects.

Lin Shan was silent beside him. He knew nothing about how to save the world.

"Let's make a plan first." Steinbeck Heller stomped his feet, and a brown continent appeared under everyone's feet in an instant. Then, the world in front of them changed and turned into a huge world full of rocks.

This is Steinbeck Heller's kingdom of God.

Just when Lin Shan was surprised that he suddenly entered someone else's kingdom of God, the next moment, he appeared in a magnificent hall.

There were hundreds of powerful stone giants guarding the hall, each of which was at the level of Sequence 2.

Under the protection of the stone giant, everyone sat around a brown round table.

"The first thing to do is to eliminate the leader of this world. There are two Sequence 1s, but they are not a big deal." Steinbeck Heller said.

"Then, find the world spirit and help it recover." Mom continued.

"After the world spirit recovers, it is necessary to support the leader again." Xixi said.

"We also need to get the gratitude of the world."

"Finally, place the beacon."


Everyone talked one after another, and finally all looked at Lin Shan.

"I'll listen to you." Lin Shan said, and after thinking for a while, he asked again, "But I want to get some fairy food, I don't know how to operate..."

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